While debugging, I found out that the power "Antiseptic Eyes" is very unoptimized, and have to remove the power from the powers list in glitchdemon.json file. But the ability is still there, and you can add it back by writing "ase:main_aseyes" within the list. Take note, having this power will make the performance to go bad when you look at too many entities, so use it at your risk.
New powers:
"Always watching" - Glitchers glow when they're within the 30-block radius from you. Untested
Static - when you're close to redstone-related blocks, (including pressure plates, buttons, slime and honey blocks etc.) you will gain a pulsing glowing effect, alerting players that you are near their redstone machines, because redstone dusts 8 blocks from you will vigorously be replaced by barriers. Sneaking will replace the barriers back to redstone dusts.
Join - If you kill players who aren't glitchers, they will become one upon death.
- Added ambient sound effect when using the WATCHR ability.
- Tweaked the vociferate notif sound when about to go back to survival.
- Added sound effect when healing.
- Tweaked the delay of the vociferate sound effect when the Watchr power ends
- Added the original Glitcher origin in the datapack, which removed, modified, and added powers to it.
- Modified the Antiseptic Eyes power.
- Moved the glitchernodeath power to be used by the Glitchers instead of the glitch demon origin.
Added particles, effects and glow color to the ability.
Keep in mind you need the Extra Origin Keybinds to make one power to work.
This is the third iteration of the project. Older ones are updated/deleted because it's unnecessary to upload them. Appleskin is added for you to monitor your hunger, saturation, and exhaustion levels.
- Added sound effect for the comatose power within the last second.
- Changed file name to match with the version title.