Super Enchants

Super Enchants

Data pack

Combine Enchantment Books by Throwing them on top of Anvils. Nearly All Enchantments can Exceed the Vanilla Level Cap.

Server CursedUtility

Created10 months ago
Updated10 months ago

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Super Enchants allows you to combine Enchantments to much higher levels than you're able to do normally in Survival Mode.

Combining Enchantments

Throwing 2 Enchanted Books on top of an Anvil will combine them. If they have the same Enchantment at the same Level, the New Enchanted Book they create will have that Enchantment at the Next Level. And if you throw an Enchantment Book and an Enchantable Item on top of an Anvil, that Enchantment will be applied to the item, removing the need for experience levels.

No More Mutually Exclusive Enchantments!

With this pack, you're able to combine Enchantments you couldn't combine before. Here's a list of some things you can do in this pack.

  • Combine Infinity and Mending on a Bow.
  • Use Infinity on a Crossbow.
  • Combine Infinity and Mending on a Crossbow.
  • Use All Protection Enchantments TOGETHER on Armor Pieces.


Type /function superenchants:config to access the config of Super Enchants. Here, you can change the max levels of all enchantments that aren't hard-capped at level 1 by clicking the wrench to the left of the enchantment you want to change. By default, the max enchantment levels are set to their hard-cap. All of the Enchantment Level Hard-caps are shown under the config image below.

Config Menu

Full Enchantment Level Hard-cap List

Enchantment Level Hard-cap
Aqua Affinity 1
Bane of Arthropods 2147483647
Channeling 1
Blast Protection 255
Curse of Binding 1
Curse of Vanishing 1
Depth Strider 3
Efficiency 255
Feather Falling 7
Fire Aspect 255
Fire Protection 10
Flame 1
Fortune 255
Frost Walker 14
Impaling 2147483647
Infinity 1
Knockback 255
Looting 255
Loyalty 127
Luck of the Sea 255
Lure 5
Mending 1
Multishot 1
Piercing 127
Power 255
Projectile Protection 10
Protection 20
Punch 255
Quick Charge 5
Respiration 255
Riptide 1
Sharpness 2147483647
Silk Touch 1
Smite 2147483647
Soul Speed 255
Sweeping Edge 255
Swift Sneak 5
Thorns 2147483647
Unbreaking 255


If you'd like to uninstall Super Enchants from your world, simply type /function superenchants:uninstall

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