Version 1.6.1
This is a port for 1.21.4 with some minor additions.
- Creakings can be hit by Astral Wings
- Testification can be traded by Villagers and pulled in Enchantment Tables.
- Depth Strider and Aqua Affinity give you a little bit more speed / mining speed increase than before.
Report bugs to the discord please :)
Version 1.6: Return to Form
This is a major release that overhauls vanilla enchantments massively! Many have been buffed, some nerfed, and some entirely reworked!
Diminishing Returns
A common theme among my changes is the principle of diminishing returns. The first level of each enchantment will give you a greater effect than the next levels will. This makes enchanting early a bit more desireable. Some enchantments I have done this to (with no other changes) include:
- Efficiency
- Sharpness
- Smite
- Power
- Depth Strider
- Swift Sneak
- Breach
- Protection, Projectile Protection, Fire Protection, Feather Falling, and Blast Protection all go up to Level V. They have been rebalanced accordingly.
- Projectile Protection provides some generic knockback resistance.
- Aqua Affinity now goes to level III and is applied to Chestplates instead of helmets.
- Frost Walker has gained an additional level and it can now be used when riding mounts. You can also press shift to not create ice.
- Density has had its damage increased nerfed.
- Punch and Knockback now have a Level III.
- Piercing and Multishot do not conflict anymore.
- Piercing goes to Level III (the amount of mobs pierced at max is the same) and has a slight armor negation effect.
- Multishot goes to Level II.
- Infinity has been reworked to be a chance to not use arrows, including Tipped and Spectral Arrows. It also can apply to Crossbows and goes to Level III.
- Impaling now functions similarly to bedrock edition. Mobs in the rain or water will take the boosted damage. Slight damage nerf in exchange.
- Holding shift will prevent Wind Burst from triggering.
- Bane of Arthropods will work against mobs inflicted with Infestation. The added damage is about half of what arthropods would take and the slowness effect is much weaker.
Original Enchantments
- Adjusted Starlight's advancement.
- Adjusted Starlight enchantment particle placement.
This is a minor version that makes some tweaks and additions to the enchantments. If you have any suggestions or feedback, send it to me on the discord!!!
Lucky Chain
- The higher your chain, the faster it will break, so cast your rod as soon as possible!
- Added a sound and particle indicator when you have an active chain so it's more clear what is happening. It occurs about every 3s.
- Added particles and a sound effect for when you use the enchantment on an elgible mob.
- Snow Golems are now affected by the enchantment.
- Added a new advancement: "Got Your Nose!" for using Testification 100 times.
Infernal Shield
- Raised the amount of Inferno Charge awarded by mobs slightly.
- Invincibility is slightly easier to obtain and maintain.
- Increased the Inferno Charge awarded by Elder Guardians, Giants, and Players.
Astral Wings
- Slightly increased the hit detection range to make it easier to land.
New update to the pack with a new enchantment (bringing the total count up to five), enchanted book recipes, and a fix to Infernal Shield.
Enchantment Recipes
As a backup in case you play with packs that have overriding loottables, there are now crafting recipes for all five enchantments. They require a book, an experience bottle, and four ingredients that are related to the enchantment effect / source.
Lucky Chain
A new enchantment applied to fishing rods found in Buried Treasure Chests and crafted with some sea and chain related items. It is incompatible with Lure and Luck of the Sea. When you fish something up from water, you will build up a chain, indicated by particles and a sound. As the chain builds, you will fish stuff up faster, gain more fishing luck, and get extra experience. Your chain will break after 30 seconds of not catching something else. When your chain breaks, you gain some additional experience.
Chain Master
Lucky Chain's associated advancement. Build up a chain of 50 in order to achieve this.
Infernal Shield
Fixed an issue where the enchantment did not work if any other enchantments were applied to the armor.
This update is the largest yet! Alongside a new, more traditional enchantment, the others have been massively improved! This is unrelated to the player experience, but I also renamed the file paths (:
A new enchantment which functions like Smite and Bane of Arthropods but is for Villager-type mobs.
- This includes Villagers, Iron Golems, Witches, Vindicators, and more!
- Also applies Weakness I for a few seconds.
- There is no associated advancement.
- Found in Pillager Outpost and Woodland Mansion loot chests.
Has been massively reworked to be far more versatile.
- Can be applied to nearly all tools with durability, such as Swords, Shovels, Hoes, Brushes, Shears, Shields, and more!
- Each particle burst now emits less particles and creates a weaker, shorter-lasting light source.
- The large particle burst and the periodically appearing particles have been removed.
- Is now slightly more common in loot chests.
Astral Wings
Some small tweaks to how particles are handled.
- Particles are now only emitted when the player is moving at a speed which would deal damage to a nearby mob.
- The player emits varying amounts of particles based upon how fast they're moving.
- Decreased the amount of particles created when hitting mobs since it's already very unnoticeable.
Infernal Shield
Has also been massively expanded to refine and balance the experience of using it.
- Inferno Charge is only rewarded when Inferno Shield is equipped.
- Increased Inferno Charge cap to 500, but invincibility now starts at 320 charge instead of 300.
- Mobs now contribute different amounts of inferno charge when you kill them. Hard-to-kill mobs such as Endermen and Ghasts will give 125 score, while Silverfish will only give 25. Bosses will immediately give 500 charge!
- Sounds have been made slightly quieter again.
- Now can be found in all Bastion loot chests.
Thank you so much for all the support! I hope you look forward to future updates! Send any and all criticism or feedback to the Discord attached to the Modrinth page!
Here's a quick update that just fixes some loose ends.
- Infernal Shield now generates in Bridge Bastion Chests 10% of the time.
- Hopefully fixed an issue where sound effects would play globally when using the enchantments in multiplayer.
- Infernal Barrier sfx are a bit quieter.
- Starlight and Astral Wings particles have been slightly adjusted again to minimize lag.
Feel free to report issues in the discord server! I will start work on 1.4 which will have a fourth enchantment and some big changes that will improve the other ones greatly.
A hot new update enters the villa! Explore the dangerous nether to uncover a powerful enchantment that can grant full damage immunity under the right conditions! There are also many tweaks and improvements!
New Enchantment: Infernal Shield
- A new enchantment found in Fortresses and Treasure Bastions.
- Only applicable to Chestplates and is incompatible with protection enchantments.
- When worn, you can kill mobs in order to build up "Inferno Charge," gather enough and you'll transition between various stages. Inferno Charge rapidly decays every tick.
- At Stage 0 you will see no effects.
- At Stage 1 you will see orange flames, hear a sound effect, and receive reduced damage.
- At Stage 2 you will see blue flames, hear a different sound effect, and receive absolutely zero damage.
New Advancement: Fiery Rage
An advancement related to the new enchantment! Maintain Stage 2 of Infernal Shield for 30 seconds! Don't be lame and use a mob farm though, I'll know.
Astral Wings
- Sound effects have been tweaked to have a wider range of pitches. Low speed collisions have a low pitch sound.
- The highest speed collision now deals 75.0 damage instead of 70.0.
- Fixed an issue where the medium speed collision event did not damage the mob (oops).
- If you have The Creeper's Code installed and load Machantments AFTERWARDS, you can find Astral Wings books in Crashed Ship chests.
- Adjusted the periodically appearing particles to be more noticeable but slightly less frequent.
- Adjusted the large burst of particles to be more noticeable and slightly more frequent.
- Decreased the time a light source exists by 0.5 seconds.
- The advancements are now all goals instead of challenges. The big ole grand sound is annoying.
- Updated the description when loading the pack in the datapack menu!!! Very consequential!
Version 1.2
Small update to fix some issues with Astral Wings and to add Advancements!
Astral Wings
- Slightly optimized.
- Now works against other players.
0% Corrupt
An advancement earned by using Starlight 100 times.
Cataclysmic Crash
An advancement earned by landing a hit with Astral Wings at the maximum speed & damage bracket.
Version 1.1
[NEW] Astral Wings
- Found in End City loot chests.
- Applied to Elytras. There is only one level.
- When gliding with the elytra with sufficient speed, deal damage to mobs you collide with.
- The faster you go, the more damage you deal. Divebombing will result in a massive 70 damage hit.
- When gliding, you emit some particles.
- Now sometimes emits a larger burst of particles with an additional sound.
Version 1.0
[NEW] Starlight
- Found in Dungeons, Mineshafts, and Ancient Cities.
- Applied to Swords, Bows, and other weapons.
- When holding a weapon with Starlight, particles will periodically spawn from you.
- Upon landing a hit, a burst of particles and a light source are placed on top of you. The light will slowly decay over the course of about 5 seconds.