Side teleporters now drop a Teleporter Base instead of 6 iron ingots.
The "Teleport" button in the 10th slot of the Netherite Teleporter was not working because I forgot to write the necessary code. It is now fixed.
The bug where the reset button in the 12th slot was resetting the 11th slot has been fixed.
Fixed the bug where the Remote Teleporter Controller was asking for Dimension Pearls from players in Creative mode.
Using the Remote Teleporter Controller while in Creative will no longer play the entity.endereye.death sound effect.
Side Teleporters now generate their particle effects as intended.
The Graven Netherite Teleporter Frame can now be crafted back into a normal Netherite Teleporter Frame with a stonecutter.
Motherboard crafting now requires one extra Nether Quartz.
Dimension Pearl now requires one less Ender Pearl, and its crafting recipe has been changed.
The stack size of Glass and Redstone Cores has decreased from 64 to 16.
The stack size of Blaze and End Cores has increased from 1 to 16.
- The rarity of Redstone, Blaze, and End Cores has changed:
Redstone Core = Uncommon
Blaze Core = Rare
End Core = Epic
- The rarity of Dimensional, Void, and Ancient Pearls has changed:
Dimensional Pearl = Uncommon
Void Pearl = Rare
Ancient Pearl = Epic
- The rarity of the Online Teleporter Remote Controller has changed:
Online TRC = Rare
- Some translation fixes.
** I will no longer update the turkish build seperatly anymore, so it is outdated now. ** Artık türkçe sürümü ayrı ayrı güncellemeyeceğim, bu yüzden artık güncel değil. Son sürüm için ingilizceyi indirin.