That's what happens when you don't play test your stuff before uploading it!
- Tweaked a bit the falling distance from where "Block Breaking Falls" starts working and added a bunch of other blocks that it affects in different ways
- Fixed one unintended side effect due to the modified mob behaviour
- Fixed the Grind Stone Sharpening being possible to obtain by simply shift right clicking any block XDDDD
- Some tweaks to the "Local Difficulty" mechanic
- Renamed Prone to Crawl, due do to it making more sense in Minecraft, we are not playing COD here.
- Fixed a crash related to Copper block corrosion
- Actually removes the Experimental Settings screen
Where to even begin, don't be fooled by the version number, this is a major update.
The sprites for the new added items are subjected to change in the future.
- "Score" is removed from the death screen, there is no point in it
- Smite and Bane of Arthropods is also removed since they are redundant and will be replace with something else
- Removed a variety of buttons and menus such as experimental settings warning, multiplayer disclaimer, The buttons removed are as follows "Minecraft Realms", "Brightness", "Difficulty" Slider from the ESC menu, "Online", "Chat Settings", "Skin Customisation", "Language"(from the main menu and the options), "Accesibility Settings"(from the main menu and the options), "Report Bugs", "Give Feedback" and "Open to LAN", the empty spaces are left like that by design.
- The compass now always point to north
- Campfires always spawn unlit when placed, it can be lit with flint n steel and such
- Lily Pads now allows you place torches, candles and lanterns on top of them
- All stairs crafting recipes give players 6 stairs instead of 4
- Slime Blocks slowly let you to fall through them if sitting still
- Grind Stone lets you sharpen your weapon to provide it with a damage boost when sharpened the tooltip informs you about it by saying "Razor Sharp!"
- The experience levels scale 20% less aggressively
- Unbreaking enchantment has only 1 tier and it doubles the tools or weapon durability
- Infinity enchant gives a 50% chance to not consume arrows
- Cobweb breaks when walking through them automatically within 1 to 3 seconds
- Milk Bucket restore 4 hunger and give full saturation, aldo every cow has a 60 minute cooldown before it can be milked again
- Copper oxidizes faster if under water or next to water
- Chickens passively drop feathers
- Long Swords, a counterpart to the normal swords with greater damage and range but less attack speed, crafting recipe is subjected to changes in the neat future
- Fletching Table allows you to combine Lingering Potions with Arrows for crafting arrows with effects, maximum of 16 arrows
- Crawl on Demand, bindable in the menu, will at some point be modified to balance it a bit.
- Player no longer burns if affected by Fire Resistance
- Luck Potion
- Block Breaking Falls when falling from a height that would otherwise damage the player, it breaks the blocks like ice, glass, wool, cobweb, etc, provides a small amount of damage reduction.
There are also other things not mentioned since it would ruin the surprise, can you find them all?
- Removed Peaceful, Easy & Medium Difficulty
- Introduced difficulties Harder & Hardest with modified scaling to reflect the name change Important, chose your difficulty whisely when creating the world because once chosen can't be changed!
- Replaced Hardcore with Fever Dream with some special tweaks
- Shield provides some passive protection when held in hand
- Introduced Quill & Ink, new item used to name mobs and creatures, craftble with bowl, ink or color and feather, hold a name tag in one hand and a Quill & ink in the other and rightclick to write a name, the name appears in the tooltip and renaming the name tag and using it no longer works to rename creatures.
- Introduced new ore Sulfur, spawns below Y40 in small veins of 1-3
- Replaced TNT recipe with 5 bonemeal, 2 sulfur and 2 charcoal(May be subjected to change again in the future)
- Player now drops all experience held on death