Minecraft: Java Edition
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📘 Description
Adding many new subtle details through particles and a few sounds. All of which can be toggled and some can be further customized. The mod also comes with built-in particle culling and a particle render distance. This mod was designed to be mainly client-sided (Unless you're using Forge 1.20.1), but there are a few features that require server access to work.
✨ Some Key Features
- Particle culling
- Particle render distance
- Fire-related blocks (fire, campfires, candles, torches, etc) have sparks
- Villagers and players snore and have Z particles
- Slimes leave a trail of slime
- Glowstone and redstone blocks emit dust particles
- Allay and Vexes emit magic
- Shearing a sheep drops fluff
- Burning entities have sparks, smoke, and flames
- Vanilla smoke has been replaced with updated textures similar to campfire smoke
- Players with 3 hearts or less have a heartbeat
- Players with 3 hunger or less have stomach growling
- Wearing a mob head will apply the spectator shader for that mob (currently only for the creeper head and Enderman head from Supplemenaries)
- Players and a few mobs have running dust clouds
- Mobs have dust clouds when they hit the ground
- And much more...
A full list of features can be found on the wiki.
Requires Fzzy Config.
📜 Terms of Use
You may
✅ Use this mod as a reference to understand and or create something of your own, as long as it is not a copy or recreation
✅ Use this mod in modpacks with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Edit for personal use
✅ Use this mod for/in YouTube videos or streams with credit and one or more links to any of the project pages*
✅ Create resource packs, data packs, and addon mods for this mod
You may not
❌ Reupload/publish this mod to any website without explicit permission from me and one or more links
to any of the project pages*
❌ Redistibute edited or unedited assets** from this mod without permission from me and credit
* Project pages include CurseForge, Modrinth, Planet Minecraft, GitHub
** Assets include logos, banners, textures, models etc
📚 F.A.Q
Q: Can XYZ feature be disabled?
A: Yes, all features can be disabled in the config menu. If you find that a feature/change cannot be disabled please report it as a bug
Q: Can vanilla clients or clients without the mod join if the mod is installed on the server?
A: Yes, the mod does not need to be installed on the client to join
Q: Does this mod work with Fancy Block Particles, Particle Core, Visuality, or Particular?
A: Yes
Q: Particular's leaves aren't showing, how do I fix them?
A: Disable the 'Cull Particles With No Alpha' config inside the 'General' config section
Q: Do you take suggestions/feature requests?
A: Yes, suggestions and feedback in general are much appreciated. You can provide feedback/suggestions in a GitHub issue, the CurseForge comments, or on my Discord Server. Please keep your suggestions somewhat Minecraft-y, e.g. no blood. Please also try not to suggest things that multiple other mods implement, such as rain ripples.
Q: The mod isn't working/no particles are appearing.
A: Check your Video Settings to make sure that the Particles setting is not set to minimal
💬 Translations
Feel free to translate this mod into any language or update existing translations. To get your translation into the mod, make a pull request on GitHub with the translated language file.
All translators are credited in the list below.
- Simplified Chinese: kuhananxianglai
- Japanese: gohkenytp, kazumadness
- Mexican Spanish: TheLegendofSaram
- Korean: sunbatheproductions
- Russian: Det-rovv
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