Minecraft: Java Edition
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Vis Origins is an addon to the Origins mod which aims to add fun and unique origins to benefit your Minecraft experience!
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Guide to reading the origins:
+ Buff
+- Neutral
- Debuff
= Resource
Currently adds 16 origins:
Land Shark:
A shark that can survive in land and in water.
+ Gillungs: You can breathe both on land and in water.
+ Razor Teeth: You deal an additional 3 damage.
+ Lunge: [Primary, when submerged in water] Lunge forward, acts like riptide. 25 second cooldown.
+ Aqua Affinity: You may break blocks underwater as others do on land.
+ Like Water: When underwater, you do not sink to the ground unless you want to.
+ Aquadynamic: You swim much faster than the average person and can see perfectly through water.
- Carnivore: Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
- Gluttonous: You get hungry 1.5x faster, and gain the hunger effect on land.
- Fins: Due to your lack of legs, you flop around and are afflicted with Slowness II whilst on land.
- Freak Of Nature: You are an abomination of Nature, and so it has rejected you, leaving you with only 8 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
An emerald infused with soul sand of The Nether.
+ Strong Limbs: Your limbs are stronger than others, granting you constant Strength I and Swiftness I.
+ Fire Immunity: You are immune to all types of fire damage.
+ Phantom Form: [Primary] You can switch between human and phantom form at will, but only while you are saturated enough to sprint.
+ Phasing: While phantomized, you can walk through solid material, except Obsidian.
+ Fireball: [Secondary] Shoot an explosive fireball. 15 second cooldown.
+ Ignidynamic: You are capable of swimming through lava the way a human would in water. Additionally, you possess perfect vision in lava.
- Cold: You require the immense heat of the sun to keep you warm, causing you to start freezing under the moon.
- Insomnia: You can't sleep.
- Nether Inhabitant: Your natural spawn will be in the Nether.
- Hydrophobia: You receive damage over time while in contact with water.
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- Fast Metabolism: Being phantomized causes you to become hungry.
A mythical humanoid fox gifted with mysterious powers.
+ Elegant Landing: You land elegantly, rendering you impervious to velocity based damage.
+ Conduction: You are impervious to lightning damage.
+ Hunt Pounce: [Primary, when under a block] Shrouding yourself in shadow allows you to perform a pounce that regular foxes would envy. 7 second cooldown.
+ Forrestrian: Life in the forest has granted you more speed and stamina, causing you to have constant Speed and Jump Boost II.
+ Berries? BERRIES!: You do not take damage from walking into sweet berry bushes, and sweet berries are very healthy for you, refilling more food points and saturation than they would a human.
+ Pure Veins: The holy blood running through your pure veins protect you from impure diseases like Poison and Wither.
- Flammable Fur: Your fur causes you to be more flammable than most, cursing you with more damage from fire.
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- Corrupted Evolution: You only have 7 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Vegetarian: You can't digest any meat.
- Eye Of Mojang: You are incapable of consuming any type of apple, as apples can be harmful to foxes.
A mythical humanoid raccoon, gifted with the intelligence and cunning of real raccoons.
+ Elegant Landing: You land elegantly, rendering you impervious to velocity based damage.
+ Escapist: Running from predators has made you faster, granting you constant Speed III.
+ Trashy Affinity: Due to trash not making you sick, all food fills the same amount of Food Points as Steak, and you are immune to the Hunger effect. However, due to your incredibly high use of energy, you gain a lower amount of Saturation Points from all food.
+ Hop Hop!: [Primary] Perform a small boost in the direction that you're looking. 10 second cooldown.
+ Weasley Non Weasel: You can weasel your way into amazing deals from villagers, and they will occasionally give you items.
+- Tiny Little Trash Boy: You're only one block tall as opposed to two.
- Flammable Fur: Your fur causes you to be more flammable than most, cursing you with more damage from fire.
- Sacrifice: You sacrificed health and size for speed, causing you to only have 5 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Broken Pacifism: When attacking, you have a 20% chance to deal no damage.
- Trashcan Home: You are used to living in the "comfort" of a trashcan, nestled in garbage under a lid. Therefore, you can only sleep when under a roof.
- Emblazened: You are incapable of gaining Strength or Fire Resistance status effects.
Half man, half bull, half boar. A truly deadly creature, but more animal strength means less human intelligence...
+ Roar of Asterius: [Primary] Roar with rage, gaining an immense strength and speed boost for 10 seconds. 40 second cooldown.
+ Elegant Landing: You land elegantly, rendering you impervious to velocity based damage.
+ Stompy: Jumping has a chance to cause a small explosive shockwave which does not harm blocks nor yourself.
+ Built to Kill: You have faster mining and attack speed due to your nature to kill everything in your path as quickly as possible.
+ O, Woe upon the Swines: Humanoid mobs with piglike attributes will never attack you.
+ Smash (the) Tournament: [Secondary] Launch upwards, coming back down with a powerful explosion which does not harm yourself. This does not work while sprinting. 1 minute cooldown.
+- I Didn't Do the Math Wrong: You're a block taller than the average person, to accommodate for having an extra half meshed into your genes.
- Big Guy: Although you have a respectable title, you also have slower movement speed.
- Beef Brain: No, you don't have a beefy brain in the sizable sense. Due to your sheer lack of intelligence, you're incapable of using enchanting tables or anvils. Additionally, you can't wear armor above iron.
- Carnivore: Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
- Liver King: You are incapable of consuming cooked meats. You can, however, ingest cooked fish.
- Hydrophobic Hooves: Your hooves provide no way of swimming through water.
A living conglomerate of coral blessed by interdimensional beings with advanced life.
+ Aqua Affinity: You may break blocks underwater as others do on land.
+ Like Water: When underwater, you do not sink to the ground unless you want to.
+ CoralGen: When fully submerged in water, you will gain Regeneration III.
+ Triple Spiked: You deal more damage with Tridents (melee), receive less damage from Tridents, and have a chance to hurt attackers.
+ Cannibalism: You may consume Nautilus Shells. Committing this act of cannibalism will reward you with sustenance and a random status effect buff.
+ Canteen: [Primary] You have stored water in a canteen. Use this water to give yourself 3 minutes of water breathing. 10 minute cooldown.
+ Nautical Vision: You can see clearly in water.
- Gills: You can breathe underwater, but not on land.
- Shatter: When attacked, your shell has a chance to shatter slightly, causing you to take more damage.
- Hindering Shell: Your shell protects and moistens your limbs. When your limbs are slightly dried, you deal less damage. Therefore, you are afflicted by constant Weakness when on land.
- Coral State: Dolphins do not recognize you as worthy of their blessing, and you therefore cannot be affected with Dolphins Grace.
- Rift Curse: You take double fire damage in The Nether and double explosive damage in The End.
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
Spend too long swimming in the infernal fires of The Nether, and it may start to flow through your veins...
+ Thickened Skin: Because of your thickened infernal skin, you are impervious to fire and possess more resilience.
+ Vein Plating: Your veins run over your thick skin, pumping lava to your molten heart. Upon contact with fire, your veins will form a regenerative plating which heals you.
+ Ignidynamic: You are capable of swimming through lava the way a human would in water. Additionally, you possess perfect vision in lava.
+ Sacrificial Lunge: [Primary] Lunge in the direction you're looking. This deals a small amount of damage to yourself. 20 second cooldown.
+ Searing Bite: You apply fire damage to those you attack, which can make you hunger for more than just a bite.
+ Burning Pain: When on fire, the blood in your veins heats and burns all debuffs away.
+- Brrr: When outside of lava or The Nether, you shake with cold.
- Burning Hunger: Your body temperature makes your stomach acids digest food faster, causing you to exhaust 1.5x faster.
- Dangerous Coolant: Submerging yourself in water will cause you to perish immediately. This does not include touching rain.
- Freak of Nature: You are an abomination of Nature, and so it has rejected you, leaving you with only 8 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Homesick: When outside of The Nether, you are afflicted by Weakness I.
- Semi-Adapted: When outside of lava, you are afflicted by Slowness I.
- Nether Inhabitant: Your natural spawn will be in the Nether.
- Carnivore: Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
A bat enthusiast got a little too close to a group of infected bats... now she is partially a bat, and has saved that colony and many other bats since.
= Echo: Echo is a resource that starts at 70 and gradually decreases whenever certain abilities/powers are used and can be refilled by dealing damage (+2 recovered per damage dealt) or existing in complete darkness (+5 recovered every 600 ticks). A full bar of echo will grant you a small Haste buff, while an empty bar will make you blind. (note: pressing the save toolbar activator in creative mode will immediately refill Echo)
+ Flight: [Primary] You can boost yourself in whatever direction you look with no cooldown. However, each usage of this ability consumes 5 Echo. Additionally, you possess wings.
+ Speedster: You are so incredibly fast that even Artemis would have no hope of hitting you with an arrow.
+ Emo Thriving: You cannot be afflicted with the Darkness effect.
+ Visual Pairment: [Secondary] Toggle Night Vision.
+ Solarity: When not under the sun, you are granted Strength I.
+- Downsized? Barely: You are only one block tall as opposed to two.
- Vampiric Misinformation: You cannot suck blood from others to heal yourself, but it would be beneficial if you could, for you only have 6 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Pathfinding: You take more fire damage due to your frequent flying into lava.
- Wet Bat, Sad Bat: Touching water will consume 4 Echo every 200 ticks. Touching water while at an Echo of >10 will cause you to take damage.
- Acceleration: Upon taking damage, you will be flung in the opposite direction from where you were looking.
You are an infinite shape, a triangle within a triangle folding over itself which is nothing, yet encompassing the entire world in its own plane of existence.
= Geometry: Geometry is a resource with a max of 30. Geometry is lost by taking damage (-1 per damage taken), certain interactions, and using certain powers/abilities. Geometry refills over time while not flying (+2 every 100 ticks). A full bar of Geometry will give you Resistance III, while an empty bar will cause you to die. When at Geometry of >10, you will take more damage. (note: pressing the save toolbar activator in creative mode will immediately refill Geometry)
+ Gravity Manipulator: You possess the ability to fly and walk on liquids. However, flying will drain your Geometry very quickly. (-5 every 80 ticks of flight.) You cannot fly when Geometry is >10.
+ Materialize: [Primary] Summon a barrage of shulker bullets. This ability has no cooldown, but will drain 4 Geometry every time it is used.
+ Blazing Deception: You are impervious to velocity and fire based damage.
+ Confusion: Attacking an entity with a melee attack will afflict it with a random status effect debuff. 10 second cooldown.
+ Coward: You deal much more damage with projectiles.
- Paradox: You only have 6 hearts as opposed to 10, due to your existing within your non-existent self.
- Fabricated Fists: You are constantly afflicted by Weakness III, making most melee options useless.
- Veinless: Status effect debuffs travel faster through your being, causing you to be more susceptible to harmful potions.
- Wingless: You cannot equip Elytra wings.
A hybrid between an Enderman and a Piglin.
+ Gilded Affinity: Golden tools, weapons, and armor, when equipped, will grant you various buffs and abilities. (note: upon picking this origin, you will be granted an advancement that explains this power in full detail. to give yourself this advancement again, press the secondary key)
+ Teleportation: Whenever you want, you may throw an ender pearl which deals no damage, allowing you to teleport.
+ Long Limbs: You can reach further than the average human and possess immunity to damage from falling.
+ Popular: Piglins, Piglin Brutes, and Endermen will never attack you.
+ Durable: You have extra armor toughness by default.
+ Midas Touch: Attacking an entity will freeze it in place for a few seconds. 15 second cooldown.
+ Brute Empowerment: After successfully killing an entity with a maximum health of greater than or equal to 16, you will gain a small strength boost for a short time.
+- Zombify: When in the overworld, you will become slower, but undead mobs will never attack you and fire damage is slightly lessened.
- Large: You have a bigger hitbox.
- Trap: You cannot enter boats, chest boats, or minecarts.
- Hydrophobic: You receive damage over time while in contact with water.
- Tainted Gold: You cannot use Netherite tools and weapons.
- Bad Gene: You take double fire damage.
- Intentional Game Design: Sleeping in a bed in any dimension will cause an explosion.
- Nether Inhabitant: Your natural spawn will be in the Nether.
- Incompatible Blood: Taking damage has a small chance to cause you to begin withering away.
- Obsession: You can only wear golden armor.
Quantum Fluctuator:
It's not Ant-Man... it just has size shifting abilities and uses the word "Quantum" incorrectly.
+ Shrink: [Primary] Become smaller. 2 second cooldown.
+ Grow: [Secondary] Become bigger. 2 second cooldown.
+ Bigger and Better: Your health points scale up with your size. Additionally, jumping while larger has a chance to rupture the ground and harm entities in the radius. This chance and the strength of the explosion scales up with size.
+ Speedy Small: The smaller you are, the faster you will become.
+ Visually Nonvisual: The smaller you are, the less aggro mobs will have on you.
- Vice Versa: The bigger you are, the more aggro mobs will have on you.
- The Bigger They Are...: Taking damage has a chance to stun you in place for a few seconds. This chance scales with size. When stunned, you cannot sizeshift.
- Small Heart: The smaller you are, the less health you will have.
- Need for Mobility: You can not wear any heavy armor (armor with protection values higher than chainmail).
Sculkened Sparrow:
A curious sparrow explored too deep...
+ Infected Wings: You are equipped with infected wings. However, these wings are highly flammable, and will burn away upon being set ablaze.
+ Small: Due to your small stature, hostile entities have trouble seeing you.
+ Sonic Boom: [Primary] You have the ability to replicate a much weaker version of the Wardens sonic boom. 20 second cooldown.
+ Leaps and Bounds: You jump incredibly high.
+ SynerJockey: You can ride other players, and you will receive buffs while on them depending on the origin of the mounted player (ex: Water Breathing while riding the Land Shark). (note: all origins that are not smaller can knock the sculkened sparrow off of them by pressing the sprint key and sneak key at the same time)
+- Afflictor: You have a chance to afflict entities around you with the Darkness effect.
- Blind: When not in a light level under 5 and/or exposed to the sky, you will be constantly afflicted with the Darkness effect.
- Freak of Nature: You are an abomination of Nature, and so it has rejected you, leaving you with only 8 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Need for Mobility: You can not wear any heavy armor (armor with protection values higher than chainmail).
- Just a Peck: Due to your lack of offensive capabilities, you deal less damage.
- Sculkian: You take more damage from hoes.
Lode Kin:
A sentient humanoid Lodestone.
+ Magnetic: You will not drop any metal items upon death.
+ Magnetic North: Consume a Compass to teleport to 0,0. Consume a Compass while sneaking to teleport to a random player. Consume a Recovery Compass to bring all items to you.
+ Bipolar: [Primary] Reverse polarity, causing you to be flung in whatever direction you're looking. 15 second cooldown.
+ Fleming's Rules: You constantly manipulate your magnetic power in a way that causes you to fall slower so as to avoid being dragged to the planet's core. Sneak to fall faster. All velocity based damage taken is halved.
+ Netherite Core: You are immune to fire damage.
- Rejected: You can only wear armor made out of metallic material.
- Pickaxable: You take more damage from pickaxes.
- Heavy Metal: You sink in water.
- Meld: When using a shield, you have a chance to consume it.
- Misaligned Poles: When hit with a metallic weapon, you have a chance to become stunned.
Flying Penguin:
Saying birds can fly is generally a fallacy, as some birds such as penguins cannot fly. However, this penguin chooses to defy logic.
= Stamina: Stamina is a resource with a maximum of 50. Stamina can be drained by sprinting (-5 per 60 ticks) or by using certain powers. Stamina can be regained over time by standing still (+2 per 80 ticks), using certain abilities, or by consuming Stamina Surges (+20 per Surge). High stamina will grant you faster movement speed. Low stamina will hinder your movement speed and inhibit your flight. (note: pressing the save toolbar activator in creative mode will immediately refill Stamina)
+ Denying the Anticedent: You are equipped with wings.
+ Slippery Slope: When sprinting, you will slide on your stomach. (note: to prevent swimming in lava, you will be unable to slide if on fire)
+ Non Sequitur: [Primary] Boost forwards. Drains 10 Stamina. 20 second cooldown.
+ False Analogy: You can hold your breath underwater for longer despite your lack of gills.
+ Aquadynamic: You swim much faster than the average person and can see perfectly through water.
+ Generice Ice Pun: [Secondary] When you have a full health bar, you can lose 4 hunger points to regain 10 Stamina.
- Ran Out of Fallacies: You have ice physics applied for every block.
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- Insatiable: You exhaust faster.
- Unlympian Athlete: You exhaust even faster while sprinting.
- Desaturated: All food restores less saturation.
- Carnivore: Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
- Logical Fallacy: You only have 7 hearts as opposed to 10.
Spooky Rat:
A disciple of The Normal Man, an ally of The Bug, a creature of Stardust. The Rat has decided to partake in festive holiday spirit.
+ Celestial: You are stronger by day and more durable by night.
+ Festive: Entities wearing pumpkins or jack o lanterns will deal no damage to you. Additionally, wearing a pumpkin grants you a small chance to steal life from your target.
+ Scurrier: You scurry around very quickly.
+ Have at Thee: [Primary] Lunge forward. If you come into contact with an entity, it has a chance to be harmed. 20 second cooldown.
+ Woe: [Secondary] Unleash a plague beam, followed by a second slightly delayed plague beam. If you miss, an area of effect plague cloud will be created. 1 minute cooldown.
+- Trick or Treat: Attacking an entity will give them a random status effect.
- Stereotyped: You are a small creature, and therefore you have 7 hearts as opposed to 10.
- Enplagued: You have a chance to be afflicted by the plague upon being wounded.
- Balance: You require your tail to be exposed in order to balance yourself, making you incapable of wearing leggings.
- Frantic: You take more velocity based damage.
- Hydrophobia: You receive damage over time while in contact with water.
- Unclean: You cannot consume any golden food.
A cloud gifted with sentience and humanoid features by the benevolent God called Skyras.
= Moisture: Moisture is a resource that starts at 50 and has a maximum of 100. Moisture can be drained by using certain abilities, being set on fire (-4 per second), or being in hot biomes (-4 every 10 seconds). Moisture can be gained by existing within water or rain (+5 every 7.5 seconds) or drinking potions (+2 per potion). When at 0 Moisture, you will perish. Below 50 Moisture, you will have less hearts and have a chance to regenerate health upon being hit. Health scales up with Moisture and the chance to heal scales down, becoming 20% at 50. When above 50 Moisture, you will have more hearts and start becoming slower, ending up with 5 extra hearts at 100 Moisture.
+ Graceful: You descend gracefully. You can fall faster by sneaking, and you are impervious to all damage from velocity-based sources.
+ Float: [Toggle with Primary] Gain the ability to gracefully swim through the air by sprinting.This swiftly drains Moisture. (-6 every 4 seconds)
+ Displacement: [Toggle with Secondary] You can reform your molecules, allowing you to phase through blocks and ignore environmental hazards. This will drain moisture over time. (-4 every 5 seconds)
+ Alchemulus: The duration and efficiency of status effect buffs is greatened.
+ Within Skyras' Grasp: You take less damage while midair.
+- Translucent
- Super Saturated: When at a Moisture level equal or greater than 80, you will begin to sink when in water.
- Need for Mobility: You can not wear any heavy armor (armor with protection values higher than chainmail).
- Unwieldy: The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- Large Appetite: You exhaust much quicker than others, thus requiring you to eat more.
- Vegetarian: You can't digest any meat.
- Peaceful: You are incapable of dealing damage with tools.
- Wingless: You cannot equip Elytra wings.
Custom Items
Fish Oil:
Fish Oil can be crafted by any of the origins in Vis Origins by combining a Raw Cod and a Water Bottle in your inventory by right clicking one onto the other. It is a food item and crafting material. Pressing the Highlight Spectators key in Creative Mode will give you a Fish Oil. Food/Saturation Values (they differ per origin):
Land Shark - 10 food, 12 saturation
EmeraldFireSoul - 6 food, 6 saturation
Kitsune - Inedible
Tanuki - 8 food, 2.5 saturation
Minoboar - 6 food, 6 saturation
Nautili - 8 food, 8 saturation
Hellmerhead - 10 food, 12 saturation
Chiropteran - 6 food, 8 saturation
Triangulon - 6 food, 6 saturation
Enderlin - 6 food, 6 saturation
Quantum Fluctuator - 6 food, 6 saturation
Sculkened Sparrow - 2 food, 4 saturation
Lode Kin - 6 food, 6 saturation
Flying Penguin - 6 food, 3 saturation
Spooky Rat - 6 food, 6 saturation
Cumulus: Inedible
Stamina Surge:
Stamina Surges can be crafted by any of the origins in Vis Origins by combining a Fish Oil and a Sugar in your inventory by right clicking one onto the other. It can only be consumed by the Flying Penguin origin, and grants 20 Stamina. Pressing the Highlight Spectators Key while sneaking in Creative Mode will give you a Stamina Surge.
Reinforced Echo Shard:
Reinforced Echo Shards can be crafted by any of the origins in Vis Origins by combining a Diamond and an Echo Shard in your inventory by right clicking one onto the other. It can only be consumed by the Chiropteran origin, and completely refills Echo. Pressing the Load Toolbar Activator Key in Creative Mode will give you a Reinforced Echo Shard.