Fixed underwater breathing to actually work with chocobos. as a bug where it showed teh mob effect, but it was not applying it.
Decreased the number of mobs that spawn. No longer needs to be a high number to get the mobs to spawn.
Fixed mod compatibility issue with some of the mobs being attacked with bows and crossbows crashing the game.
Materia Ore spawning decreased to 33% of previous spawning amount.
Materia Capture Crystal made and working.
- Prevented item duplication with Chocobo Saddle Pack and Capture Crystal.
- Recipe is just combining all the HUGE materia colors in a crafting table.
Improvement on Chocobo's color correcting itself faster. The delay is to prevent lag.
Added 8 painting.
Painting added to mod and working correctly now. There are now 5.
Fixed the Bomb AI to actually attack.
Added Mini Mako Reactor. (not finished, creative only)
Changed Chocobo Textures to have males with white tips on their tail feathers
Spawning in the nether fixed for Cactuar and Bombs.
Can now eat the Ultimate Sandwich even if you are not hungry, because the food saturation is what you might want, not just the food.
Fixed so you can use a lead on the mobs and not start riding the chocobo and put the lead on.
Added a config for food items hunger amount, and saturation amount.
Found bug where config file was constantly being reset, this has been fixed. (This was so annoying)
Bombs are a light source, like moogles. There is a config for how long and how bright.
Fix for flicking collar colors. This was a setting for debugging if a mob got NBT data. not it just picks a color and goes to the correct color after NBT data is received. This is to prevent Lag on the server from transferring a lot of information all the time.
Fixed config typo involving shed item delay
Fixed Chocobos being able to breed to quickly.
Added config for breeding delay.
Made Chocobo Eggs have a better tool tip if fertilized.
Added the need to use a DNA tester on an egg in a Chocobo Nest to get the DNA of the egg.
Allowed the breeding of wild chocobos. Other mobs could already do this, as long as their taming and breeding items were different.
Fixed breeding to not use the breeding item if you were attempting to breed too early.
Fixed bug where chocobos had 2 breeding Goals(AI) and if the minecraft version was called instead of the mod's version it could cause Mods that prevent crashes to kill the chocobo parents.
Adjusted the Saturation of Nut Butter and Jellied Greens, and Ultimate Nut Butter and Jellied Greens Sandwich.
Fixed Looted gear to be more reasonable levels. was 0-50 levels, will now be 0-20 levels
Breed Items will make baby mobs grow up faster.
Fixed typo in config chocoboknights-ConfigServer.toml setting name changed from "showMessageForUpdate " to "showMessageForUpdate"
Added Config chocoboCustomNameAbilitiesAllowed to chocoboknights-ConfigServer.toml
Changed the default Armor and Armor toughness for tonberry. Just delete the chocoboknights-ConfigEntityTonberry.toml and chocoboknights-ConfigEntityTonberryKing.toml to reset to defaults to the new values
You are now repair gear/equipment with Materia at an anvil.
Added Netherite gear
Added Animation too walking of RedXIII and Carbuncle
Fixed mob loot to drop uncooked meat when killed without fire.
Fixed mob loot to drop uncooked meat when killed without fire.
Added durability to gear.
Added RedXIII: Tame: Ultimate not butter and Jellied Greens Sandwich Breed: Materia Healing: Cooked Meats (limited to this mod and vanilla minecraft)
Added Bomb: Tame: blaze rods Breed: spicy dead pepper Healing: blaze rods
Added Carbuncle: Tame: Huge Materia Breed: Materia Healing: Materia
Now with missing sound files
-- Minecraft or Forge has an issue with nether spawning, therefore Bombs can be found in the badlands, until nether spawning is figured out.