- Improved camera positioning for taur variants, and when grabbed
- Improved entity positioning when riding a taur that's in first person
- Added animation compatibility with "Do a Barrel Roll"
- Added animation compatibility with "Timeless and Classics Zero"
- Added animation compatibility with "Parcool"
- Changing resource packs will now invalidate cached generated textures
- Added basic compatibility with "Entity Model Features"
- Made stiger's eyes customizable
- Fixed being unable to break blocks directly after being untf'd while being tf'd
- Fixed incorrectly tagged mixin
- Fixed null crash related to the roomba
- Fixed null crash when TF event is canceled
- Fixed issue related to railing blocks
- Added exception catch to model baking
- Fixed issues related to suited mobs
- Fixed mixin error with Beyond Earth
- Fixed null crash with invalid dropped syringe block
- Fixed mixin error with Survive mod
- Fixed Z-fighting with variant eyes renderer
- Added AbstractAbilityInstance.tickIdle()
- Added descriptions to abilities
- Added TransfurVariant<?> and TransfurContext to KeepConsciousEvent
- Added cancelable TransfurAttackEvent
- Extended additional eyes layer to behave akin to custom eyes layer
- Reverted latexes spawning in daylight
- /curepale actually cures normal plays
- Added some compatability with Origins
- Added brief cooldown to prevent aggroing latexes right after TF
- Reworked animation definition code to be data oriented
- Removed unused TF variant tags
- Added temporary_only tag to fix soft-banning (benign tf with keepForm)
- Fixed not being able to put flasks in the infuser
- Fixed crash related to DL pup with armor
- Fixed blindness issue with distant horizon
- Fixed hurt animation when TF to less max health
- Fixed FerriteCore crash related to block state neighbor tables
- Fixed TFd players taking suffocation damage when they shouldn't
- Fixed sprint food efficiency math error
- Reworked food efficiency mixins to be less invasive
- Reworked fall flight mixins to be less invasive
- Fixed clothing sizes on partial TF and latex human
- Fixed some TF anim issues with certain entities
- Fixed stiger not holding extra items
- Fixed crash with special latex renderer
- Added early out check for railing block updates
- Fixed campfire block being latex coverable
- Added REDUCED vision type, used with raccoon and white latexes
- Moved UniversalAbilitiesEvent to mod loading event bus
- Added event function that can be mixin'd into
- Created annotation processor for @RequiredMods
- Added transfur animation (controllable by gamerule)
- Added grab ability for most latexes
- Reworked white latex swimming
- Swimming WLs can see highlights on entities standing on WL
- Added built-in resourcepacks and datapacks
- Includes: PBR texture pack
- Remodeled many entities: manta rays, stiger, squirrel, mimic plant, buff sharks, and crocodile
- Added "latex mutant bloodcell wolf" (female WL), added M/F "phage latex wolf" (DL), added female white wolf.
- Added railing block
- Added roombas and a charger
- Added rip animation for shorts when transfurring into certain variants
- Added flasked versions of transfur variants
- Added server configs to disable grabbing players, and to disable obnoxious abilities
- Added server config to alter maximum player model size
- Added server config to whitelist and blacklist coverable blocks
- Reworked placed gas canisters to emit a fluid version of gas
- Added air conditioner block that will block gases
- Added instant transfur datapack
- Renamed many blocks, items, and entities
- Added command alias tf -> transfur, untf -> untransfur, progresstf -> progresstransfur
- Added regresstf and gettf
- TF commands now allow selecting multiple players
- Added title screen content warning
- Added animation compat with MrCrayfish's gun mod
- Added animation compat with playerAnimator mod
- Added animation compat with carry-on
- Added animation compat with What are they up to
- Legless variants can now sit/ride
- Added advancement (fly for 15 seconds)
- Added compat with CTM
- Added compat with beyond earth
- And an optional datapack
- Added compat with chisels and bits
- Optimized seatable blocks
- Removed goo vignette
- Added danger-meter
- Adjusted how latexes spawn
- Adjusted DL crystal generation
- Fixed missing entity model crash
- Fixed syringe disappearing when used in a full inventory
- Tamed DLs now always absorb
- Added changed:on_transfur function tag
- Added changed:transfur_damage and changed:transfur_tolerance attributes
- These are intended to be modifiable by items
- Added "infinite" tag to placed gas canisters for map makers
- Combined noVision and nightVision for variant builder
- Reworked transfur variant to modify the players attributes to the variant's attributes
- Renamed isPlayerOrganic to isPlayerNotLatex
- Inverted changed:organic_latex to changed:latex
- Fusions are now controlled with datapacks
- Added dichrome eye customization
- Added player size customization
- Added advanced color picker BPI screen
- Added fennec fox
- Added partial DL wolf
- Try wearing a DL mask while a partial wolf
- Added latex human
- Added green lizard
- Added gas mask
- Added vertical drag to tail animation
- Added double item in hand renderer (squogs and bee)
- Added quadrupedal armor (boots and leggings for centaurs)
- Remodeled squid dogs, bee, light latex knight, knight fusion, raccoon, siren, mermaid shark, deer, yuin, centaur, and otter
- Syringes and oranges only place while crouching
- Removed extra hands ability, replaced with just switch hands ability
- Selected ability now saves
- Added advancement for killing one of each latex
- Latex containers can now fall (and break)
- Added I-frames for just TF'd latexes (30 ticks)
- Improved note, clipboard, and CD editing
- Added /progresstransfur command, for map creation
- Added compatibility with not enough animations
- Added compatibility with supplementaries (moonlight)
- Adjusted swim speeds for aquatics, adjusted how speed responds to friction
- Land variants have better friction on ice
- Aquatic variants don't sink in water
- Gave feline variants a jump boost, slightly reduced health
- Lab doors now open for many humanoids
- Added cape layer for latexes
- Adjusted some facility pieces
- DLs no longer drip from their mask
- Fixed first person dripping
- Fixed particles spawning while the game is paused
- Variants that scare mobs won't be targeted in the first place
- Scare-able entities now require line of sight
- Fixed physics based animations jittering
- Fixed BPI desync when exiting BPI menu
- Fixed bug with KeepConsciousEvent
- Added FirstPersonLayer interface
- Procedurally generated facility
- Try /locate changed:facility
- Reworked decayed lab placement for performance
- Remodeled many classes of latexes
- Wolf, Cat, Shark, and Dragon
- They are fitted with unique animations
- Try spinning
- Reworked latex drip particles
- Retextured many lab blocks
- 3x3 lab doors
- Made minecraft:protection apply a little protection against TF
- TF'd entities keep their armor, and rarely their item
- Added many blocks
- Cardboard box
- Small cardboard box
- Soup cans
- Dropped syringes
- Dropped oranges
- Microscope
- Latex wall splotch
- Flasks and beakers
- Office chair and pillows
- You can sit on these, DL pups can sleep on pillows
- Book stack
- Potted orange tree sapling
- Added basic player info (BPI)
- Values that describe your player, to make TFs fit you better
- Try the gas wolf
- Added the Changed OST in the form of records
- They loop on their own
- Added fusability gamerule
- Latexes can only fuse until the duration specified
- Added creative flight for winged latexes
- There are penalties for it though
- Tied many effects to accessibility settings
- Fixed menu abilities not ticking
- Fixed various centaur issues
- Fixed various tall cardboard box issues
- Fixed crash from latex covered block generation
- Fixed bedrock missing a texture
- Simplified connected block texture management
- Glu block for facility pieces
- Adjusted tame rates for the DL pup to be dependant on what variant the player is
- Added spawning limiter for crystal spawning latex entities
- Improved quick equipping restrictions with invalid armor items (if your variant can't wear it)
- Added client configuration option to heavily reduce quality of generated latex covered models
- This is for massive modpacks
- See the config option "fastAndCheapLatexBlocks"
- Added survival usability with lab looted syringes
- They still need to be purified
- They're also more rare now
- Adjust lab loot tables
- Fixed incompat with create addons (null model check)
- Fixed client crash regarding DL pup and armor
- Fixed being invisible after a box you are in is exploded
- Fixed incompat with hardcore revival
- Fixed more incompat with dragon survival
- Fixed players occasionally freezing when using elytra in a weird way
- Fixed arms not lining up with custom armor layers (#525)
- Created Roughly Enough Items (REI) plugin
- Adjusted infuser menu
- Remodeled crystal wolves
- Remodeled translucent lizard
- Remodeled computer block
- Added some custom model compatibility for moded armor
- Keyword: some
- Added compatibility check for Dragon Survival mod
- Tweaked various legacy latex models
- Red dragon, DL wolves, purple fox, DL yufeng, dark dragon, beifeng, benign wolf
- Fixed incompatibility with Oculus and Rubidium
- Fixed crash related to untrasfurring while the ability menu is up
- Fixed missing custom head layer for latex models
- Involves wearing skulls and heads
- Fixed dupe bug related to the infuser
- Fixed tamed dark latex despawning
- Fixed tamed dark latexes from preventing sleep
- Fixed various dark latex pup bugs
- Fixed villagers running from latex players in creative mode
- Fixed latex containers deleting items
- Added tameability to dark latex pup
- Use white latex goo or oranges
- They grow up tamed too
- Added puddle mode for dark latex pup
- Adjusted some AI move speeds
- Added an enabled texture state for microphone
- Remodeled legacy yuin dragon
- Remodeled sniper dog
- Overhauled recipes and loot tables
- Remodeled manta rays, mermaid shark, and siren
- Added purifier function to convert latex goo into latex base
- Added pipe block
- Overhauled ability usage
- Some abilities charge, others activate while held, etc.
- Readded latex bee
- Added night vision check for dark latex blindness
- Added visibility check for latex AI targetting
- Invisibility potions work now
- Overhauled structure placement
- They now can be located by /locate
- Latex pup crystals naturally gen in the dark latex biome
- Decreased dark latex growth activity
- Remodeled traffic cone dragon
- Remodeled legacy snow leopard, white latex wolf, and latex blue wolf
- Made some blocks furnace fuel
- Added retract mechanic to pup crystal
- Overhauled latex block generation system
- With configs on when to cache textures
- Changed how latex GUI uses colors to render
- Added brief tutorial for ability usage
- Added summon shark ability for tiger shark
- Adjusted fall damage scaling
- Fixed TSC shield display
- Fixed infinite pup glitch from crystals
- Fixed fusion mechanism
- Fixed benign latex arm animating like they're holding an item
- Fixed ModernFix incompat
- Fixed integrated dynamics incompat
- Fixed first person mod bugs
- Fixed dark latex pup bugs
- Fixed netherite abdomen armor burning in lava
- Fixed vivecraft arms
- Fixed latex colored blocks map color
- Organized animate package
- Cleaned mods.toml
- Added update.json
- Added tag-ability to latex variants
- Moved loot table references to class LootTables
- Added register time ability to remove covered property from blocks by block id
- Retextured legacy manta ray, dark dragon, red dragon, purple fox, pink wyvern, and deer
- Added ming cat
- TF'd players can now crawl in ducts
- Interact with a vent opening to crawl in
- Movement snaps to vent blocks
- Added client config option for latexed inventory and hearts
- Optimized mixed texture handling
- They cache between launches
- In "cache" folder in the instance folder
- Adjusted latex fluid and lava behavior
- Disabled hotbar/hand/item in hand render when a variant can't use items
- Applies to benign forms
- Added dark latex pup
- Doesn't transfur
- Will grow up into a DL wolf in 3 days (72000 ticks)
- Added pup crystal block
- Fixed white latex wolf remodel
- Fixed milk pudding health
- Fixed block culling issues related to latex covered blocks
- Fixed music disc attenuation (aka being heard globally)
- Was because the music was formatted in Stereo, not Mono
- Added player mover system
- Added NONE transfur mode, and itemUseMode variant descriptor
- Added progressTransfur(LatexVariant<?> variant)
- Added latex inventory decals (like latex hearts)
- This is only for survival inventory, nothing else
- Tweaked some legacy textures (red panda, watermelon cat, organic wolf, raccoon, female manta)
- Remodeled hypno cat
- Remodeled watermelon cat
- Remodeled purple fox
- Remodeled white latex wolf
- Replaced gamerule transfur tolerance with server config
- your_world_name/serverconfig/changed-server.toml
- accessible in file explorer, or the configured mod
- this value is now how much TF damage you can take, normalized to 20 (similar to player health)
- Adjusted entity TF damage to adjust to difficulty
- Easy = 8 hits, normal = 7 hits, hard = 5 hits
- Milk pudding fall through vent hatches
- Added vent block
- Connects to vent fan, and hatch
- It is planned to be able to crawl through them
- Added TF resistance enchantment for armor
- Works like regular protection armor
- Increased exhaustion from create item abilities
- Added crash log clarification for "Rendering Overlay" crash
- Should now show more useful data rather than failed to create vanilla mob model
- Reduced post TF nausea duration
- Adjusted dark latex AI to ignore entities not moving/crouching in the dark
- Not exactly like the DL area in changed, but you can sneak around DL's in the dark now
- Reworked latex fluids
===== For latexes matching the fluid type =====
- Negates fall damage
- Can climb and stand on like its scaffolding
- Very slightly boosts vertical jump ===== Otherwise =====
- Slows and traps
- Latexes inherit nametags
- Fixed sprinting breaking when transfurred on laggy servers
- Fixed players losing their leggins and boots when TF'd into a legless form with a full inventory
- Fixed large latex crystals dropping fragments when mined with silk touch
- Fixed latex spread rates
- Fixed handedness for latexes
- Organized mixin folder
- Remodeled tiger shark, beifeng, blue wolf, and red panda
- Replaced transfur progress bar with border indicator
- Added nausea effect (and blindness if goo) just after being TF'd. NOTE: this is disabled in creative mode.
- Fixed broken infuser (oopsie daisy)
- Fixed swap hands ability
- Remodeled some entities: Gas wolf, dark latex wolf, dark latex yufeng, dark latex dragon, latex shark, light latex wolf, latex snow leopard.
- Added client config option to disable the remodel.
- Added support for the Configured mod
- Added support for the Presence Footsteps mod
- Added ability to toggle placed canisters
- Added horned crystal wolf
- Removed hair customization for legacy models
- Remodeled some hair customization for new models
- Made abdomen armor contribute to advancements
- Retextured latex pants
- Removed foil effect for latex syringes
- Added organic texture for radial menu
- Added effect where latex drip more when lower health
- Fixed broken axe.json tag
- Fixed special form animation
- Fixed missing death message for bloodloss
- Fixed hair rendering when invisible
- Fixed ability data save issue
- Fixed gas canister refilling when broken
- Fixed villagers running away from latex NPCs
- Added helper event to easily add sound maps to presence footsteps.
- Added keypad block (lock your lab doors)
- Added note block with GUI; gave clipboard GUI too
- Added latex container block (store your latex/convert from bucket to goo)
- Made latex goo edible (does what you think; bonus nutrition when eating opposite type)
- Added vent fan block
- Revamped lab door code, made some variations too
- Added TSC shield
- Added latex moth
- Removed aerosol latex fluid/bucket
- Added wolf gas canister
- Added ponytail hairstyle
- Dark latex NPCs take damage in white latex pillars
- Improved aquatic latex pathfinding AI
- Added box pile
- Replaced
(toggle -> percent; applies to dl&wl spawning) - Made CD writeable in a computer
- Added emote command (available for everyone)
- Reduced latex drip sound volume
- Added latex alien
- Added more structures
- Added microphone and speaker (actually work)
- Reduced behemoth health bar to just the head
- Made white latexes gain nutrition in white latex blocks
- Crystal items deal TF progress on melee attack
- Fixed tail pivots on shark fusions
- Fixed crash from quick equip saddle on non-taur forms
- Hopefully obliterated model bakery crash
- Fixed white latex block collision (covered stairs/carpet)
- Fixed legless entities having reduced hitbox after exiting water
- Fixed totem of undying glitch by making it always safe TF when held
- Fixed crash from getting TF'd with unbreaking armor on
- Fixed some issues with the laser emitter not working
- Fixed super sonic swim speed
- Changed to forge based registries for latex variant and abilities (saves bandwidth)
- Added framework for additional gas canister usage
- Overhauled animation system (added some taur animations)
- Animated milk pudding
- Added hair styles (Check the ability menu)
- Removed siren camera tug
- Replaced old structures (They've got random loot now)
- Removed terrablender dependency (Don't need TB anymore)
- Updated Patreon data parser for better config
- Gave behemoth a loot table
- Added Korean translations
- Fixed latex drip particles not working when on a server
- Fixed crashing from swinging TSC weapons
- Fixed losing items from absorption
- Abstracted radial menu for universal changes
- Radial menu supports >8 items