- Remade MAS-40 sights
- Made it so bots can be given armbands with right click
- Added Sten Mk.IVB as free reward for those who have the SOE kit.
- Fixed Sidearm displaying on second equipment slot when no holster is equipped
- Fixed issue where Kenpeitei pants can be missing
- Fixed madsens having wrong mag in classes
- Fixed Gevar m/96 having revolver opening sound
- Added M1 Carbine(Late War Version)
- Added Type 11 LMG(Model by AngryLoyer)
- Added Field Modified M1903A3
- Added Field Modified M1903A1
- Released Ross Rifle
- Added M50 Reising to UK Assault
- Added Lewis Gun to UK Support
- Added M4 Bayonet(For M1 Carbine and M2 Carbine)
- Fixed national anthems not playing
- Made M30 Drilling sight flip down when in shotgun mode
- Removed mag from Berthier 1902 model
- Added icon for specialist when leveling up
- Added back Wesel
- Added back National Anthems
- Restored bullet ejecting animation
- New rack animation for winchester m1907
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue with map voting
- Fixed VK98 being invisible
- Fixed VK98 animations
- Fixed healing teammates sometimes not working
- Fixed 3rd Person pos of FNAB 43
- Fixed 3rd Person pos of Krag family
- Fixed 3rd Person pos of Mannlicher family
- Fixed 3rd Person pos of Kar98 family
- Fixed crash with 250 round Browning Belt
- Fixed occasionally warzone mode crash
- Potential fix for spawning on vehicles when not intending to
- Fixed crafting table item mismatch
- Fixed issue with ISG scopes being all black
- Added Panzerfaust as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added Nagant Revolver as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added TT-33 as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added M1911 as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added Mauser C96 'Red 9' as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added Vis as Volkssturm sidearm
- Added Beretta M1934 as Volkssturm sidearm
- Set Carcano 91 as default Volkssturm Rifleman weapon
- Added Berthier 1907 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Carcano 24 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Lebel as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Kar98 Kreigsmodell as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Carcano 41 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Berthier 07 M1916 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Carcano 38 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added MAS 36 as Volkssturm Rifleman unlock
- Added Carcano TS as Volkssturm Technician unlock
- Added Lebel R35 as Volkssturm Technician unlock
- Added Berthier M1916 as Volkssturm Technician unlock
- Added Double Barrel as Volkssturm Technician unlock
- Added Mauser Geha as Volkssturm Technician unlock
- Added Beretta 42 as Volkssturm Assault unlock
- Added PPS 43 as Volkssturm Assault unlock
- Added Sten as Volkssturm Assault unlock
- Added PPSh as Volkssturm Assault unlock
- Added DP 28 as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added Wz. 28 as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added Lewis Gun as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added Chauchat as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added FM 24/29 as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added Lewis M20 as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added Madsen as Volkssturm Support unlock
- Added AN/M2 'Stinger' as an alternative over BAR AA
- Added German pilot uniform and Luftwaffe Drilling as reward for owners of 'Downed Pilots'
- Remodeled ZF-41 scope for Kar98 rifles
- Remodeled Winchester Model 70
- Fixed various bugs
Models by Connor:
- Added Geha
- Added Kar98 Kriegsmodell
- Remodeled Gewehr 98
- Remodeled Kar98k
- Remodeled Kar98AZ
- Remodeled Kar98b
- Remodeled G33/40
- Added Armband Slot
- Added SS Armband
- Added Kenpeitai Armband
- Added Polish Armband
- Added Volkssturm Armband
- Removed armbands from tunic models(now they are their own items)
- Made guns render in item frames
- Added M1938 Carcano to Finnish Rifleman
- Added Kar98k to Finnish Rifleman
- Added Grenade Launcher attachment to Finnish Rifleman
- Added MP-28 to Finnish Assault/Technician
- Added more captured Soviet weapons to both classes
- Moved M/27rv to Finnish Assault/Technician
- Added Chauchat to Finnish Support
- Added FN Model D to Finnish Support
- Added Luger as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Beretta M1917 as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Browning Hi-Power as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Mauser C96 as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Beretta M1934 as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Colt M1911 as Finnish Sidearm
- Added Finnish Specialist Class
- Added the new Captured variant M1927 Regimental Gun as Finland's ISG
- Moved the Boys AT Rifle to Specialist class.
- Added PTRD-41 to Finnish Specialist
- Added Panzerfaust to Finnish Specialist
- Added 8mm pst kiv/38 to Finnish Specialist(Polish wz.35)
- Added Panzershreck to FInnish Specialist
- Added Captured variant of M1927 Regimental Gun, with Axis colors instead
- Remodeled Polish wz.27 bayonet when attached to guns
- Increased ISG cooldown to 2 minutes
- Added gamerule to disable ISGs on certain maps
- Player will now spawn in drivers seat when spawning as a vehicle class
- When spawning as a vehicle class, the vehicle will now face one of the current capture points. This should help prevent needing to turn the vehicle around before driving to the battlefield.
- Resized kit and map images which were causing lag
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the scale of the in-game custom CtB item "hotbar" in large and auto gui scale.
- Fixed Granatnik wz.36 not giving correct item in Specialist
- Fixed OVP receiving wrong magazines
- Fixed Bechowiec reload animation
- Added Specialist map icon
- Fixed Browning Wz.28 LMG Position
- Fixed L-Type Sight Thompson
- Fixed various crashes
- Added Lebel to Polish Rifleman
- Added Berthier to Polish Rifleman
- Added Berthier M16 to Polish Rifleman
- Reorganized Polish Rifleman levels
- Added Chauchat to Polish Support
- Added Polish Specialist class
- Moved KB wz.35 UR to Specialist class
- Added Polish Armed Forces in the West uniform as an option for U.K.
- Added Granatnik wz.36(Model by Loyer)
- Made Mortars longer ranged
- Made players take less damage in vehicles(driver has the strongest defense buff)
- Smoothed gun running animations and other non-firing positions
- Smoothed sighting animation By Connor:
- Remodeled Wz. 98a
- Remodeled Wz. 1929
- Remodeled Wz. 1929 Cavalry
- Remade the main menu
- Remodeled the M1 Carbine
- Remodeled the M1A1 Carbine
- Remodeled the M2 Carbine
- Added item to easily access the forward points menu
- Made more elements translatable
- Added delay before you can fire after you crawl
- Translated UI to Spanish
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed model error on vickers
- Fixed issue with damage for DTM and RD-44
- Fixed Colt M1903 being registered twice as an American sidearm
- Fixed issue with damage for DTM and RD-44
Connor: -Remodeled Wz. 28(Partly by Loyer) -Remodeled Wz.35
New maps: -Warzone version of Suomussalmi -New KOTH map based off the center of the map "Continuation" -Added Finland to the map "Depot"
Other Changes: -Added M1911 as Soviet sidearm -Added M1921 'Bolo' Mauser C96 as Soviet Sidearm -Added M1903 Pocket Hammerless as a U.K. sidearm -Remade Le.IG scope -Added config option to disable ringing sound
Bug fixes: -Fixed bug with mounted mgs after dying -Fixed being able to discard mounted mg -Fixed bunker door state not syncing to client on load.
-Added back two maps: Pointe Du Hoc and Hacksaw Ridge -Adjusted bot ai to be able to climb ladders -The ender dragon can now be damaged with CtB weapons -Adjusted Ruby pistol hand position -Altered Fallschirmjager crate spawning system
By AngryLoyer: -Tokyo M1927 Remodel By Connor: -Uhlan Lance Remodel -Uhlan Saber Remodel -Added Uhlan Szabla Wz.1934 Ludwikowka
Bug Fixes: -Fixed a crash when swinging a sword and then switching to gun -Fixed position of unertl scope on Springfield -Fixed a crash when dual wielding scoped item -Fixed LAN playerdata not being retrieved properly
- Added assets for new map: Wesel
- Added new gun maintenance system! Guns need to be oiled, or they will jam
- Added oil tin item
- Rags can now be used to clean your gun
- Bolt action rifles will have slower bolting when dirty or not oiled.
- Fixed issue with ammo boxes
- Canadian uniforms will now display correctly in class selection screen