Minecraft: Java Edition
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~~ NOTICE ~~
This data pack is completely broken in 1.20.5 and onwards. While I have already remade the pack to work with those versions, I won't be releasing it since I'm not happy with the current state of this project. I plan on splitting this project into multiple smaller ones because as it stands, this pack is too bloated with features that don't really add anything to the game, but at the same time don't make sense being removed. Hopefully that's understandable (:
Owl's Ultimate QoL, as the name suggests, implements a slew of quality of life features ranging from simple recipes to better loot tables and even brand new features. The ultimate goal of this data pack is to make Minecraft a better game and to iron out as many of its flaws as possible.
~~ Recipes ~~
~~ Craftable Ore Blocks ~~ Ore blocks are now craftable! Add the corresponding block of ore in the middle (ex. block of diamond) and surround it with stone, deepslate or netherrack to make the ore block. I made it so that it's a block of ore and not just one ore so that you can't dupe materials using a fortune pickaxe. Gilded blackstone is also craftable in the same way. However, copper and lapis ore blocks are made with a cross shape of blocks of copper since a single copper or lapis ore block can more than 9 ores with the right enchantment, and would make duping those materials really easy.
~~ Craftable Bundles ~~ Bundles, everyone's favorite unobtainable item! For some reason, you can't get it in survival without cheats even though it works perfectly fine. To craft it, add string to the top left and top right and add leather or rabbit hide everywhere else except the middle.
~~ Repairable Anvils ~~ Combine a used anvil and an iron block to repair it.
~~ Craftable Finite Stones ~~ Deepslate, tuff, calcite, netherrack and end stone, while abundant, are finite resources. Similarly to granite, diorite and andesite, you can now craft them! Deepslate is made of blackstone and stone, cobbled deepslate is made of blackstone and cobblestone, tuff is made of deepslate/cobbled deepslate and stone/cobblestone, calcite is made of two diorite and an amethyst shard, netherrack is made of any stone and a nether wart and end stone is made by surrounding a chorus fruit with 8 of any stone.
~~ Craft Diamonds from Diamond Gear ~~ You can now craft a diamond from a 3x3 of diamond gear excluding diamond horse armor in a crafting table, no matter the item's durability or enchantments.
~~ Craftable Horse Armor and Saddles ~~ You can now craft the three types of horse armor that are normally uncraftable: iron, gold and diamond. You can craft it by making an H shape in the crafting table using the material you want, just like leather horse armor does. You can also craft saddles with 5 leather and one iron ingot. Very useful, since it lets you use horses early-game, which is the only moment in the game where they are viable.
~~ Craftable Notch Apple ~~ Simply surround a golden apple with blocks of gold and a totem of undying at the bottom to make a notch apple.
~~ Cobweb Crafting ~~ Cover the crafting table with string to make a cobweb.
~~ Craftable Gravel ~~ Put a 2x2 of flint in the crafting table to make gravel.
~~ Rotten Flesh to Leather with a Smoker ~~ You can put rotten flesh in a smoker to turn it into leather. It takes two minutes, and uses up three coal per leather.
~~ Craftable Red Sand ~~ It's already renewable through wandering traders, but those suck, so now you can craft it using redstone surrounded by 8 sand.
~~ Unpackables ~~ You can unpack blue ice, packed ice and all living coral blocks into the original crafting ingredients.
~~ Craftable Coral Blocks ~~ You can craft coral blocks with a 2x2 of the same coral type. Fans can be used alongside regular coral with no problem. However, you can't craft dead coral blocks: you'll have to craft the living version and let them die on land.
~~ Craftable Rooted Dirt ~~ Combine hanging roots with dirt to create rooted dirt. Why is this not in the base game?
~~ Universal Stones ~~ You can now use stone, deepslate, andesite, diorite, granite, tuff, dripstone blocks, basalt, end stone, sandstone, red sandstone and terracotta (including the colored variants) to craft anything cobblestone, cobbled deepslate and blackstone can (furnaces, stone tools, etc). They can be used together with no issues.
~~ Snow Layers as Snowballs ~~ You can craft a snow block using a 2x2 formation of snow layers instead of having to turn those snow layers into snowballs.
~~ Sculk = Sculk Veins ~~ You can now turn sculk veins into full sculk blocks with a 2x2. You can also craft sculk veins with one sculk.
~~ Living Corals to Living Coral Fans ~~ You can turn all living corals into their living coral fan counterparts through crafting. You can't undo this though!
~~ Universal Dying ~~ You can now dye wool, carpet, beds, terracotta, glazed terracotta, candles, stained glass, stained glass panes, concrete powder and concrete powder no matter its original color. For wool, beds and candles, you have to use one dye for one item and for the rest, surround the dye with the item you want to dye.
~~ Craftable Mushroom Blocks ~~ You can craft both red and brown mushroom blocks using a 3x3 of the right mushroom. You can't uncraft them though.
~~ Craftable Music Discs ~~ You can use music disc fragments to craft every music disc instead of just 5 by surrounding an item that relates to the disc with disc fragments. Here is the full list of items: wither rose for 13, any wool for Cat, grass block for blocks, feather for Chirp, compass for Far, emerald block for Mall, soul lantern for Mellohi, any goat horn for Stal, amethyst shard for strad, crying obsidian for Ward, flint and steel for 11, clock for Wait, spore blossom for Otherside, echo shard for 5, gilded blackstone for Pigstep and a pottery sherd for Relic. Also, the original recipe for 5 with 9 disc fragments has been removed so that it's consistent with all the other disc recipes.
~~ Cut Music Discs into Disc Fragments ~~ To get rid of your extra music discs, you can now cut them into one disc fragment each to craft other music discs.
~~ Chorus Logs/Planks from Chorus Fruit ~~ To make wood accessible in the End, you can now use a 3x3 of chorus fruit to craft two cherry logs or a 2x2 of cherry fruit to make two cherry planks.
~~ Cheaper Vanilla Recipes ~~ You can now craft a chain using 3 iron nuggets and one tnt with one sand and one gunpowder. Don't worry, the original recipes are still there, but they give 8 items instead of only one.
~~ More Smooth Stones For Crafting ~~ You can now use deepslate or blackstone as a smooth stone for crafting recipes that require regular stone, like repeaters, comparators and stonecutters.
~~ More Items Craftable With All Stone Types ~~ Levers, dispensers, droppers, observers and pistons can now be crafted using all stone types instead of only cobblestone.
~~ Wood Cutting ~~ You can now cut wood in many different ways at a stonecutter. Logs can be cut into planks, stripped logs and wood blocks, stripped logs can be cut into planks, boats, stripped wood blocks and hanging signs, wood blocks can be cut into planks and stripped wood blocks, stripped wood blocks can be cut into planks, boats and hanging signs and planks can be cut into slabs, stairs, fences, fence gates, doors, trapdoors, signs, buttons, pressure plates and ladders. Bamboo planks can also be cut into bamboo mosaics, which in turn can be cut into their slab and stair variants.
~~ More Stonecutter Recipes ~~ On top of cutting wood, the stonecutter can now cut prismarine into prismarine bricks, packed mud into mud bricks, stone into cobblestone, stone pressure plate or stone button, polished blackstone into polished blackstone pressure plate or polished blackstone button, deepslate into cobbled deepslate, amethyst blocks into all the bud size variants as well as clusters, nether bricks into nether bricks fences, iron ingots into chains, iron bars or heavy weighted pressure plates, gold ingots into light weighted pressure plates and glass (including stained glass) into glass panes of the corresponding type.
~~ Better Prismarine Crafting ~~ Crafting prismarine related blocks is really weird since it doesn't follow the same format as other stones. Now, you can craft 4 prismarine bricks with a 2x2 of prismarine, dark prismarine by smelting or blasting prismarine and sea lanterns with a 2x2 of prismarine crystals. You can still use the vanilla recipes if you really prefer that, though.
~~ More Pie Recipes ~~ Pumpkin Pies now work more as general pies, as they can now also be crafted from sweet berries, glow berries, apples, chorus fruits, carrots, potatoes and beetroots instead of just pumpkins. Obviously, you still need an egg and sugar in the recipes too.
~~ Rabbit Hide as Leather ~~ To make rabbit hide a bit more useful and leather armor more viable early-game, you can craft leather armor as well as leather horse armor with rabbit hide.
~~ Dupe Banner Patterns ~~ Banner patterns can be duped like armor trims, but using amethyst shards instead of diamonds and paper instead of a block.
~~ Oxidize Copper ~~ You can smoke copper and cut copper, but not slabs, stairs or waxed blocks, to oxidize it. It's 4 times slower than other items in the smoker.
~~ Better Blast Furnaces ~~ Blast furnaces can blast all stone related blocks (bricks to cracked bricks, cobble to stone, stone to smooth, etc). Bricks and nether bricks can be smelted super fast.
~~ Better Smokers ~~ Smokers can smoke sea pickles, chorus fruit, sponges, cactus and moss. Chorus fruit and sponges smoke super fast.
~~ Trident Crafting ~~ You can craft tridents with a diamond, a heart of the sea and three prismarine shards.
~~ Craftable Petrified Oak Slabs ~~ Use four dragon's breath and one log to make 16 petrified oak slabs. You can also use Owl's Vanilla Refined to get a cool new texture for them!
~~ Dupe Pottery Sherds ~~ You can dupe pottery sherds similarly to armor trims, but with gold ingots instead of diamonds and a brick instead of a block.
~~ Two Slabs to Full Block ~~ Combining two slabs side by side on a crafting table turns the slabs back into the full block.
~~ Undye Items ~~ Put a dyed terracotta, candles, glass or glass panes in a stonecutter to transform it into its undyed variant.
~~ Honey Bottle From Honeycomb ~~ One glass bottle and three honeycomb turn into one honey bottle.
~~ Fish Revival ~~ You can revive fish in a crafting table with a totem of undying, a bucket and a fish item.
~~ Easier Dispenser Crafting ~~ You can craft a dispenser using a dropper as well as three string and three sticks in the shape of the bow recipe.
~~ Craftable Tall Grass ~~ You can craft tall grass and large ferns with two grass or two ferns, respectively.
~~ Cheaper Beetroot Soup ~~ To make beetroot more useful, you can now craft beetroot soup with one bowl and two beetroot instead of six beetroot. The original recipe still works if you really want that...
~~ Sticks to Torches ~~ Out of coal? You can put sticks on campfires to turn them into torches.
~~ Shapeless Recipes ~~ Paper, bread and shulker boxes can now be crafted without a crafting table as they no longer require specific shapes in their recipes.
~~ Dupe Flowers ~~ All flowers excluding wither roses, torchflowers and pitcher plants can be combined with one bone meal to dupe the flower. Spore blossoms can also be duped, but they require a full bone block instead.
~~ Grow Flowers ~~ To make the tall flowers accessible in superflat, they can now be crafted using a smaller flower and a bone block. Poppies turn into rose bushes, dandelions into sunflowers, alliums into lilacs and pink tulips to peonies.
~~ Big Dripleaf to Small Dripleaf ~~ A big dripleaf will output a single small dripleaf, simple.
~~ Loot Tables ~~
~~ Piglin Brutes Drop Ancient Debris ~~ It's quite rare and can't easily be farmed, but it's at least renewable!
~~ Husks Drop Sand ~~ It's heavily affected by fortune.
~~ Oak and Dark Oak Leaves Drop More Apples ~~ Instead of dropping one apple every 200 leaf blocks, it now drops one every 100.
~~ Goats Drop Mutton ~~ There's no reason for them not to...
~~ Better Fishing Loot ~~ Something that I find odd in the game is how you can only fish up bamboo in a jungle where there already is bamboo in the first place, which is really useless. Now, you can fish it up everywhere! You can also very rarely fish hearts of the sea as a treasure.
~~ More Warden Drops ~~ The Warden can now drop echo shards and disc fragments upon death on top of the usual catalyst, making the disc fragments and echo shards renewable.
~~ More Generous Piglin Bartering ~~ The odds of a piglin bartering a certain item are the same, but the amount it can give is increased.
~~ Illusioner Drops ~~ Instead of dropping nothing, they now drop a totem of undying, various tipped arrows, tons of dragon's breath and one budding amethyst.
~~ Unique Cat Variant Gifts ~~ There's a relatively hidden feature where cats can bring you gifts in the morning after you wake up, but no one uses it since the only useful item you can get from it is a phantom membrane. Now, every cat variant has a unique loot table. Tuxedo, ginger, and siamese have the vanilla loot table but with rabbit hide, rabbit foot and phantom membrane chances boosted respectively. White gives snowballs and bones, but no rotten flesh or chicken. British Shorthair gives honeycomb and glow lichen, but no string or rabbit foot. Calico gives cocoa beans and leather, but no rabbit hide or rabbit foot. Persian gives sweet berries and glow berries, but no feathers or chicken. Ragdoll gives pumpkin seeds, melon seeds, beetroot seeds, potatoes and carrots, but no chicken, rotten flesh, rabbit hide or rabbit foot. Tabby gives frogspawns and slime balls, but no feathers or string. Black gives random weak potions, pufferfish and sugar, but no rabbit hide, chicken, rotten flesh, string or feathers. Jellie gives turtle eggs and scutes, but no rotten flesh or rabbit hide.
~~ More Silk Touchable Blocks ~~ You can now silk touch frogspawns, dirt paths, farmland, infested blocks, cake, chorus plants, brewing stands, respawn anchors, suspicious sand and suspicious gravel. The cake keeps the amount remaining, the brewing stand keeps the fuel and the respawn anchor keeps the charges. The suspicious blocks do not keep their contents.
~~ Villagers Drop Emeralds ~~ Villagers can drop emeralds. They drop no emeralds when they are unemployed or not leveled up, and they drop more emeralds the more leveled up they are.
~~ Elder Guardians Drop a Heart of the Sea ~~ Just like the name says. They always drop exactly one.
~~ Player Heads Drop ~~ When a player kills another player, the dead player drops their head with a tooltip saying who killed them.
~~ Dragon's Breath from Endermen and Endermite When Killed By End Crystals ~~ Just like the name says. Very useful for if you want to get dragon's breath after decorating your main end island.
~~ More Fortune-Affected Blocks ~~ Wheat and beetroot are now affected by fortune. Fortune on wheat is less effective than on other crops while Fortune on beetroot is more effective, which makes beetroot slightly more useful. Cocoa pods are now also affected by fortune, dropping up to 6 cocoa beans.
~~ Fire Aspect-Affected Potatoes ~~ When using Fire Aspect to destroy potato crops, one of the potatoes can now drop baked. There is, however, a chance that it doesn't drop at all, which leads to a loss in profits but a chance to have automatically baked potatoes. Also, poisonous potatoes won't drop at all.
~~ New Features ~~
~~ More Dragon Immune Blocks ~~ The Ender Dragon can no longer destroy blocks native to the end such as purpur and end stone bricks as well as rare blocks like all mineral blocks except blocks of copper and its variants, beacons, end chests, ancient debris and the dragon egg.
~~ More Mud Convertible Blocks ~~ You can now convert grass blocks, podzol and mycelium to mud directly without having to mine it and place it back.
~~ Snowy Foxes in the End ~~ Foxes that spawn in the end, either from spawn eggs or from lightning transformations, are snowy foxes.
~~ Universal Trade Prices ~~ Something that always bugged me is how low villager prices from curing them only applied to the player who cured that villager. Now, trade prices are low for everyone instead of only being low for the person who helped them.
~~ Better Villager Restocking ~~ In the vanilla game, they can only restock twice per day, but now they can restock as many times as they can per day, as long as they have access to their workstation of course.
~~ Fast Villager Curing ~~ Instead of waiting for 3 to 5 minutes to cure a villager, it now gets cured in around 5 seconds (sometimes more, sometimes less).
~~ Rotten Flesh Infection ~~ Throwing a whole stack of 64 rotten flesh on a villager to zombify it.
~~ Easy Teleportation ~~ Some new teleportation commands that are quite handy for teleporting across dimensions easily. All you have to do is enter /function ouqol:tp_overworld to teleport to the overworld, /function ouqol:tp_nether to teleport to the nether, /function ouqol:tp_end to teleport to the main end island or /function ouqol:tp_end_outer_islands to teleport to the end outer islands. There's also /ouqol:spread that can be used to randomly teleport somewhere in the dimension you are currently in.
~~ More Lightning Convertible Mobs ~~ I always thought it was cool that you could transform villagers into witches and pigs into zombie pigmen, so I added a few more transformations! Now, guardians turn into elder guardians (making sponges renewable), allays into vexes, piglins into piglin brutes, evokers into illusioners, sheep into goats, frog into rabbits, cats into ocelots, bats into parrots, trader llamas into llamas, wolves into foxes, polar bears into pandas, shulkers into sculk shriekers, cod into salmon, tropical fish into axolotls, glow squid into squid, pufferfish into dolphins and mules into camels. This makes many more mobs available in superflat and probably many other challenge worlds. To make some weaker mobs not die from the lightning as soon as they transform, the lightning only has to strike around 7 blocks away from where the mob is, so they won't take damage.
~~ Reactivate Sculk Shriekers ~~ You can now reactivate sculk shriekers by throwing an echo shard on an inactive one. Pretty useful if you want to fight the warden closer to your base, or if you want to troll your friends...
~~ Projectiles Turn Into Items After Passing Through Cobwebs ~~ This was actually a feature in 15w49a, an old 1.9 snapshot, that was removed one snapshot later for no reason. At least now it's back, and every single projectile that passes through one apart from tridents turn into their respective items. For projectiles that don't have a respective item, or have one but would be too overpowered to include, I chose a related item. Fireballs and small fireballs turn into fire charges, dragon fireballs turn into dragon's breath, wither skulls turn into bones, llama spit turns into slime and shulker bullets turn into chorus fruit. For some reason however, tipped arrows simply turn into normal arrows, which is a bug that I can't seem to find a fix for yet. I'm sure there can be plenty of cool farm designs that use this mechanic!
~~ Mobs on Blocks ~~ Certain mobs walking on certain blocks trigger some special effects. Here's the list of things that can happen:
- A drowned walking on a sponge turns into a husk and turns the sponge into a wet sponge.
- A mooshroom walking on podzol turns the podzol into mycelium.
- A cow walking on red mushroom blocks or mycelium turns into a mooshroom.
~~ Powdered Snow Cauldron in the End ~~ Powdered snow cauldrons can also be made when throwing a snow block in a water cauldron when in the end.
~~ Azaleas to Dead Bushes ~~ Striking azaleas or flowering azaleas with lightning now turns them into dead bushes.
~~ Reset Repair Cost ~~ You can now reset an item's repair cost, which is the XP cost to combine/repair items at an anvil, by throwing the item and an amethyst shard on a smithing table. Not only does this make repairing items a viable alternative to using mending, but it also gives a purpose to both the smithing table and amethyst shards.
~~ Repair Bedrock ~~ By placing crying obsidian where bedrock used to be and sneaking on it, the bedrock regenerates. This works at the bottom of the overworld, at the bottom of the nether and at the top of the nether.
~~ Fish Guardians in the Dark ~~ When your fishing rod's bobber is at light level 0, reeling in a junk item also reels in a guardian, allowing you to make guardian farms without an ocean monument or to get prismarine in superflat.
~~ Better Frost Walker ~~ Falling on water when you have frost walker II boots will make a patch of ice under you, as opposed to making you fall in the water, allowing for faster transportation using frost walker.
~~ Copper Beacons ~~ You can use copper blocks, as well as all oxidation levels and waxed variants (but not cut copper) as beacon base blocks. You can also activate beacons with copper ingots.
~~ Passive Bees ~~ Wearing a full set of chainmail armor makes bees around you passive, giving a use to chainmail armor.
~~ Enchantment Transfer ~~ Throwing enchanted gear and a book on a smithing table will transfer the gear's enchantments to the book.
~~ Elemental Paintings ~~ The unused elemental paintings can now be placed like any other painting.
~~ Dragon Head Buff ~~ Wearing a dragon head while within 32 blocks away from an end crystal grants you regeneration and absorption, making the head somewhat useful.
~~ Campfire Effects ~~ Throw flowers on a campfire to give that flower's corresponding suspicious stew effect to nearby entities. Using a regular campfire gives effects to players and passive mobs while soul campfires give the effects to mobs. There are also 6 other plants and one other extra item you can use: the spore blossom, the chorus flower and the 2 block tall flowers as well as the totem of undying. Spore blossom gives absorption, chorus flower gives levitation, peony gives water breathing, lilac gives invisibility, sunflower gives haste, rose bush gives speed, torchflower gives long night vision, pitcher plant gives strength and totem of undying gives bad omen. You can also wear a mob head so that soul campfire effects affect you.
~~ Permanent Lighting ~~ Throw a fire charge on a redstone lamp, a furnace, a smoker or a blast furnace to light it permanently. Note the the furnaces do not actually cook items in them and that redstone lamps turn off if there is a block update near them (for example, if you place or break a block near them)
~~ Unstable TNT ~~ Throw gunpowder on TNT to make it unstable, which makes it so that punching it will make it explode. Useful for trolling your friends!
~~ Armed Armor Stands ~~ Throw a stick on an armor stand to give it arms, which allows it to hold items.
~~ Invisible Item Frames ~~ Throwing a phantom membrane on an item frame or glow item frame will make it invisible when it has an item inside of it. If there is no item, the frame will appear as normal, but with some particle effects.
~~ Super Loyal Tridents ~~ Instead of dying in the void, tridents will act as if they hit something and they will return to you.
~~ Anvil Crushing ~~ You can crush blocks by dropping an anvil on them. You can turn wet sponges into sponges, concrete into concrete powder, stones into gravel, (red) sandstone into (red) sand, regular bricks into their cracked variants and smelted ore blocks into raw ore blocks.
~~ Bell Highlighting ~~ Ringing a bell with an item frame containing a mob head on top of it will highlight all mobs of that type nearby. The zombie head highlights zombified mobs, the skeleton skull highlights skeletal mobs, the wither skeleton skull highlights wither skeletons, the creeper head highlights creepers, the piglin head highlights pig mobs, the player head highlights players, the dragon head highlights end mobs and the dragon egg highlights every entity.
~~ Place Any Item in Suspicious Blocks ~~ Placing a sand or gravel block on an item turns the block into their suspicious variants with the item inside.
~~ Remove Curses ~~ Throwing gear with a curse on it and an echo shard on a smithing table will remove the curses from the item.
~~ Remove Trims ~~ Throwing gear with a trim on it and a diamond on a smithing table will remove the trim from the item. You will not get the template and material back.
~~ Copper Ingot as a Magnet ~~ Hold a copper ingot in your offhand to attract items, XP orbs and arrows to you.
~~ Lightning Without Thunder ~~ Hitting a lightning rod with a channeling trident will now always spawn lightning but will also remove the channeling enchantment from the trident unless it was already thundering.
~~ Planned Additions ~~
These features haven't been added yet, but might be added in future updates. (or I may completely scrap them if they don't work out)
- A way to change the weather using prismarine and an altar made of lapis
- A way for sniffers to dig up pottery sherds under specific circumstances
- A way to make piglins and hoglins not zombify in the overworld, most likely using potions
- A double jump accessed by holding dragon's breath in your offhand (might be cancelled since wind charges kind of fill this niche)
- Mod compatibility for wood cutting, slab combining or to add QoL features related to those mods. A few I might add compatibility for are Twigs, Create, Sniffer+, Farmer's Delight and Quark. The compatibility would be accessed through seperate add-on data packs as to not confuse or lag the game if you're playing vanilla.
- Not a feature but more of a transfer: all of the superflat/challenge world specific features such as flower growing, most lightning transformations, guardian fishing, powdered snow generators, mob on block transformations, etc would be moved to a seperate add-on data pack, as they don't make much sense or even lead to less fun gameplay in a standard world. It would also let me make all the features that aren't in superflat even with this data pack (sniffers, most armor trims, pottery sherds, etc) without completely ruining the incentive to explore in regular worlds.
- Make recipes unlock on their own like with vanilla recipes instead of having to use the recipe once for it to unlock and show up in the recipe book. This would be a MASSIVE undertaking though, as every recipe needs one advancement file and there are so many recipes
1.20.5/1.21 Features
- Stonecutter recipes for copper doors and trapdoors to make them cheaper to obtain
- Duping recipes for the new banner patterns and pottery sherds
- Recipes for the 3 new music discs
- Some way to reset vaults and ominous vaults so that you can open them again (perhaps using trial keys since those are kinda useless after you open every vault? In that case, ominous vaults would use up more keys than regular vaults since they have better loot).
- A way to bypass the timer on trial spawners
- Throwing an ominous banner on a campfire will no longer give the bad omen effect, and that function will now be given to ominous bottles instead
There's also an uninstall command that you should run before removing or updating the data pack. All you need to do is /function ouqol:uninstall while cheats are on (you can Open to LAN to temporarily enable cheats).
Feel free to edit the pack like you want: as long as you don't publish that edited copy, that's fine with me.
You can download older versions on the (now abandoned) Curseforge page.