- Shapeshifting Belt to change race and gender
- Recipe and lexicon for Botanist's Toolbelt
- ESM and MMO disabled by default
- Config to move Alfheim entries to Botania categories
- [MMO] Indicator on an entity for Priority Target spell
- Elves aggroing on players for no reason
- Magma and elemental slimes shedding slimeballs
- [ESM] Race icon issues when max flight time is set to 0
- [MMO] Target indicator sometimes being gray and not rotating smoothly
- [MMO] QuadDamage sequence
- New tool - Resonator
- Mana lamp light is now temporal
- Changed Mana lamp and Reflector recipes
- Tree berries crashing with Extra Utilities
- Portal to Niflheim structure error
- Ignored event exceptions in Rod of High Will
- [MMO] Gravity trap spell pulling
- ...Other small fixes not worth mentioning here
- Mana Reflector
- Ender chakram
- Blacklist for relics protection
- Config to hide screen overlays
- [WIP] Item Frame as block
- Missing oredict
- Fenrir looting calculation
- Rod of the High Will crashes
- Holy Blade Revelation regular+cognitive damage
- Knowledge cross-world desync
- Relics NBT sync
- Tree berry models console spam
- Animated torch double activation on rotation
- [MMO] Titan Hit spell crash
- [EtFR]/[Chisel] support for custom beacons in structures
- Config for min number of players required to enter any domain in MP
- Interdimensional Gateway Core recipe is back
- Spells cooldown visual pie
- Terra Reaper integration:
- [ExU] Can grow Ender-Lily
- [IC2] Can grow crops
- [TC] Can grow saplings and beans
- Das Rheingold recipe supports any meta
- Some tuning recipes
- Time stop spell not affecting bosses with enabled config
- ...other small fixes
- New generating flower - Rattlerose, with snake game inside!
- [B] Hovering Hourglass HUD now shows the exact current time within the cycle
- [B] Mana Powder in the Hovering Hourglass makes it a counter
- [MT3/CT] Added support for Mana Tuner item tuning recipes
- Relics from some other addons being unpickupable w/o achievement
- Other's relic pickup issues
- Weather flowers cd and mana balance
- Tree fruits breaking leaves gen
- Crash on filling rift shards
- Max health dupe with Odin/Aesir ring
- Soul Sword mob resistance ignore
- Miniature world tree to teleport between linked points
- Flower to automate villager trades
- Improved frozen vikings AI
- Changed loot in Niflheim chests
- Infernal fruit effect can now keep player warm
- Leather set can slow down sheer cold accumulation
- Gaia returns summon item on despawn #298
- Temperature mechanic improvements
- Loki Ring now clears in craft grid instead of on unequip
- zh_CN langs update
- [TiC] New book for natural materials
- Tuner recipes with uppercase not working
- Flugel was not summonable with certain tech blocks
- Fruit of Grisaia bad mana consumption algo
- Daolos crash on water hits
- Gaia liquid check range
- Earth elemental mobs dying from poison
- Elemental damage for primal bosses
- Pathfinding through anomalies
- Animated torch block updates
- [MMO] Crash on team mana sync
- [NEI] Corporea button requests when client lang is different from server
- [TC] Vis discount on revealing helmets
- [TiC] Material parts and shards were visible
- New Niflheim worldgen features
- Frozen Viking mob in Niflheim
- Elemental slime mob
- Lens to unlink bursts from spreader
- Finally finished Akashic Records
- Relics now are craftable
- Rebalanced Crysanthermum
- Effects for wine + champagne with "hidden" craft
- Barrels now has comparator output for ease of automation
- New decorative blocks
- Crackling stars binding is now relative (will break binding of existing stars)
- Booba render for Flügel
- Tuner codes got captions for colorblind people
- [ESM] Ocelots won't run away from cait sith players
- Aesir ring was dropping 3 rings
- Applied entity elements clash with existing elements
- Existing Botania flowers breaking when first installing Alfheim