Minecraft: Java Edition
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HiddenMons is a Cobblemon Add-on that implements Pokémon not yet in the original mod. All designs and animations are original, inspired by Cobblemon and Pokémon.
How to Install
Download the latest version from Modrinth, and add the .zip file to both "resourcepacks" folder and, when creating a world, to "datapacks" folder.
At the moment, the Pokémon included and their spawn biomes are:
Togepi, Togetic and Togekiss: (Common) Around flowers, flower/magical biomes including Dark Forest, Cherry Grove, Flower Forest, Meadow & Sunflower Plains
Sinistea and Polteageist: (Uncommon) Both Phony and Antique (lower chance to find) variants, in spooky biomes including Dark Forest.
Swablu and Altaria: (Uncommon) Above Y=100 exposed to the sky, mountainous biomes including Meadow, Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks, Stony Peaks, Snowy Slopes & Cherry Grove
Minior Variants: At night in different biomes Disabled Temporarily
- Shielded Variant (Uncommon) At night, in the Overworld Dimension
- Red Variant (Uncommon) in the Nether Dimension
- Orange Variant (Uncommon) At night, in savanna biomes including Savanna, Savanna Plateau & Windswept Savanna
- Yellow Variant (Uncommon) At night, in sandy biomes including Desert, Badlands, Eroded Badlands & Wooded Badlands
- Green Variant (Uncommon) At night, in jungle biomes including Bamboo Jungle, Sparse Jungle & Jungle
- Blue Variant (Uncommon) At night, in freshwater and coastal biomes, including Swamp, River, Stony Shore, Snowy Beach & Beach
- Indigo Variant (Uncommon) At night, in glacial biomes including Frozen Peaks & Ice Spikes
- Violet Variant (Uncommon) In the End Dimension
Kartana: (Ultra-Rare) Exposed to the sky in Bamboo Jungles
Shuppet and Banette: (Common) Underground in Deep Dark or (Rare) on the surface at night
Snom and Frosmoth: (Common) At night, in freezing biomes including Frozen River, Jagged Peaks, Snowy Beach, Snowy Plains & Snowy Slopes
Galarian Yamask and Runerigus: (Uncommon) Underground, below Y=60 around Stone Bricks, Cracked Stone Bricks & Mossy Stone Bricks or (Rare) around Cobblemon Ruins during night time
Roaring Moon: (Ultra-Rare) At night in mountainous biomes including Meadow, Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks, Stony Peaks, Snowy Slopes & Cherry Grove
Spritzee and Aromatisse: (Common) In Flower Forest or Forest biomes
Skwovet and Greedent: (Common) In Taiga or Forest biomes
Pancham and Pangoro: (Rare) In Forest biomes or (Common) in Bamboo Jungle biomes