Adventures In Time
on Mar 23, 2025- temporarily fixes invisible tardises
on Mar 22, 2025- fix: /ait erase-chunks is no longer accessible by non-op people. whoopsie. (#1275)
- fix: store proper subsystem in the chest on reconfig (#1274)
- perf: improved security check (#1273)
- Fix: made planet swords have less attack speed (less OP) (#1261)
- Fix: planet block loottables and pickaxeminable level (#1261)
- fix: armor stand renders respirators and other stuff correctly now (#1260)
- fix: reverted mercury disc compression (#1255)
- fix: boti easter egg rendering (#1253)
- fix: being able to breathe where you shouldn't be with your helmet off. (#1248)
- fix: fixed old, invisible TARDIS'. (#1247)
- fix: Fixed armor not rendering on armor stands! (#1244)
- fix: ait:staser_bolt_magazine not being in loottables (#1241)
- fix: allow to use any json values in /ait data (#1238)
- fix: transparent doors (#1237)
- fix: boti scale (#1237)
- fix: no more seemingly random sync crashes (#1236)
- fix: config no longer overwrites itself (#1235)
- fix: engine not breaking its blocks (#1233)
- fix: dalek mod exteriors are back (#1232)
- fix: tardis no longer returns another subsystem core (#1229)
- fix: blueprint tooltip flickering between amounts (#1228)
- add: Added a QOL feature where if the inventory key is pressed it closes AIT's GUIs! (#1227)
- fix: delete invalid exteriors on use and on collision (#1226)
- fix: Exterior not rendering correctly behind the shields! (#1223)
- fix: Disabled visualiser (#1222)
- fix: sonic overlay no longer overlaps with the cursor (#1217)
- fix: Engine phasing can trigger between 1-300 durability (#1215)
- fix: Engine phasing will now cause ghost monument (#1215)
- fix: server no longer crashes when using RWF (#1204)
on Mar 16, 2025Last update: #1199
- add:
config option to blacklist worlds from travel. (#1153) - fix: Rematerialization is no longer as heavy on performance as it was before (#1149)
- fix: use filtered world list in environment projector (#1134)
- refactor: remove unused parameters from environment projector block entity (#1134)
- fix: ignore tardis dimensions when generating world cache (#1133)
- add: Added Glass Blocks to be shattered (#1079)
- add: Added Entity Health Scanning (#1079)
- add: Added Block Tool Requirement Scanning (#1079)
- feat: AIT discs spawn in AIT structures (#1172)
- Updated good man disc (#1197)
- add: show a warning for AMD GPUs without Indium (#1194)
- feat: engine comes with cables, requires 3x3 space (#1192)
- feat: play monitor idle sound effects (#1191)
- feat: display subsystem name & info on sonic scan (#1188)
- feat: sonic scan mode is now hand-dependent (main = blocks/entities, off = region) (#1187)
on Mar 16, 2025- More consoles
- Time Vortex
- Sound switcher
- Engine + Subsystems
- Item Opignions
- Handles
- Cultist structures
- Space, Mars, Moon
- Sonic screwdriver rework
- Protocol 515, 54...
- Rifts
- Ect...
on Oct 29, 2024AIT 1.1.0
Main Changes
- MultiDim TARDIS Interior
- Lockable Dimensions
- Adaptive Exterior
- Hypercube
- Hazandra
- Landing Markers
- Redstone Controls
- Artron chunks refill
- Notification on Interior Change
- Rename to Block of Zeiton
- Text Rendering on Toyota
- Planet API ( backend for future update )
- New TARDIS Exteriors (ty Frooploof)
- New TARDIS Interiors
- Fix crashes, bugs, performance (ty theo)
- Removed Peanut
[FORGE] 1.0.5-1.20.1-release
on Aug 8, 2024[FORGE] 1.0.4-HOTFIX-1.20.1-release
on Jul 28, 2024The PROPER build this time.
Adventures In Time 1.0.4-HOTFIX- Forge
on Jul 27, 2024Forge version of the 1.0.4 "coldfix". Requires Forgified Fabric API.
[FABRIC] 1.0.4-HOTFIX-1.20.1-release
on Jun 30, 20241.0.4.1 Official Release
- Fix date crash ( #264 ... )
- Remove underline text on sonic screen
- Sonic works with all candles ( #250 )
- Cant change interior during crash/flight
- Exterior properly falls again ( #248 )
- Summoning with sonic faces right direction ( #247 )
- Coral growth texture/model fixed ( #182 )
- Removed insta-travel via crashing
- Custom menu off by default >:)
on Mar 9, 20241.0.4 Official Release
- Overhauled the sonic system.
- Added a hud overlay to display which blocks are interactable with the Sonic.
- There is only 1 sonic, and it's casing can be changed via the TARDIS console menu when the sonic is inserted called "sonic settings".
- The sonic can now interact with more blocks!
- The detector block now has a recipe.
- The Zeiton cluster now drops zeiton shards.
- The Zeiton block is now craftable via zeiton shards.
- New default sonic by Kiseki.
- Some new functionality for the sonic in different modes.
- Fixed bug where people could skip the nether star/charged zeiton crystal.
- The telepathic control has been debuffed to avoid server crashing.
- Repair ticks have been correctly put to seconds and work properly now.
- Growth will demat and remat on change of exterior, TARDIS will land if finished flight and the interior is empty.
- Creation date issue has been resolved, added time as well.
on Mar 2, 20241.0.3 Official Release
- Fixed respirators not rendering for some strange reason.
- Fixed the sonic not being able to scan for rifts or charge in any other mode but inactive.
- Made the controls highlight blue when holding the scanning sonic.
- Removed HUD messages for controls that have reactive levers or buttons (handbrake, antigravs, etc.)
- Perhaps fixed the player being able to fall and teleport back to the interior door.
- Datapack desktops will now have working consoles, properly this time.
- Sounds for controls only play when the control actually runs.
- Added new TARDIS properties command.
- Modified commands to make more sense.
- Changed repairing: 1234 from just ticks to seconds.
- Fixed sound effects at the exterior when repairing with a sonic.
- Stacking issues with the siege mode TARDIS has been resolved.
- With performance mods, the interior changing screen will no longer appear on top of other elements.
- Fixed using the sonic in TARDIS mode to actually face the correct direction.
- Added fixed translations.
on Feb 29, 20241.0.2 Official Release
- Fixed block loot tables.
- Made sonic linking more intuitive.
- Made flight events happen faster.
- Fixed bug where the budding zeiton block grew amethyst and not zeiton crystals.
- Added faceless respirator.
on Feb 29, 20241.0.1 Official Release
- Fixed translation for the key not identifying with a TARDIS
- Fixed key not being able to be used on the exterior during non-repair
- Fixed the respirator not acting like an armor item, and not shift+left-clicking into the headslot
on Feb 29, 20241.0.0 Official Release
- Added Charged Zeiton Crystal.
- Fixed bug with exclamation marks not appearing.
- Added sonic port control for all consoles.
- Added repairing via putting the sonic into the exterior keyhole (or nose or something).
- Fixed particles with the exterior during crashed state.
- Fixed crash state issues, indicates much better when you're in a toxic/unstable flight mode.
- Added respirator for not choking during the toxic phase of crashing.
- Added TARDIS plaque - displays the name of the TARDIS and the date of creation.
- Added security screen - Leave Behind toggle and Hostile Alarms toggle, as well as also displaying identical information as the plaque.
- Tweaked how the sonic works - can now open iron doors/trapdoors and has AU.
- Sonic can be used on Zeiton Clusters for 200 AU.
- The hammer is now dangerous.
- Fixed that dastardly datapack bug.
- Fixed alarms constantly playing at the exterior.
- Power lever now has delay when the power is off.
- Artron can be attained by giving the TARDIS Zeiton Clusters (or Charged Zeiton Crystals) directly into the console (gives 15 artron).
- Fixed the rift scanner losing a part of its texture.
- Removed the radio block (sorry).
- Updated TARDIS names (give us suggestions!).
on Feb 25, 20241.3.2
- Removed cardinal components
- Removed radio block
- AIT works with Sinytra Connector.
on Feb 23, 20241.3.1
- Fixed rift scanner
on Feb 23, 20241.3.0
- Flight events!
- Config has been updated to use OwOLib once more. Access by doing /owo-config ait
- Fixed bugs with crashing
- Added Zeiton (doesn't do anything)
- Repairing the TARDIS with a sonic in overload mode + doors open
- Fixed particles
- Added new hartnell console variant: "Mint"
- Added variant counter per exterior in the monitor screen
- Added new names for TARDISes on generation
- Added new detector block for power and vortex
on Feb 10, 20241.2.46
- Performance stuff
on Feb 10, 20241.2.45
- stuff
- fixed the sodium rendering bug