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-Fixed Seagull still stealing food when wearing sombrero

-Holding a lodestone compass in offhand while using Dimensional Carver allows one to travel to that linked lodestone.

-Sunbird's Effect are now upgraded where the blessing will burn all that undead, the curse will strengthen all that is undead.

-Orca's Might now allows one to be neutral with skelewags due to intimidation

-Nametagging a tamed grizzly bear to 'Freddy Fazbear' now causes it to be untamed, unless if in Goofy Mode.

-Snow leopards will now hunt weakened moose, but also mistakenly attack weakened players when wearing the moose headgear

-Allows one to roll through liquid with the Rocky Roller Chestplate with the new enchantment 'Rolling Thunder'

-[Goofy Mode] Capuchin monkeys chuck tnt

-[Goofy Mode] Rain frog will spawn gusters when chanting for rain

-Removed Blue Jay hunting

-Added a new Goofy Mode

-Fixed Crimson Mosquitoes always having blood in them instead of by chance

-Skelewag circling is debuffed

-Cosmaw can be weakened if their owner is too heavy-armored

-Nametagging Grizzly Bears 'Freddy Fazbear' turns the bear into April Fools Freddy Fazbear

-Chance for launched stradpoles to light targets on fire

-Changed the text in the Dictionary to fit AMI

-Added Void Worm Stun Config

-Fixed Snapping Turtles not attacking

-Added new Shield Enchantment to Stun Charging/Pouncing mobs

-Added new texture when Cachalot Whale gets stunned for indication

-Hammerhead Sharks can now be stunned as well

-Added particles for stunned mobs simillar to the crocodile

-Elephants can now trample when riden

-Gusters cannot be hit with projectiles

-Fixed Tuskling trampling where it hits above entities

Added Void Worm Stun Config

-Baby anacondas now cannot fight back against grown anacondas

-Added Crocodiles to the config where it doesnt drop remains for predators

-Increased rarity of Emu's Dueling

-Fixed Straddlers resetting shots when reloading the game

-Ancient Hogshoes has a new enchantment named "Trample" where it allows tusklins to damage any that stand in its way.

-Void Worms can now be stunned if damaged enough times which will cause it to fall down to the ground for you to melee for a slight moment (They cannot attack when stunned)

-Fixed Tusklins resetting their Permanent Trust when reloading the game

-Flies now shake when being transformed

-Frogs now shake when being transformed

-Rain Frogs can now be transformed into Warped Toads simillar to Frogs

-Lavithans can now have their obsidian shell be mined by right clicking them to revert back into normal Lavithans but will cause it to be damaged if done so

-Pocket Sand now dont require sand when used

-Changed the Swatter recipe to a more REFINED recipe

-Blood Sprayers now cannot damage flies to help with the Transforming procedure

-Swatting Crimson Mosquitoes now reduce their health

-Entity Tags are now cleaned

-Snow Leopards can get rare items when killing specific mobs

-Soul Vultures can now gain Soul Levels no matter what when attacking

-Snow leopards can now hunt banana slugs too

-Fixed baby crocodiles hunting baby prey

-Removed Crocodiles not attacking anymore when weak

-Actually added a recipe for the Swatter

-Skreecher souls can be interacted into a Sculk Scriecher to allow it to spawn Wardens

-Fixed configs from not working

-Increased attack timer for Skelewags when circling

-Added new item for Crimson Mosquito Conversion named "Swatter"

-Flies can now be converted to Crimson Mosquitoes (how to do so)

-Crimson Mosquitoes now dont take damage from the Blood Sprayer

-Fixed komodo dragon not hunting

-Removed Komodo dragon from hunting only at night

-Tusklins can now be permanently ridden without being bucked off by feeding it a mushroom stew

-Komodo Dragons hunt flies now too

-Alligator Snapping Turtle's can accumulate moss when raining as well

-Bison can be stunned when charging by holding up a shield

-Cachalot Whale can be stunned when charging by holding up a shield

-Fixed cave centipede not running from placed light blocks

-Can turn Crimson Mosquitoes into Warped Moscos (how to do so)

-Changed the particles of Crimson Mosquitoes when converting to a Warped Mosco

-Tusked Elephants can be stunned when charging by holding up a shield

-Made Cockroaches not run from light sources when breaded

-Frogs can now be converted to Warped Toads (how to do so)

-Fixed Seagulls not recieving buff when it has Enchanted Golden Apple in its mouth

-Made seagulls recieve a small buff when it has golden apples in its mouth

-Skelewags now circle their prey simmilar to hammerheads and swoops

-Skelewags can be stunned when charging by holding up a shield

-Stradpoles now hop instead of bobbing up

-Tigers can be stunned when being pounced by holding up a shield

Actual Version

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Project members


The Crimson



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