We recently reached 1 million downloads on CurseForge and 200 thousand on Modrinth! Thank you all for supporting and downloading the mod! Also thank you to everyone who has reported the big issues with the Forge 1.20.1 version
- Added Mexican Spanish translation (Thanks TheLegendofSaram)
- Added Korean translation (Thanks sunbatheproductions)
- Added Russian translation (Thanks Det-rovv)
- Added
Color Overrides
item rarity config for adding additional/custom colors to items - Added
Only Color Overrides
option toParticle Color Type
config for item rarity particles to only spawn the particles specified inColor Overrides
- Added wait time configs for heart beating and stomach growling
- Rewrote entity extinguish steam (This should fix #73)
- Dust clouds no longer spawn for invisible entities
- [Forge 1.20.1] Revert most of the breaking changes from 1.9.0, meaning its now required on the server again, but should work better
- Optimizations to the Biome Color Water Particle pack and bubble particles
- [Forge 1.20.1] Fixed items not working correctly on servers (#70)
- [Forge 1.20.1] The mod should now work fully client side
Note: Despite the networking changes in this release Forge 1.20.1 is still not fully client sided, however, progress has been made and may be fixed in the next update or so
- Added a snowflake effect for freezing mobs/players
- Added wiki link to ModMenu menu
- The particle and sound registries are no longer synced from server to client. This should allow all clients to join a server with the mod installed whether the client has the mod or not. There is a server config to disable this functionality in case something breaks
- NeoForge now properly checks if the packet channel exists on the client before sending packets
- Particles using the 'custom' render type are no longer culled. This specifically is to fix the elder guardian effect being culled when it shouldn't
- Improvements to sparks spawning around lava
- Lava cauldrons now play ambient sounds and pop vanilla lava sparks
- Replaced the powder snow snowflakes
- Improvements to thrown egg sounds
- Config is now a volume slider rather than a toggle
- The pitch is now somewhat randomized
- Fixed item rarity particles crash with Item Borders support (#64)
- Fixed drowning bubbles spawning too much (#65)
- Fixed composter particles sometimes crashing with other mods (#66)
- Fixed entity effects not being affected if the tick rate is frozen (#67)
- Fixed mob skull shaders sometimes not applying correctly
- Fixed vanilla XP bottle effects not appearing for clients without the mod installed on servers with the mod