- Removed support for modded foods for Raw Carnivore completely
Previously, the power would still work fine when modded food tags were not present even if the main tag files referenced them, but at some point that approach stopped working. Going forward, the Raw Carnivore power will only affect vanilla foods, while modded foods will behave as normal.
If you're playing on a Minecraft version before 1.20, there's a chance Hybrid-v1.1 will still work fine for you.
- Changed keybinds to ensure compatibility between extra keybinds mods for Fabric and Forge (now one datapack fits all):
- Reset Size (Fabric): Denary -> Nonary
- Phantom Voice: Ternary/Tertiary -> Quaternary
- Summon Phantoms: Quaternary -> Quinary
- Moved modded food tags into separate datapacks
Previously, the modded food tags were pre-installed in the main datapack, causing the Raw Carnivore power to break if supported mods weren't installed. Now it's possible to only install datapacks with food tags from mods you actually have, which should prevent the power from breaking.
Fire Breath power no longer costs food and has its own resource that depletes quickly and recharges slowly over time
Fire Breath power now shoots fireballs with significant spread so it's less of a focused beam
Sharp Claws power now also allows you to dig faster when unarmed (affects the same blocks that shovels and hoes do)
Changed power names and descriptions to be more in line with datapack description
Removed unused power files