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Welcome to Survivor's Elegy, an extensive datapack designed to add cohesiveness and interesting features to your survival world! Some of the features added are the following:

Game Mechanics

Typing /function siscu:config in the chat will open up a menu

Extended Daytime

Adjust the length of the day with ease! Just access the menu to make your days more relaxed.


Considering Zombified creatures as well-functioning organisms isn't exactly correct, hence why with this datapack they'll rot until they're just a sack of bones. By extension, this also adds new skeleton variants: Piglin Skeletons and Illager Skeletons!


Overworld creatures staying in the nether for a long time will be affected the wither effect every ~1 minute! The withering can be mitigated by staying on other dimensions, which will gradually cure withered entities, or by eating warped wart food, which will extend the time of invulnerability. But beware! Eating too much of said food is not good, and you'll start experimenting side effects if consumed recklessly.


Creatures can be infected with the Phage effect, which will turn them into zombified versions of said creature or die if there's no zombified equivalent. Players can be affected by this too, so watch out for this infection.


Updated Swamp Hut

Swamp Huts have been boring since they were added. This pack changes them so it's a full-fledged house with multiple enemies and a vast amount of loot and information!

New Nether Biome: Withered Grounds

Dark desolated biome with vast amounts of undead withered corpses. Be prepared if you plan on adventuring here, the wither is watching closely!

New nether biome: Metamorphic Caves

Why do blazes only spawn on nether fortresses? In this datapack blazes expand out of their cages and to this extra hot biome, where fire springs are common and lava rivers flood the ground.

Desert Wells

Desert wells will now give the player a reward by dropping a golden ingot in them. This will work only once.Piglin CrevicesBlackstone towers split in half, held together by massive chains. Brimming with piglins, brutes and treasure!

No Spawners

Survivor's Elegy makes his best effort to completely remove spawners from vanila generation. This aims for balancing out the progression tree, removing xp farms from the equation. Currently the only spawners spawning with the pack are magma cubes on bastions, spiders on woodland mansions and silverfish on strongholds.


Illagers now equip torches on their offhand if they're on dark places.

Endermen can spawn holding a wide range of blocks from all dimensions.

Breeding Pigs now gives birth to 1-4 piglets.

Zombies, Drowneds, Husks, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons, Piglins and Zombified Piglins now spawn with new equipment.

Wandering Trader Llamas can now spawn already chested and with different carpets.

Players, Piglins, Hoglins and Zoglins now drop their heads if killed by a charged creeper.


Enchanter's Guide

This special book now replaces the regular book on the Enchanting Table recipe, making enchanted gear a more difficult feature to access.

Netherite Horse Armor

Upgrade a Diamond Horse Armor in the Smithing Table to get a tougher gear for your mount!

Copper Tridents

Tridents can now be crafted by upgrading a lightning rod. When a trident breaks it will revert back to being a lightning rod but keeping all its traits, which means you can upgrade it again and get the same trident back!

Battle Staff

This is an early game weapon that'll require some skill to use properly. It comes with a bamboo variant as well!

Outpost Compass

Dropped by pillager patrol leaders on duty, they point to the nearest pillager outpost.

And way more!

Join CiscuLog's Discord to follow the pack's progress!

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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