Bundle Enchantments has been archived. Bundle Enchantments will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
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This mod will not be updated past 1.19.2. This is because it is incredibly janky and unstable. I considered merging it with Chromatic Enchantments but decided against it due to this. If you want bundles with larger capacity, consider the Wandering Bundle from ChromaGadgets, or some other mod which adds bigger bundles.

The mod name is a slight bit misleading, there's only one enchantment here. This enchantment is called Bundle Capacity.

Bundle capacity increases the maximum storage capacity of a bundle by 16 items. The amount of levels on the enchantment and the capacity added per level are both configurable.

This enchantment won't work with bundles added by other mods.

DISCLAIMER: This mod does not add a method to obtain bundles. There are other mods out there for that.

External resources

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID