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Nutrition is my take on one of Minecraft's oldest problems: why would anyone ever bother eating more than one type of food? In this data pack, each food is given a new deliciousness points stat (known as DP) that changes dynamically based on your diet.

Eat too much of one food at once, and you will risk getting Hunger status effects – even Nausea, if you really overdo it. On the other hand, the longer you don't eat a certain food, the more appealing it gets. Delicious food has a chance of giving you extra Saturation – even Absorption, if it's really tasty.

Who is this for?

Nutrition is designed to appeal to a wide range of people, so it's ideal for multiplayer. In it, you will need to switch foods occasionally, not every five minutes. And even if you don't want to change, there's no overly harsh punishments for sticking to one food, like poison or death. Those who take the time to curate their diet well, of course, will be nicely rewarded for it!

Options menu

A custom options menu for Nutrition is available via the /function mp.nutr:display_options command. You can use this menu to test out the data pack, customize your experience with it, or uninstall it. Example screenshots are available in the gallery.

Guide book

Everything you could possibly want to know about Nutrition is written up in a fancy guide book that I wrote! Any player can access it in survival using /trigger, but be careful, you're only allowed one copy. Example screenshots are available in the gallery.

Stats menu

Keep track of which foods are tasty and which ones are terrible with Nutrition's stats menu! Any player can access it in survival using /trigger mp.nutr.stats, which displays the exact deliciousness of all 40 foods. Example screenshots are available in the gallery.

Content creation

If you'd like to create content with my data pack on YouTube or some other platform, please include my name, the name of this data pack, and a link to this webpage somewhere in the description.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Project ID