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Vanilla Refresh is a quality of life expansion, aiming to make small improvements to Minecraft in its gameplay, immersion, creative mode, multiplayer and more. Features aim to enhance the game whilst still maintaining the vanilla experience.

Config / Settings

Toggle features in the settings menu by using /function vanilla_refresh:_settings in chat


With over 30+ features and still adding, Vanilla Refresh continues improving Minecraft. Any features you don't desire, you can disable and re-enable at anytime via the settings menu

Show Features
  • Player Sitting
    • Sit anywhere by facing straight down, crouching and right clicking. Your hand slot must be empty.
  • Mob Health Display:
    • Displays the health of a mob near you above your hotbar
  • Daycounter:
    • Counts the days of the server and displays them at the start of each day
    • Also displays when first joining a server
    • On milestone days like day 100, or any other day milestone thats a multiple of 100, a special daycounter animation will play
  • Homing Experience Orbs
    • Killed a ghast from a far distance? Those orbs will come straight back to you instead of into lava
  • Totem Works In Void
    • Falling into the void with a totem in hand/offhand will enter you into a controllable float mode of levitation till you reach land.
  • Crops XP
    • When breaking crops, wheat, pumkins, nether wart, etc, you'll have a chance of receiving a bit of experience
  • Extra Loyal Tridents
    • If your (loyalty) trident inevitably falls into the void, it'll no longer meet its end, instead it will bounce right back to you.
  • Better Armor Stands
    • They now have arms, and a bunch of different poses for you to display your armor, items, and weapons
    • Power a lever near them to swap their pose
    • The last 2 poses will look odd: these automatically align to the opposite wall for item hanging! Throw an invisibility potion on the armor stand in one of these poses and you'll have an item hanger.
  • Equipable Banners
    • To equip a banner, triple click sneak whilst holding a banner. Note your head slot must be empty
  • Drop Ladder
    • Found yourself a big drop in a cave below you? Press sneak whilst on a ladder to extend its length down and create hanging ladders allowing you to descend down.
  • Better Player Animations
    • New player animations for leveling up and splashing on water at different heights!
  • Custom Block Animations
    • Blocks including Enchanting Tables, Brewing Stands, Beacons, Wither Skeleton Skulls, Dragon Eggs, and Jukeboxes will have improved block animations. Immersion x100!
  • Subtitles on Major Events
    • Major events like summoning the wither and entering the end will display a dramatic title on screen
  • Subtitles on Biome Discovery
    • When finding a new biome, it'll display the name/category name of the biome as a title on screen
  • Trimmed Armored Piglins
    • Armored piglins now have a chance of spawning in with their armor pieces trimmed. About 8% of all piglins will have trimmed armor, and bastion remnants will have 16% of all piglins with trimmed armor.
  • Death Sound Effects
    • Plays a sound effect globally to all players on your death. Set to play a sound based on how you died, or to a set sound. "F"
  • Local Death Sound Effect
    • Sound effect that plays locally to players who have died. Makes dying a little more dramatic.
  • Wither Drops Head
    • Upon defeating the Wither, it'll drop its head as a trophy to show off your win
  • Spectator Ghost
    • Gives players in spectator mode a white effect particle visible to non spectator players.
  • Griefing Gamerules
    • Within the settings menu, toggle in antigrief whether you want TNT enabled or disabled
  • Low Health Sound
    • If you take damage at low health, a heartbeat amethyst sound will play once
  • Better Lodestones
    • Lodestones have a variety of helpful new functions
    • Drop a named paper ontop of a lodestone to name it. The lodestone will display the name above to players.
    • Change the color of the text with dyes as well.
    • Dropping an ender pearl ontop of the lodestones will create an instant waypoint, which can be teleported to instantly via ender pearls within 96 blocks. The lodestones dye/color also affects the color of the teleport indicator.
  • Path Sprinting
    • Paths now give you speed as an incentive to place paths around your towns
  • Tips
    • Tells the player about certain Vanilla Refresh features when using an item related to that feature.
    • On the start of the 2nd to 5th day, some tips are garunteed to show whilst others only show when holding a related item
    • There is also an extra option available which displays general Minecraft tips in chat
  • Stands and Frames Invisibility
    • Throw an invisibility potion on an armor stand or item frame to make it invisible
    • Use a splash water bottle to make it reappear!
  • Recovery Coordinates
    • Makes the recovery compass show the coordinates and dimension where you died
  • Readable Clocks
    • Holding a clock will show day you're on and time. Put it up on an item frame to see the time without needing to hold it.
  • Party Cake
    • Make your cakes more surprising by dropping a firework on them making them explode with confetti when eaten (no griefing)
  • Better Baby Zombies
    • Halves the health of baby zombies but makes them more excited (Jumps more, and slightly faster)
  • Anvil Grinding
    • Accidentally made some extra deepslate tile stairs? Place an anvil on top of it to convert it back into Cobbled Deepslate. This works for many other blocks like blue ice, stone bricks, and ore blocks.
  • Echo Shard Silence
    • Drop an echo shard ontop of a mob to silence it. You can get that echo shard back by placing water ontop of it.
  • Time Offset
    • You know how the Minecraft F3 Day oddly starts on day 0? Vanilla Refresh adds +1 so that when you first create the world, you're on day 1! On existing worlds, your world will have +1 day added.

Creative Mode

  • Wands

    • A variety of wands useable by server operators to aid in building
    • Access Creative Mode wands with /function vanilla_refresh:_wands in chat**
  • Item Sets

    • Sets of blocks and items to help you quickly get building or equipping armor sets for fighting
    • Access Creative Mode item sets with /function vanilla_refresh:_item_sets in chat**
  • Improved Spectator Mode

    • Upon entering spectator mode, you'll be given a variety of actions to help you in spectator mode, including teleporting to spawn, a random player, reappearing, or giving yourself night vision.

Servers & Multiplayer

  • Join/Exiting Sound Effects
    • Plays a notification sound when someone joins or exits the game
  • Player Statistics: Using /trigger stats players will be able to view their stats the server has tracked.
    • You can view the stats of other online players by using the command /trigger stats set memberIDhere replacing memberIDhere with the member ID of an online player to view their stats. You can find your member ID by using /trigger stats. You can make member ID's easily accessible by setting them to be on the Tab Display or Belowname Display
  • Tab Display: - Allows you to display stats on the player tab list
  • Belowname: Display - Allows you to display stats below the player name OR cycle all their stats
  • Viewable Gamerules: Use /trigger gamerules in chat to see the gamerules and vanilla refresh features the server you are on has configured!
  • Playerlist Command: Use /trigger playerlist to view a list of online players, the count of online players, and how many ever joined the server. Player names are categorized based on gamemodes: Survival/Adventure (Players), Spectators, Creative Mode.
Show Features (Disabled by Default)

Features Disabled By Default: (Must be enabled in settings)

  • Soul Links
    • Stores your items and XP after death in the form of a Soul, when touched by its owner, drops the items and XP.
    • 80% of your XP levels are returned.
    • Souls cannot burn in lava
    • Also not destroyed by the void. If it ends up in the void, it will make an attempt to teleport to the highest point of land it can. If not, teleports to y96
  • First Join Chat Message
    • Lets players know when a member who has joined for their first time joins, along with their member join order number.
  • Enderdragon Drops Elytra
    • Makes the dragon drop elytra on each kill, animated with a pretty epic particle animation.
  • Renewable Dragon Eggs
    • Makes the dragon drop a dragon egg on each kill, not just on its first kill, also animated with a pretty epic particle animation.
  • Looping Jukebox
    • Discs inside a jukebox will play on loop so you dont have to reinsert it everytime you wanna relisten to a disc
  • Gravestones
    • Upon death, a decorative grave will be placed with your head as a marker to other players of your death.
  • Death Stats
    • On death, your death count and time since last death will be announced
  • Dynamic Optifine Lighting:
    • (Buggy and may cause lag) Makes torches emit light in your hand on the serverside
  • Exploding Blast Furnace
    • Disabled by default- for a good reason. This is a joke feature, unless you do actually want exploding blast furnaces lol


For view of the entire license, click here. In summary, just dont republish this project or send modified copies to other people. You may modify it in singleplayer or in your own server. You are free to add this to modpacks as well.

Only one file is permitted to be edited in a public modpack, that being the mod's default settings file. This is helpful for modpack devs if they want certain features disabled from one of my mods. Join my discord if you need help locating this project's default settings file.


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Project members



Technical information

Project ID