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Published 3 months ago
Updated 3 months ago
BackInv 1.1
A simple player backup mod for your server.
Work in single player.
I am a technical administrator of the server and encountered the problem that on Fabric 1.21, there is only Death Backup, which is not very server-friendly.
/backinv <target>
- Opens a graphical interface listing the player's backups (Recommended)./backinv reload
- Reloads the configuration file (config/backinv/config.json
) without restarting the server./backinv list <target>
- Displays a text-based list of the player's backups (No GUI)./backinv load <target> <index>
- Loads a specific backup into the player's inventory./backinv inv <target> <index>
- Opens a GUI preview of a specific backup for the player.
The configuration is located in <game or server directory>/config/backinv/config.json
Name | Description | Type |
enabled | Enables (true) or disables (false) the BackInv mod. | boolean |
prefix | The prefix text displayed in messages. | String |
suffix | The suffix text displayed in messages. | String |
re_join_message | The message displayed when a player reconnects. | String |
load_player_message | The message displayed when a player’s inventory is loaded from a file. Supports placeholders: {player} , {file} . |
String |
error_load_player_message | The message displayed when loading a player’s inventory fails. Supports placeholders: {player} , {file} , {e} . |
String |
item_prefix | Prefix applied to items displayed in backups. | String |
item_suffix | Suffix applied to items displayed in backups. | String |
no_saves_found | The message displayed when no backups are found for a player. Supports placeholder: {player} . |
String |
invalid_index | The message displayed when an invalid backup index is provided. Supports placeholder: {index} . |
String |
save_not_found | The message displayed when a specified backup cannot be found. Supports placeholder: {save} . |
String |
error_occurred | The generic error message displayed when an action fails. Supports placeholder: {action} . |
String |
"prefix":"§6[§aBackInv§6] ",
"re_join_message":"Sorry come back again",
"load_player_message":"Player {player} inventory is loaded from file {file}.",
"error_load_player_message":"Failed to save inventory for player {player} file {file} - Error- {e}",
"no_saves_found":"§cNo saved inventories found for player {player}",
"invalid_index":"§cInvalid save index- {index}",
"save_not_found":"§cSave not found- {save}",
"error_occurred":"§cAn error occurred while {action}"
This is my first mod, and I was learning as I went along, so I made many mistakes and not everything is tested (but I will fix all the bugs!).