


New Botania weapons, integrated with BetterCombat

Client and server EquipmentMagicTechnology

Created8 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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  • Add a mixin that fixes Botania#4543 Botania bows don't zoom in slightly when drawn. Courtesy of Wormbo
  • Fix #6 (Slaughtersaw unable to be used on Cutting Board)
  • ** If using Ranged Weapon API, it must be version 1.1.0 or greater **
  • Botania axes are now Spell Engine spell proxies
  • Slaughtersaw is now technically a DiggerItem, and can have a float attack damage modifier (config may regenerate)
  • Refractored Slaughtersaw enchantment logic. With the latest Farmer's Delight Refabricated, it should be able to accept Backstabbing and Efficiency like FD knives in the Enchanting Table, the Anvil, and with /enchant. Otherwise, it should only accept Weapon enchantments that aren't Sweeping Edge
  • Add config options for nearly all stats, and a config screen for ModMenu (changes require restart)
  • Fix multiple weapons having incorrect durability
  • Allow Slaughtersaw to accept Backstabbing from Farmer's Delight via Enchanting Table - ability to accept Backstabbing from Anvil or /enchant will have to come in the form of a different mod
  • Fix Crystal Crossbow recipe outputting Livingwood Crossbow
  • fix #3 - Crossbows not showing up in lexicon
  • fix multiple errors in lang file
  • add slaughtersaw to #botania:mana_using_items
  • very slightly boost slaughtersaw damage against meaty mobs because floating point imprecision
  • hide Crossbow entries when ranged-weapon-api is not installed
  • Refractor everything (Unilock - #1), increase compatibility with Synatra Connector
  • add Slaughtersaw
  • fix Manasteel Buckler having the same text on both of its Lexica pages

remove unused textures, models, and code, and prevent .bbmodels from being in the compiled jar (-18KB filesize)

Added a lot - see new readme page for all changes in the 1.0 release

Fix secret advancement

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Client side
Server side
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