✅ New
- "Automatic Sapling Replanting" now forks for bamboo and cherry saplings
- "Automatic Crop Replanting" now works for torchflower seeds
🔁 Updated
- in the settings it is now displayed whether the individual settings are on or off (the current state is bold); also reworked settings system, so it is easier to add new options in the future
- "Advanced Clock" now shows time in 24hr form
- "Lava Frostwalker" now creates a bigger magma area when using Frostwalker II; also fixed a bug where the frozen lava flickers between magma and lava if to far away from player
- "Advanced Compass" now shows both rotation values, xyz coordinates and supports intercardinal directions (north-east, south-east, north-west, south-west)
- "Automatic Sapling Replanting" now also works on mud and muddy mangrove roots; now takes 30 seconds to replant anything
- "Path Speed" now only activates, when the player is actually moving
- "Invisible Itemframes" now works by throwing an Potion of Invisibility on the Itemframe, to be more vanilla-like
- smaller optimizations
- pack format is now 26 (1.20.3-1.20.4); supported formats should be 26-28
✅ New
- "Automatic Sapling Replanting" now also works for mangrove propagules
🔁 Changed
- bugfix: blocks generated by lava frostwalker no longer flickers and players wont glitch through them
- bugfix: sounds with autoreplant no longer play globally
- smaller optimizations
- updated pack_format to 12 (1.19.4)
✅ New
- added "Beehive Tooltip"
- added "Lava Frostwalker"
- added "Path Speed"
- added "Show Death Coordinates"
- new category "Automatic Replanting" containing new components "Automatic Sapling Replanting" and "Automatic Crop Replanting"
- new category "Tools and Combat" containing new components "Advanced Clock" and "Advanced Compass"
- new category "Decoration" containing new components "Invisible Itemframes" and "Armorstand Arms"