Minecraft: Java Edition
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With this modpack you can craft items to summon legendary pokemon!
There might be some bugs, report them if you find them so they can be fixed.
If it says that you already are spawning one but you aren't try this command: /scoreboard players set @a whichLegendary 0, we are trying to fix it
Sometimes the item gets used, the animation plays but the pokemon doesn't spawn, that's probably a bug with the cobblemon's command, if it happens spawn it yourself with the /spawnpokemon command and sorry.
How to install
Download the file, LegendarySummoning, that must be put in the "datapack" folder in your world.
How to get resource pack
The zip for the datapack also is the resoursepack! Just put it both in the datapack folder in your world and your resoursepack folder in the .minecraft folder LegendarySummoningResoursepack is the resoursepack that must be put in your "resoursepacks" folder in the .minecraft folder in %appdata%. In game it will probably say that it's outdated when you turn it on but it works fine just ignore it.
Pokemon included
Some models aren't already in cobblemon, so you have to also download the Missing Legends datapack or else they won't have their texture (they can still be summoned and captured though).
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltres
- Rayquaza
- Regice
- Regirock
- Registeel
- Koraidon
- Miraidon
- Galarian Zapdos
- Galarian Moltres
- Galarian Articuno
How to summon them?
To summon a legendary pokemon you need to have his spawn item and right click while being in the right biome.
If you aren't in the right biome it will send you a message in chat.
Crafting recipes and biomes are in the section craftings.
If you have JEI installed you can see all the craftings by looking for the "carrot on a stick" recipe, it will show all of theese too. Once you craft them you should also be able to see them in the basic minecraft recipes little book thing.\
Articuno Whistle for Articuno (lvl 60)
Must be used in: Snowy Slopes or Dyna Tree
Zapdos Whistle for Zapdos (lvl 60)
Must be used in: Mountains or Dyna Tree
Moltres Whistle for Moltres (lvl 60)
Must be used in: Desert or Dyna Tree
Rayquaza Egg for Rayquaza (lvl 75)
Must be used in: end
Weird Rock for Regirock (lvl 70)
Must be used in: Dripstone caves
Weird Iron for Registeel (lvl 70)
Must be used in: Plains Village
Weird Ice for Regice (lvl 70)
Must be used in: Ice Spikes
Mystical Sandwich for Miraidon and Koraidon (lvl 70)
Must be used in: Nether (Koraidon) or End (Miraidon)
To craft it you don't need a crafting table, but to drop on the ground 2 (exactly 2) of bread and one Herba Mystica
Herba Mystica to craft Mystical Sandwich
Dyna Tree
Can be found in Cherry Blossom biomes
If one of the three whistles are used in here the legendary bird's that will spawn will be its galarian counterpart.