updated to 1.21: Added all items/blocks available in the survival as of the release of 1.20.5 changes: copper and tuff has now their own groups, copper items defaults to group:misc if no itemframe contains an copper_ingot. tuff defaults to group: stone_variants if no itemframe is present with a tuff block in it.
FYI: this version will not work on a previous version of the game!
1.20.5: added Armadillo Scutes Wolf Armor changed scute changed to turtle_scute (with backup for earlier version of the game)
1.21: (this requires the epermimental datapack to be installed in the world) added all items/blocks available in the experimental datapack as of the release of 1.20.5 changes: copper and tuff has now their own groups, copper items defaults to group:misc if no itemframe contains an copper_ingot. tuff defaults to group: stone_variants if no itemframe is present with a tuff block in it.
- updated and added all survival obtainable items/ blocks since the original 1.16 pack!
- removed all non survival items/blocks from the pack, as it felt very unnecessary to have creative items/blocks in the pack.
- reworked the groups to be more intuitive and diverse in how you can build up your storage, but mostly to fit my needs!