New! Added Scarf-Pikachu
- Ultra-Rare Spawn in biomes considered #minecraft:is_forest
- Has base stats that match Raichu
- Cannot Evolve New! Added Scarf-Eevee
- Ultra-Rare Spawn in biomes considered #minecraft:is_hill
- Has base stats that match Sylveon
- Now learns a coverage move from each evolution at lvl30 (flamethrower, thunderbolt, surf, dark pulse, psychic, ice beam, giga drain, dazzling gleam)
- Cannot Evolve
- New! Added Scarf-Bulbasaur
- Ultra-Rare Spawn in biomes considered #minecraft:is_jungle
- Has base stats that match Venusaur
- Cannot Evolve
- New! Added Scarf-Charmander
- Ultra-Rare Spawn in biomes considered #minecraft:is_hill
- Has base stats that match Charizard
- Cannot Evolve
- New! Added Scarf-Squirtle
- Ultra-Rare Spawn in biomes considered #minecraft:is_jungle
- Has base stats that match Blastoise
- Cannot Evolve