Over half a year later I bring a large overhaul and a significant improvement over the old version.
The new portal functions as an alternate path to the End. You will still need to use the stronghold to beat the dragon and get to the outer end first.
Added a lot of new buildings!
Added new traps. Be more careful about your noise.
Added a new key item for the city's vaults so trial chambers are no longer required.
Smaller paths or roads stem out from the main corridors, making feel more like a city!
Adjusted almost all of the existing buildings. The city now feels more vanilla scale and old buildings should look a little better.
Tweaked loot of all sources! You can now find other pieces of iron armor than just leggings. Changes also include removing ancient debris from gravel. That was weird.
Slight changed to the processors
Removed the arena building. I don't think it fit.