on Dec 24, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge for 1.21.1 (21.1.90)
Added 2024 Christmas coin
Added Shimajiri and Gdansk maps
Added Shimajiri to Domination map rotation
Added Gdansk to TTT and TDM map rotations
Added new Flak88 model and textures
Added new textures for fountain block
Added new textures for wall sign blocks
Added new swinging log block
Added new brick variants and textures for various block types
Made improvements to off texture for ceiling light
Decreased movement penalty of several weapons
Increased fire rate of Carbines
Fixed scale of ChiHa tank
Fixed corpses not spawning while graphics are set to fast
Fixed a variety of missing weapon skins
Fixed a variety of weapon skins missing textures
Fixed class selection not refreshing client skin fast enough
on Nov 17, 2024-
Bell block now only sounds once every 15 seconds
Fixed health showing as 0 when really low
Fixed firing animation for the Type 18 Shotgun
Fixed issues with cutscenes not playing
Fixed armor rendering issues (Patched)
on Nov 13, 2024- Fixed motion sickness enabled by default
on Nov 13, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge for 1.21.1 (21.1.77)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib for 1.21.1 (4.7)
Added BirdzRulrz and LivingEar386514 to the credits
Added motion sickness setting for death camera
Added new skins and textures for several bootcamp NPCs
Fixed Match summary screen chat box
Fixed M30 model and skins
Fixed corpses crashing Arm64 players
Fixed French Assault 5 class loadout
Fixed 7TP Pelican model
on Nov 10, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.1.76)
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.6.6)
Updated mod version tag to Beta
Added new melee weapon model adjustments
Added better class selection UI for Conquest
Added Wall Anchor wall decal blocks
Added Large Bell block
Added Tall Wall Flag block
Added metal ladder block
Added new Blood block for decoration
Added new Dead Fish block for decoration
Added new model, textures and animations for Springfield, Lewis Gun, Bazooka, Grease Gun, Browning 30cal, M1 Garand, Bar, Type26 and Type 99
Added Citroen 11cv Traction Avant model, textures and block
Added Citroen 11cv Traction Avant vehicle
Added new Fortress and Vicoli maps
Added Fortress and Vicoli to Domination map rotation
Added Binoculars item
Added Binoculars to Sniper and Commander classes
Added new model and texture for landmines
Added new UI for killfeed
Added new UI for game pop-ups
Added new UI for game information
Added new uniform textures for several nations
Added Morocco, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Serbia and Belarus flag calling card
Added 'Heal' particle
Added 'Alert' particle
Added the ability to view the player list while the match summary screen is present
Added "Cash" to scoreboard in Infected game-mode
Added new bullet eject sound for dirt/grass materials
Added new experimental shrapnel effect
Added new tick/tock sound effects for match stopwatch
Added new soft rendering effect to smoke particles
Added bullet eject sound effects for liquid
Bullets now ignore friendly bots
Game no longer displays player count if connection is lost
Made improvements to bot textures
Made improvements to class selection UI
Made improvements to bot Avoid and Medic AI goals
Made improvements to bot behaviour
Made improvements to muzzle flash and effects while aiming weapon
Made improvements to flame thrower flame particles
Made further improvements to weapon audio
Reduced amplitude of shake effects for plane fly-by
Reduced recoil of PPSH
Reduced volume of vehicle bullet sound effects
Reduced volume of local echo sound effects for weapons
Increased duration of bullet smoke
Landmines can now only destroy vehicles that are apart of a different team
Flamethrower now uses default muzzle flash texture
Viewing player list while in a vehicle now hides background
Anti-tank weapons can no longer be resupplied
Removed Prone temporarily in prep for 1.21.3 changes
Removed Shotgun loadouts from bots
Removed vote-kick capabilities
Fixed map vote after TTT match ends
Fixed wall blocks not connecting correctly
Fixed scaling of T34 Destroyed variant
Fixed ironsights for Sten MK2
Fixed hotbar UI not rendering non-equipment items in equipment slots
Fixed logo and splash text rendering over anti-cheat or ban information on main menu
Fixed bots not recovering from avoiding a grenade
Fixed enclosed rooms in Inferno matches
Fixed Domination and Conquest not sending all capture notifications
Fixed rendering of melon projectile while using Melon Cannon
Fixed rendering of next bots
Fixed defeat music overlapping in Infected game-mode
Fixed bottom of head missing from one of the bot textures
Fixed friend request notification displaying username as red
Fixed some settings descriptions rendering out of box
Fixed a variety of map effects causing crashes
Fixed attack strength scale not displaying when swinging melee item
Fixed being able to hover over buttons in the background of pop-up screens
Fixed Warped and Crimson wood types being impenetrable
on Sep 15, 2024-
Added the ability to open the in-game menu while the match summary is present
Added several new ambient bird sound effects
Enhanced bullet snap audio
Enhanced weapon core bass audio
Removed old ambient bird sound effects
on Sep 11, 2024-
Added ammo count to vehicle UI overlay
Optimized vehicle seat iteration
Fixed being kicked for AFK while in a vehicle
Fixed vehicle machine gun functionality not dealing damage
Fixed match summary chat causing player to become stuck
on Sep 8, 2024-
Updated to the latest release of NeoForge (21.1.42)
Added MG seat to the Sherman tank
Added MG seat to the Panzer IV Tank
Added chat box UI to match summary screens
Added the vanilla attack indicator when holding melee items
Added new sound effects for car-like vehicles
Made improvements to multi-part vehicles
Fixed credits screen not rendering correctly
Fixed formatting of brigade invite messages from cloud
Fixed support for colored messages from cloud
Fixed rare crash with rockets
Fixed rare crash with nameplate renderer
Fixed Vendor being cloned in Infected game-mode
Fixed Vendor not properly relocating in Infected game-mode
Fixed 7TP Pelican Tank destroyed variant using the incorrect model
on Sep 1, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.1.34)
Made further improvements to bullet impact attributes
Fixed rendering bugs affiliated with several tanks and tank-like props
Fixed tank turret not de-rendering while driving in 1st person
Fixed sprint causing weapon not to shoot after playing pre-sound
Fixed experimental dynamic light not rendering
Fixed reloads for MP-3008
Fixed brigades not showing position number on scoreboard
Fixed Italy Assault 5 class unlocking at 7500 EXP instead of 10000 EXP (Patch 1)
on Aug 27, 20240.5.1.1a
on Aug 27, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of GeckoLib (4.6.2)
Added Kubelwagen vehicle
Added new model and texture for Kubelwagen
Added new scoreboard entry for displaying match streak
Optimized acid ball particle rendering
Optimized surrender paper particle rendering
Improved EXP progress pop-up on main menu
Fixed war cry prompt displaying even if client player is dead
Fixed grown berry bush using incorrect flower box texture and model
Fixed match streak data not being synced correctly
Fixed crash when disconnecting from match while in 3rd person
Fixed rendering of surrender paper particles
Fixed vehicle rotation while a screen / menu is open
on Aug 25, 2024-
Added new flower box model and texture
Added new message when player is no longer AFK
Added new setting to disable player tab background and/or blur
Made improvements to scoreboard UI
Made improvements to Find Match UX
Made improvements to match summary progress screen
Made improvements to network status message on main menu
Fixed TDM giving the streak score to the killed player rather than the source
Fixed being able to re-ignite backpack which is already ignited
on Aug 21, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.1.22)
Added Blue and Green variants of window shutters
Optimised bot armor and backpack rendering
Reduced shoot-back distance of several weapons
Reduced 1st-person gun sway, especially while aiming
Increased size of ironsights on M1 and M2 Carbines
Fixed some wall decals rendering with incorrect offset
Fixed magazine rotation for MAC 1931
Fixed missing friend remove translation
Fixed eject node position on ZB vz 26
Fixed being able to fire aim-only weapons without being fully aimed
Fixed Dirt and Grass blocks using incorrect bullet impact attributes
Fixed black fade on challenges pull-out occurring even when not connected to cloud
Fixed bullets being unable to traverse specific barrier block types
on Aug 16, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of Minecraft (1.21.1)
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.1.13)
Added Storm to Domination map rotation
Added Crossroads to Domination map rotation
Added Argentan to Domination map rotation
Added new Flash to Domination map rotation
Added new model, textures and animations for the Lebel Model 1886
Added new model, textures and animations for the 1892 Revolver
Added new model, textures and animations for the MAC mle 1931
Added new model, textures and animations for the Pistolet Auto Modele 1935a
Added new model, textures and animations for the Fusil 1917
Added skins for M1928A1 Thompson
Added Gold skin for PIAT
Added Yes/No prompt for removing friends
Increased magazine count of Fusil 1917 from 3 to 5
Fixed bullet drop sound effects for revolver reload animations
Fixed being able to sent multiple invites to brigade
Fixed MP-40 Teur and Sten MK2 Highroller Skins
Fixed reload animations for Breda Model 1930
on Aug 4, 2024-
Added new MAS-38 model, textures, animations and audio
Added new skins for MAS-38
Adjusted fire-rate of M1 Garand to match other light-rifle weapons
Adjusted max health of Tiger Tank to 8
Updated military document block texture and model
Players live grenades are now discarded when switching teams
Fixed incorrect rarities for several skins Fixed
on Jul 31, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.146)
Added new shared sound effects for shotgun
Added new rattle audio effect for weapons
Optimized temporary game data
Optimized rendering for several prop block entities
Made reductions to weapon audio pollution
Fixed Type 18 Yuganda skin
Fixed time of day not being set correctly
Fixed player heads not ordered correctly on Domination and Conquest game modes
Fixed blast doors, which are now blast-proof from explosives
Fixed inconsistencies in hotbar scrolling
on Jul 28, 2024-
Updated to the latest release of NeoForge (21.0.139-beta)
Updated to the latest version of Geckolib (4.5.7)
Added auto-AFK kick after 5 minutes
Added ability to toggle 3rd person while in a vehicle
Added missing bullet block attributes for wool and glass
Added new equip and throw sounds for Molotov item
Updated max stack size of medical and ammo bags to 4
Made improvements to bullet impact and effect attributes
Decreased volume of debris sound effects from explosions
Reduced end-game timer from 1 minute to 45 seconds
Fixed Gun Game matches not resetting correctly
Fixed top players displaying in the correct order
Fixed Barkowitz tutorials displaying behind UI pop-ups
Fixed Barkowitz tutorials displaying too early during Settings or Friends pop-out UI
Fixed being able to beep the horn when not the driver
Fixed being unable to shoot through glass and glass panes
Fixed missing impact effects for wool blocks
on Jul 14, 2024-
Updated to the latest release of NeoForge (21.0.93-beta)
Made improvements to match summary screens
Fixed block penetration and attributes
Fixed summary screen not displaying when joining match late
Removed unnecessary animation when hovering over map vote
Cleaned up and re-organized admin commands
on Jul 11, 2024-
Updated to the latest version of NeoForge (21.0.85-beta)
Added a new equip sound when equipping the commander radio
Added new match summary UI to replace existing map vote UI
Reduced 1st-person visual gun sway
Made air-strike frequency less consistent
Enhanced 3D ambient audio
Enhanced air-strike audio
Fixed Cloud not sending feature flags to MM servers
Fixed spacing in clan tag on player nameplate
Fixed radio item status not rendering correctly
Fixed being unable to leave a brigade
Fixed item float animation in armory UI
Fixed new matches always starting with Caen
on Jun 29, 2024-
Added 'Saints' skin for Colt M1911
Added 'Dynasty' skin for M30
Added new shoot sound for Kar98K Rifle
Added wall-bang attributes to Hay blocks
Adjusted battlefield and italy shaders
Enhanced weapon audio
Fixed several issues with vanilla shaders
Fixed incorrect coin displaying for Brigade members