Minecraft: Java Edition
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Ever wished you could display the creatures of Minecraft in the form of harmless toys? This pack makes that wish come true! Toys can be made in the Crafting Table using an Armor Stand, Sculk Catalyst, and four mob appropriate items!
Manual (Can also be found in pack folder and in-game)
**Note:** There's a Resource Pack that should be used with this Data Pack. The following shows the custom model data values that are taken up in case of a conflicting pack.Custom Model Data Ranges:
Written Book: 12210001 - 12210002
In-Game Manual:
To get help in-game, you can craft a book that has many of these instructions using a Book and Quill, a Sculk Catalyst, and an Armor Stand.
Craft a toy using an Armor Stand, Sculk Catalyst and 4 mob specific items.
Place it down, and the mob toy will soon appear!
Craft a Recall Hammer using Copper Ingots, Blaze Rods, and a Sculk Catalyst.
Drop it on the toy you wish to remove, then you will get the toy item back.
Many toys can be equipped with armor and other listed items by dropping them on it.
To remove any equipment on a toy, drop Shears on it.
Age Control:
A toy can be turned into its baby variant (if it has one) by dropping a Compass on it.
A baby toy can be turned back to its adult variant by dropping a Clock on it.
Sound Control:
A toy can be silenced by dropping a Sculk Sensor on it.
A toy can be unsilenced by dropping a Note Block on it.
Hand Control:
A toy can be set to be left-handed by dropping a Warped Fungus on it.
A toy can be set to be right-handed by dropping a Crimson Fungus on it.
Rotation Control:
-Change Horizontal Rotation: 1-8 Magenta Glazed Terracotta
-Change Vertical Rotation: 1-5 Ladders
Set on Fire:
A toy can be set on fire (if not resistant to it) by dropping a Lava Bucket on it.
A toy on fire can be doused by dropping a Water Bucket on it.
Mob Specific Items/Abilities:
-To Create: 4 Amethyst Shards
-To Create: 4 Armadillo Scutes
-Make Idle/Scared: Spider Eye/Rotten Flesh
-To Create: 2 Moss Blocks + 2 Tropical Fish Buckets
-Swap Variant: Axolotl Bucket
-To Create: 4 Glow Berries
-To Create: 4 Honeycomb
-Add/Remove Nectar: Sunflower/Bee Nest
-Make Angry/Calm: Shears/Campfire
-Add/Remove Stinger: Stick/Wither Rose
-To Create: 4 Blaze Rods
-To Create: 2 Bones + 2 Red/Brown Mushrooms
-Equip with: Bow
-To Create: 4 Breeze Rods
-To Create: 4 Cacti
-Can Use: Saddle
-Make Sit/Stand: Cactus/Try Riding
-To Create: 2 Raw Cod + 2 String
-Can Use: Raw Cod/Salmon, Dye
-Make White: White Wool
-Make Tuxedo: Green Wool
-Make Ginger: Pumpkin
-Make Siamese: Light Blue Wool
-Make British Shorthair: Gray Wool
-Make Calico: Carved Pumpkin
-Make Persian: Sand
-Make Ragdoll: Light Gray Wool
-Make Tabby: Brown Wool
-Make Black: Black Wool
-Make Jellie: Dirt
Cave Spider:
-To Create: 2 String + 2 Spider Eyes
-To Create: 4 Raw Chicken
-To Create: 4 Raw Cod
-To Create: 4 Raw Beef
-To Create: 4 Creaking Hearts
-To Create: 4 Gunpowder
-Make Charged: Lightning
-To Create: 4 Chests
-Can Use: Saddle, Chest
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Copper Ingots
-Equip with: Fishing Rod, Trident, Nautilus Shell
Elder Guardian:
-To Create: 2 Prismarine Crystals + 2 Wet Sponge
-To Create: 4 Ender Pearls
-To Create: 2 End Stone + 2 Ender Pearls
-To Create: 3 Emeralds + 1 Totem of Undying
-Equip with: Ominous Banner
-To Create: 4 Sweet Berries
-Make Red/White: Spruce Log/Snow Block
-Make Sit/Stand: Minecart/Sweet Berries
-Make Crouch/Uncrouch: Raw Chicken/Feather
-Make Sleep/Wake Up: Spruce Leaves/Glowstone
-To Create: 4 Froglights
-Swap Variant: Froglight
-To Create: 4 Ghast Tears
Glow Squid:
-To Create: 4 Glow Ink Sacs
-To Create: 2 Leather + 2 Wheat
-Equip Left/Right Horn: Goat Horn + Warped/Crimson Fungus
-Swap Normal/Screaming: Goat Horn
-To Create: 4 Prismarine Crystals
-To Create: 2 Raw Porkchops + 2 Crimson Fungi
-To Create: 4 Leather
-Can Use: Saddle, Horse Armor
-Change Variant: 1-35 (L)eather
-Make White: L % 7 = 0
-Make Creamy: L % 7 = 1
-Make Chestnut: L % 7 = 2
-Make Brown: L % 7 = 3
-Make Black: L % 7 = 4
-Make Gray: L % 7 = 5
-Make Dark Brown: L % 7 = 6
-Give No Pattern: <8 L
-Give White Marks: 8+ L
-Give White Field: 15+ L
-Give White Dots: 22+ L
-Give Black Dots: 29+ L
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Sand
-Equip with: Iron Shovel, Iron Sword
Iron Golem:
-To Create: 3 Iron Ingots + 1 Carved Pumpkin
-Change Health: 1-4 Iron Ingots
-To Create: 2 Hay Bales + 2 Leather
-Can Use: Carpets, Chest
-Make Creamy: Sand
-Make White: Snow Block
-Make Brown: Dirt
-Make Gray: Stone
Magma Cube:
-To Create: 4 Magma Cream
-Change Size: 1-3 Magma Cream
-To Create: 2 Raw Beef + 2 Mushrooms
-Swap Color: Lightning
-To Create: 2 Leather + 2 Chests
-Can Use: Saddle, Chest
-To Create: 2 Raw Cod + 2 Cocoa Beans
-To Create: 4 Bamboo
-Make Normal: Bamboo
-Make Lazy: Cake
-Make Worried: Ghast Tear
-Make Playful: Pink Wool
-Make Aggressive: Iron Sword
-Make Weak: Slime Ball
-Make Brown: Podzol
-To Create: 4 Feathers
-Make Red: Red Wool
-Make Blue: Blue Wool
-Make Green: Lime Wool
-Make Cyan: Cyan Wool
-Make Gray: Light Gray Wool
-To Create: 4 Phantom Membrane
-To Create: 4 Raw Porkchops
-Can Use: Saddle
-To Create: 4 Gold Ingots
-Equip with: Golden Sword, Crossbow
Piglin Brute:
-To Create: 4 Gilded Blackstone
-Equip with: Golden Axe
-To Create: 2 Emeralds + 2 Arrows
-Equip with: Crossbow, Ominous Banner
Polar Bear:
-To Create: 2 Raw Cod + 2 Snowballs
-To Create: 4 Pufferfish
-Change Puff State: 1-3 Pufferfish
-To Create: 4 Raw Rabbit
-Make Brown: Dirt
-Make White: Snow Block
-Make Black: Black Wool
-Make Black and White: Gray Wool
-Make Gold: Sand
-Make Salt and Pepper: Light Gray Wool
-Make Toast: Use Name Tag
-To Create: 3 Emeralds + 1 Saddle
-To Create: 4 Raw Salmon
-To Create: 4 Raw Mutton
-Can Use: Shears, Dye
-Make jeb_: Use Name Tag
-To Create: 4 Shulker Shells
-Make Dyed/Undyed: Dyes/Water Bucket
-Change Peek State: 1-3 Shulker Shells
-To Create: 2 Stone + 2 Eyes of Ender
-To Create: 4 Bones
-Equip with: Bow
Skeleton Horse:
-To Create: 2 Bones + 2 Leather
-Can Use: Saddle
-To Create: 4 Slime Balls
-Change Size: 1-3 Slime Balls
-To Create: 4 Torchflower Seeds
Snow Golem:
-To Create: 3 Snowballs + 1 Carved Pumpkin
-Can Use: Shears
-To Create: 4 String
-To Create: 4 Ink Sacs
-To Create: 2 Bones + 2 Snowballs
-Equip with: Bow
-To Create: 2 String + 2 Warped Fungi
-Can Use: Saddle
-Make Cold/Warm: Dump in Powder Snow/Lava
Trader Llama:
-To Create: 2 Hay Bales + 2 Leads
-Can Use: Carpets, Chest
-Make Creamy: Sand
-Make White: Snow Block
-Make Brown: Dirt
-Make Gray: Stone
Tropical Fish:
-To Create: 4 Tropical Fish
-Change Variant: 1-22 Tropical Fish
-To Create: 4 Turtle Scutes
-Give/Remove Egg: Turtle Egg/Turtle Shell
-To Create: 2 Amethyst Shards + 2 Emeralds
-Equp with: Iron Sword
-To Create: 4 Emeralds
-Switch Professions: Workstations
-Make Unemployed: Crafting Table
-Make Nitwit: Cookie
-Make Novice: Coal
-Make Apprentice: Iron Ingot
-Make Journeyman: Gold Ingot
-Make Expert: Emerald
-Make Master: Diamond
-Make Plains: Oak Log
-Make Taiga: Spruce Log
-Make Savanna: Acacia Log
-Make Desert: Sandstone
-Make Snow: Snow Block
-Make Swamp: Mangrove Log
-Make Jungle: Jungle Log
-To Create: 3 Emeralds + 1 Iron Axe
-Equip with: Ominous Banner
Wandering Trader:
-To Create: 2 Emeralds + 2 Leads
-To Create: 4 Echo Shards
-To Create: 2 Redstone + 2 Other Witch Items
-Equip with: Potions
-To Create: 4 Nether Stars
-Make Blue/Black: Soul Sand/Wither Skull
Wither Skeleton:
-To Create: 2 Bones + 2 Coal
-Equip with: Stone Sword
-To Create: 2 Bones + 2 Cooked Porkchops
-Can Use: Bones, Dye, Wolf Armor, Shears
-Make Angry/Calm: Arrow/Rotten Flesh
-Make Pale: Spruce Log
-Make Woods: Oak Log
-Make Black: Podzol
-Make Chestnut: Coarse Dirt
-Make Rusty: Jungle Log
-Make Spotted: Acacia Log
-Make Striped: Terracotta
-Make Ashen: Snow Block
-Make Snowy: Powder Snow Bucket
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Raw Porkchops
-To Create: 4 Rotten Flesh
-Equip with: Iron Shovel, Iron Sword
Zombie Horse:
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Leather
-Can Use: Saddle
Zombie Villager:
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Emeralds
-Switch Professions: Workstations
-Make Unemployed: Crafting Table
-Make Nitwit: Cookie
-Make Novice: Coal
-Make Apprentice: Iron Ingot
-Make Journeyman: Gold Ingot
-Make Expert: Emerald
-Make Master: Diamond
-Make Plains: Oak Log
-Make Taiga: Spruce Log
-Make Savanna: Acacia Log
-Make Desert: Sandstone
-Make Snow: Snow Block
-Make Swamp: Mangrove Log
-Make Jungle: Jungle Log
Zombified Piglin:
-To Create: 2 Rotten Flesh + 2 Gold Ingots
-Equip with: Golden Sword
Installation Instructions to Get the Data AND Resource Packs:
Click "Versions"
Select a Version
Under "Files", click "Download" on both the 'Primary' file (data pack) and 'Required resource pack' file (resource pack)
Unzip the files (optional, but recommended as that's how I use/test them).
Add the resource pack to your Selected Packs (ideally at the top) in your Resource Packs menu.
Add the data pack to either your Selected Packs in the Data Packs menu (if adding at world creation) OR put it in your world's 'datapacks' folder (if adding afterwards. Recommended to either not have world open at the time or to close and reopen it afterwards).
You may get a prompt about experimental settings not being supported when opening the world. This can safely be ignored, but it's also never a bad idea to make a backup if it's a world you care about.