Minecraft: Java Edition
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(Always updated to the latest Test Version, older versions might not have the same values)
A human that can get stronger by leveling up when fighting but will face stronger enemies.
Experience system: Can get experience by fighting mobs and exploring. (Killing, attacking, taking damage, running and jumping)
Level Values:
- Level 1: +0.25 damage, +0.625% more damage, +2.5% speed, +4% health regeneration, take -0.875% less damage and +1 armor toughness.
- Level 2: +0.5 damage, +1.25% more damage, +5% speed, +8% health regeneration, take -1.75% less damage and +2 armor toughness.
- Level 3: +0.75 damage, +1.875% more damage, +7.5% speed, +12% health regeneration, take -2.625% less damage and +3 armor toughness.
- Level 4: + 1 damage, +2.5% more damage, +10% speed, +16% health regeneration, take -3.5% less damage and +4 armor toughness.
- Level 5: +1.25 damage, +3.125% more damage, +12.5% speed, +20% health regeneration, take -4.375% less damage and +5 armor toughness.
- Level 6: +1.5 damage, +3.75% more damage, +15% speed, +24% health regeneration, take -5.25% less damage and +6 armor toughness.
- Level 7: +1.75 damage, +4.375% more damage, +17.5% speed, +28% health regeneration, take -6.125% less damage and +7 armor toughness.
- Level 8: +2 damage, +5% more damage, +20% speed, +32% health regeneration, take -7% less damage and +8 armor toughness.
Skills and Magic Spells: Will be able to learn skills and Magic spells.
Grimoires: You can craft grimoires to learn a random skill/magic spell, grimoires have tiers that range from 1 to 5, and they will give powers from the same tier as the grimoires.
Tiers: There is only 1 slot for every Tier meaning the max amount of spells/skills you can have at a time is 5, you can always use another grimoire to reroll a spell/skill.
- Lvl 1 - On Level 1 you can use Tier 1 grimoires, you will learn a skill.
- Lvl 2 - On Level 2 you can use Tier 2 grimoires, you will learn a spell.
- Lvl 4 - On Level 4 you can use Tier 3 grimoires, you will learn a skill.
- Lvl 6 - On Level 6 you can use Tier 4 grimoires, you will learn a strong spell.
- Lvl 8 - On Level 8 you can use Tier 5 grimoires, you will learn a very strong skill.
Crafting Recipes:
- Tier 1 - Use a Book with a Magic Crystal in your offhand to make a Tier 1 grimoire.
- Tier 2 - Use a Magic Crystal with Magic Gunpowder in your offhand to make a Magic Smoky Crystal then use a Tier 1 Grimoire with a Magic Smoky Crystal in your offhand.
- Tier 3 - Use a Ender Pearl with Magic Blaze Powder in your offhand to make a Corrupted Ender Eye then use a Tier 2 Book with a Corrupted Ender Eye in your offhand.
- Tier 4 - Use a Corrupted Ender Eye with a Magic Ender Pearl in your offhand to get a Ender Dragon Eye, then use a Tier 3 grimoire with a Ender Dragon Eye in your offhand.
- Tier 5 - Use a Dragon Breath with a Ender Dragon Eye in your offhand to make Ender Dragon Essence, then use a Tier 4 grimoire with Ender Dragon Essence in your offhand.
Rarity: Every spell and skill will have a set rarity, you can use another grimoires from the same tier until you get the one you want:
- Common (white) - 40% Chance.
- Uncommon (green) - 20% Chance.
- Rare (blue) - 10% Chance.
- Epic (purple) - 2% Chance.
- Legendary (yellow) - 1% Chance.
Checking Your Skills: You can check your skills by using a piece of paper in your offhand with a empty mainhand.
Stats: There are 4 stats that can be upgraded: Strength, Agility, Resistance and Magic, the max amount of stats is 10.000, stats also have tiers that range from the letters J to SS, after (J being the weakest and SS the strongest possible)
Stats Tiers: Every time a stats tier increases the stats bonus will increase.
Stats Tiers Values: J (0-500 exp), I (501-1000), H (1001-2000), G (2001-3000), F (3001-4000), E (4001-5000), D (5001-6000), C (6001-7000), B (7001-8000), A (8001-9000), S (9001-9999) and SS (10000)
Stats Effects:
- Strength: Will increase your mining speed, more knockback when you sprint and punch and more damage. (Will also increase damage of some spells) (+0.2 damage, +0.5% damage and +5% mining speed every tier)
- Defence: Will reduce the amount of damage and knockback you take. (take -0.3% less damage and gets +0.5% knockback resistance every tier)
- Agility: Will increase your speed, attack speed, swim speed, allows you to air jump (by pressing space on air) and make you take less fall damage. (+2.4% speed, +10% attack speed, +6% swim speed, -5% fall damage and height of negated fall damage increases)
- Magic: Will increase the amount of mana. (J tier: 50 and SS Tier: 1100) (Tier J mana regen: 1 mana every 105 ticks, Tier SS mana regen: 1 mana every 94 ticks)
Checking Your Stats: You can check your stats by using a piece of paper in your offhand while sneaking with a empty mainhand.
Getting Stronger: Can get stronger by training, every time you attack, get attacked, run, jump or use magic you will get exp for the stats related to the action.
Leveling: Can get level experience by fighting and killing mobs, exploring, and using magic to attack entities, the max level is 8, you will get stronger after every level, and you can unlock a new skill on levels 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8.
Super Mobs: Super version of mobs will spawn of some agressive mobs randomly (can spawn up to 1 of every mob type at the same time, they will teleport to the closest player in a 5 blocks radius every 200 ticks with a 1/4 chance), they are stronger, faster and have more defense, they can have 3 levels, level 1 will spawn on adventurer level 1 ~ 3 (they are blue, have +20% speed, take 30% less damage, deal +5 melee damage, +2 projectile damage and have 6 armor points, theres a 1/12 chance every 120 ticks), level 2 will spawn on adventurer level 4 ~ 6 (they are yellow, have +30% speed, take 40% less damage, deal +6 melee damage, +3 projectile damage and have 8 armor points, theres a 1/11 chance every 120 ticks) and level 3 will spawn on adventurer level 7 and 8 (they are red, have +60% speed, take 50% less damage, deal +8 melee damage, +4 projectile damage and have 10 armor points, theres a 1/10 chance every 120 ticks), they can also drop magic items that can be used for many things.
(Not Added Yet) Hordes of Super Mobs: A rare event where Super mobs can spawn in groups, they will only spawn in players level 4 or higher. (1/50 chance every 2000 ticks, will make custom sound)
(Not Added Yet) Ultra Mobs: Boss like mobs can also randomly spawn from other mobs, they will be much rarer and stronger, they will have 20% chance of dropping magic items, they will only spawn in players level 4 or higher. (1/40 chance every 1800 ticks, will make custom sound)
Structures: There are some mob dungeons added by this datapack (if you downloaded the version with them), the Zombie Dungeon, Medium Dungeon and Creeper Dungeon.
Magic Items: Some of them can be used to craft grimoires and some can be exchanged for level or stats experience points (Magic items that can be combined with other things will always give level experience points, other items will give either stats experience points or temporary effects).
Drops: Items that can drop from Super and ultra mobs, can be swords, tools or armor, they can have something special.
Exchanging Items: Some items can be exchanged by using while sneaking (Look tooltip to see if the item can be exchanged).
Item Rarity:
Common - 30% chance (White), items:
- Magic Crystal (drops from every Super Mob), its an essential crafting item, can be exchange for 20 level experience points.
- Magic Gold Nugget: (drops from Super Piglins), can grant temporary night vision if you use it , can be exchanged for 20 level experience.
Uncommon - 15% chance (Green), items:
- Magic Gunpowder (Drops from Super Creepers), can be exchanged for 40 level experience points. (2x Drop Rate)
- Magic Prismarine Shard (Drops from Super Drowneds and Guardians), can grant temporary water breathing if you use it, can be exchanged for 40 level experience.
Rare - 5% chance (Blue), items:
- Magic Blaze Powder (Drops from Super Blazes), can be exchanged for 120 level experience points. (2x Drop Rate)
- Magic String (drops from Super Spiders and Cave Spiders), can be combined with an item to recover 50 durability, can be exchanged for 120 level experience points.
Epic - 2% chance (Purple), items:
- Magic Ender Pearl: (Drops from Super Enderman), can be exchanged for 25 stats experience points on every stats.
- Magic Golden Apple: (Drops from Super Piglin Brutes), when eaten will give full saturation, can be exchanged for 30 stats experience points on every stats.
- Withering Sword: (Drops from Super Wither Skeletons), deals 2 extra damage and will apply the wither effect to the target, cant be exchanged.
- Brute Axe: (Drops from Super Pinglin Brutes), will deal 2 extra damage, cant be exchanged.
- Vindicator Axe: (Drops from Super Vindicators), deals 1 extra damage, cant be exchanged.
- Super Pillager Crossbow: (Drops from Super Pillagers), has multishot, piercing 5 and quick charge 4, cant be exchanged.
Legendary - 5% chance (Yellow), item:
- (Not Added Yet) Ultra Magic Crystal: (Drops from any Ultra mob), can be exchanged for 500 level experience points, can also be used to upgrade grimoires from tier 1 - 3 without needing the normal method.
- (Not Added Yet) Ultra Zombie Sword: (Drops from ultra zombies) A diamond sword with looting 4.
Random Lore Downsides: Every player that chooses this origin will have a random fear and vulnerability downside that they will keep until they change origins.
Vulnerability Downsides:
- Pain Vulnerability - You take 40% more damage if your current health is lower than 4 hearts.
- Explosion Vulnerability - You take 50% more damage from explosions.
Fear Downsides:
- Fear of Fire - Will make you take 30% more damage to fire and 20% more damage while on fire (You can't have fire resistance).
- Fear of Insects - Will take 2x more damage to arthropods.
- Fear of Darkness - Will get the darkness and weakness 1 effects for 20 seconds every 50 seconds when the light level is 0.
- Fear of Height - Will get nausea and weakness 1 for 20 seconds every 50 seconds above Y 160.
Skills Tier 1:
- Swift Feet: Move 20% faster. (Changed)
- Swift Striker: You deal +3 damage when running. (Changed)
- Better Endurance: You exhaust 40% slower.
- Martial Artist: Deal +4 damage with fists and attack 20% faster with empty hand (Changed)
- Aquatic Might: You have more oxygen, swim faster and deal +3 damage while swimming.
- Undead Slayer: You deal 30% more damage to undead mobs.
- Rough Skin: You deal thorns damage to attackers and you take 10% less damage. (Changed)
- Drain Punch: Attacking entities with your hands will feed you.
- Scorching Precision: You deal +4 damage to entities on fire.
- Wind Bless: You move 10% faster and have 10% more air speed, jump higher when running and take 90% less fall damage. (Changed)
- Shadowy Poison: You can give 10 seconds of poison, nausea and slowness to entities by punching them with a empty hand.
- Reflexive Defense: You take 15% less damage while running.
- Super Slayer: You deal 20% more damage to super mobs.
- Mana Control: You regen mana 20% faster.
Magic Spells Tier 2:
- Wind Force: You push entities around you with the wind by using primary. 14 exp 500 ticks cooldown 15 mana cost
- Gravitational Pillar: You can use this gravity spell to paralise entities where you are looking by making their bodies heavy with primary. 10 exp 400 ticks cooldown, 25 mana cost
- Body Enhancement: You enhance your body with blood magic and get strength, speed and resistance level 1 for 20 seconds. 800 ticks cooldown, 20 exp, 30 mana cost
- Shadow Warp: You teleport to wherever you are looking with primary, 60 blocks distance. 400 ticks cooldown, 10 exp, 25 mana cost
- Darkness Haze: You make a dark haze around you blinding, slowing and weakning entities around you for 30 seconds with primary. 1200 ticks cooldown, 30 exp, 30 mana cost
- Energy Barrier: Makes you and entities in a 3 blocks radius immune to damage and unable to move for 3 seconds. 300 ticks cooldown, 7 exp, 15 mana cost
- Shattering Stomp: Shakes the ground and send entities that are on the ground to the air dealing damage with primary. 600 ticks cooldown, 15 exp, 25 mana cost
- Ariel: You cover yourself with green wind that makes you deal + 2 extra damage, 20% more damage, move 20% faster and take no fall damage by pressing primary. 10 mana every 100 ticks and 2 exp
- Firebolt: You can use this fire thunder beam to burn enemies by pressing primary. 80 ticks cooldown, 2 exp, 10 mana cost Make it deal unblockable damage after some ticks (Changed)
- Soul Firebolt: Firebolt with soul fire. (Dont forget to change too)
- Gale Ariel: Sligtly blue color.
- Gale Windforce: Sligtly blue color.
- Light Warp: light based.
Skills Tier 3:
- Mutant Body: You are immune to poison, hunger, slowness and nausea and you take 15% less damage. (Changed)
- Sword Mastery: You deal +3 damage with swords and attack 10% faster. (Changed)
- Effortless Harvesting: You can mine blocks 40% faster.
- Dominant Posture: Gives slowness and mining fatigue to attackers.
- Chaotic Mitosis: You regen 50% more health from all sources. (New)
- True Shot: You deal +5 damage with projectiles.
- Fleet-footed Strikes: Every time you attack a entity you get speed 2 for 10 seconds. (Changed)
- Apex Impact: You deal 20% more damage to entities with full health.
- Aerial Might: You deal 15% more damage while in the air.
- Life Steal: You have 20% chance of healing half a heart when attacking a living entity, 20 ticks cooldown.
Magic Spells Tier 4:
- Umbral Tether: You can teleport the entity you're looking at to you by pressing secondary. 500 ticks cooldown, 14 exp, 60 mana
- Tempest Slash: You slash entities in a 4 blocks range using air by pressing secondary. 200 ticks cooldown, 5 exp, 20 mana cost
- Vampiric Recovery: You use blood magic to heal your own body. 900 ticks cooldown, 25 exp, 80 mana
- Fiery Cloak: You cover your body in flames by pressing secondary, anyone that hits you burns, your attacks burn, you deal +2 damage, 20% more damage and take 20% less damage. 11 mana every 100 ticks and 2 exp
- Argonaut: You charge your hero strike by pressing secondary, your next physical attack will deal double damage. 8000 ticks, 80 exp
- Hunter Feast: You make everyone around you in a 10 blocks radius 20% weaker while you make yourself 20% stronger for 30 seconds by pressing secondary. 3000 ticks, 50 exp, 200 mana
- Atomic Shadows: A cloak of shadows envelops you, intensifying in density and strength. With a gesture, you release the built-up tension, causing the shadows to implode and explode simultaneously by pressing secondary. 12 blocks range, 2500 ticks, 40 exp, 250 mana
- Level Boost: You make the entity you are looking at stronger for 1 minute by pressing secondary. 6000 ticks, 70 exp, 200 mana
- Level Boost: Recolor.
- Gale Slash: Slightly blue.
- Soul Fiery Cloak: Recolor
- Atomic Light: Light base
Skills Tier 5:
- Bullet Proof: You take 60% less projectile damage.
- Guardian's Resilience: You take 15% less damage while holding a shield. (Stacks if use in both hands at the same time)
- Water Expertise: You deal 10% more damage, take 10% less damage, move and swim 10% faster while inside of water or rain.
- Enhanced Constitution: You get 2 extra hearts.
- Advanced Mana Control: You regen mana 60% faster.
- Sprintmaster: You run 30% faster. (Changed)
- Armor Rejuvenation: Your equipped armor will slowly repair over time.
- Last Stand Might: You deal 20% more damage and move 20% faster when your health is lower than 4 hearts. (Changed)
- Bloodlust: YYou get the strength effect level 2 for 8 seconds after each kill.