Berry Fix

Berry Fix


Makes berries not place when you right click without full hunger. Includes an override keybinding to disable the behavior if undesired

Client Game MechanicsUtility

Created5 months ago
Updateda month ago

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Berry Fix

This small, simple mod fixes a mild annoyance of mine, wherein right clicking with edible items that also function as blocks, such as sweet berries, it can be very easy to accidentally place them down instead of eating them. This mod allows you to always eat berries and similar blocks if you have the hunger to eat them in the first place, allowing them to be placed only if you're at full hunger, or are crouching. In Creative mode, the berries maintain their vanilla behavior

This mod is compatible with Forge and Fabric via Architectury, and should also work with NeoForge and Quilt, however they haven't been fully tested yet.

Affected Vanilla Blocks

Despite the name, this mod affects all items and blocks that can both be placed and eaten. In vanilla, this includes glow berries, sweet berries, potatos, and carrots. Note that cake is excluded, as the cake item itself cannot be eaten. The generic nature of this mod means that even modded content that behaves similarly should be affected

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID