tinkers updating forced me to push out this update earlier than i would have liked
new modifier: heartstopper, prevents struck mobs from regenerating
nerfed hamhide: 15% per level -> 10% per level. 15% was far too good considering its effect
tweaks to melting recipes, infernium and cosmite have lost their byproducts while i consider replacements
infernium and etherium got new fluid effects, the others lost theirs. infernium grants haste but inflicts fire, etherium grants strength + resistance but deals magic damage
New material (no dependencies): Hamhide (Trait increases movement speed after being attacked)
1 new Enigmatic Legacy compatibility modifier: Sorrow (identical to the enchantment)
1 new Meaningful Materials compatibility material: Infernium (trait is like conducting but for mining speed)
New Chromatic Arsenal compatibility: Chromatic material (trait increases mining speed or draw speed depending on how many unique materials the tool has)