Alex's Tamables (An Alex's Mobs Addon)

Alex's Tamables (An Alex's Mobs Addon)


An addon to make more mobs from Alex's Mobs tamable

Client and server AdventureGame Mechanics MobsUtility

Created4 months ago
Updated4 months ago

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The logo for Alex's Tamables, which shows the mod name in all capitals in purple minecraft font over a starry background.

Alex's Tamables is a mod which focuses on making additional creatures from Alex's Mobs tamable, while preserving and expanding upon their original mechanics in a manner befitting their new tamable status.

Global Features

Tamables Are Their Own Entities

Tamable creatures are their own unique entities. This means no modification code is run on Alex's entities directly. When a default entity is converted into a tamable one, it is swapped out with a new entity type entirely. This helps to minimize conflicts with other mods (however, other mods which do rely on modifying base Alex's Mobs entities probably won't affect Alex's Tamables versions).

New Creature Variants

Most Alex's Tamables creatures come with a new set of variants, most of which range from realistic to semi-realism. This adds diversity and variety to newly tamable creatures. Every species has its own inheritance logic, but in general, colors have a low chance of mutating into other neighboring colors. Variants marked as [Rare] are mutations which have a low chance of appearing on spawn or through breeding.

Variants are controlled through the Variant NBT tag. Nametag Easter egg variants are for the most part preserved, but act as a texture overlay and do NOT affect the creature's underlying variant.

Convert Command

Alex's Mobs creatures can be converted to their Alex's Tamables version using the /convertalexsmobs command. When an Alex's Mobs creature that has an Alex's Tamables equivalent is targeted with this command, it will be swapped to its Alex's Tamables version.

Taming Progress System

Alex's Tamables use a taming progress system for taming, where each feeding awards a random percentage of progress within a range. This means that there is a finite number of feedings required for each creature, even with food items which award a low amount of taming progress. Slightly friendlier than a pure RNG system!

Watch out, though-- taming progress slowly decays with time! Walking away and leaving your partial tame unattended for too long might set you back.

Newly Tamable Creatures

Maned Wolf

A showcase of the new maned wolf variants that the mod adds, which has several maned wolves with different variant coats gathered in a semicircle.  From left to right, the cocoa variant, the red variant, the golden variant, and the pale variant.  In the center is the default Alex's Mobs variant, and behind the semicircle on two taller pedestals are the melanistic (black furred) and the leucistic (off white furred) variant.

Maned wolves can be tamed with apples (low taming progress), golden apples (high taming progress), or enchanted golden apples (immediate tame). Using apples on an untamed wild maned wolf will now initiate taming instead of activating stink. Feeding apples to a tamed maned wolf will initiate stink as normal (and award the appropriate achievement). Stink time is cumulative, and golden apples provide 6x stink duration. Enchanted golden apples can't be fed to tamed maned wolves.

Tamed maned wolves have 30HP instead of 16HP, and will follow their owners when not commanded to sit. They can stink while sitting down or standing up, and will also dance to music even while sitting. Using a dye item on a tamed maned wolf will apply a collar of the appropriate color. Using shears on a collared maned wolf will remove the collar. Tamed wolves are passive and will NOT help their owners fight.

Tamable maned wolves can be healed and bred with raw rabbit, cooked rabbit, raw chicken, and cooked chicken.


  1. Melanistic [Rare]
  2. Red
  3. Cocoa
  4. Default
  5. Golden
  6. Pale
  7. Leucistic [Rare]

Configuration Options:

Replace Maned Wolf Spawns. When true, all spawn entries for Alex's Mobs maned wolves will be removed and replaced with Alex's Tamables entries. This is recommended, as it will allow the new coat colors to spawn with their intended rates.

Allow Maned Wolf Conversion. When true, feeding an apple to an Alex's Mobs maned wolf will convert it into an Alex's Tamables maned wolf and start the taming process. This is recommended for existing worlds, otherwise you will be unable to tame existing wolves without the use of commands.

Maned Wolf Shake Multiplier. How long one apple should cause a tamed maned wolf to shake for. This translates directly to seconds (and is set to 5 by default). Golden apples provide 6x the base apple rate.



Q. Will you update the mod to 1.19+? A. No.

Q. Will you backport to 1.16? A. Maybe, but only when 1.18 is complete.

Q. Will you make X tamable? A. Eventually I'd like to make most of the untamables tamable. However, since this mod is acting as my destress coding side project, the order will depend completely on what I feel like working on at any given point.

Shockbyte Affiliate Link

A Shockbyte server referral link indicating that you can use the code LAUNCH for a 25% discount.

Permissions & License

You may include this mod in modpacks and show it in videos such as spotlights, let's plays, etc. Credit is appreciated, and shared modpacks should link back to at least one official download source if such a reference is not included automatically.

Reuploading or otherwise redistributing the mod through unofficial means is not permitted.

Credit & Disclaimer

Alex's Tamables is an unofficial addon, and has no actual affiliation with the Alex's Mobs team. Most default textures and entity models, as well as some code snippets used to mirror 1:1 functionality to tamable variants, were originally created by (and thus belong to) the Alex's Mobs team. This mod was designed to function alongside with and be used in addition to Alex's Mobs so as not to separate and redistribute these assets apart from their source material. Newly added variant textures are my own.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID