


Cobblemounts is a side-mod for Cobblemon that lets you mount Pokemon and use them to fly, swim, and travel.

Client and server

Created8 months ago
Updated2 months ago

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  • Removed walking animations to be compatible with Cobblemon 1.5 (thank you Shawn11564 for making the fix). PRs welcome for anyone who wants to add that back in.
  • Logmarithic scaling thanks to fleefie on GitHub! This also means a new config. Log scaling is the default for swimming/flying; this can be turned back off in the new config.
  • Pokemon who aren't water types can now be configured to do so in the config.
  • The speed of flying Pokemon has been adjusted to match the new movement system; on that note, the default (and recommended) value for flyingSpeedCap is now much higher, at 3.0.
  • Movement is now handled client side, fixing laggy movements and allowing for movement animations.
  • Updated to depend on Cobblemon 1.4.1.
  • Removed some debug prints that I left in
  • Fixed Pokemon with large hitboxes not being able to climb hills.
  • Realized the speedCap wasn't being applied to land movement, and fixed that.

Added a configuration file for configuring the following:

  • Whether to cap the speed (defaults to yes).
  • The speed cap. (defaults to 0.15, about 1.5x the player's speed)
  • The speed cap when flying/swimming. (defaults to 0.15, about 1.5x the player's speed)
  • The speed bonus that legendaries get. (defaults to 0.05)
  • Whether you can fly (defaults to yes)
  • Whether you can swim (defaults to yes)
  • A list that is either a blacklist/whitelist for what Pokemon you can ride, depending on what the "listUse" option is set to. (the list/list use option defaults to empty, which means that all pokemon can be mounted)
  • Fixed some rubber banding issues.
  • Fixed some lag on some servers.
  • Fixed random high jumps; removed decompiled code from Minecraft in the process.

Fixed a bug where the Pokemon couldn't be moved on the client side.

  • Made it so that it works on servers
  • Fixed a fall damage bug when jumping with a tall Pokemon.

Project members



Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID