V17.1.14 Update
1.Game balance adjustment: the recipe of player vital signs tracker has been banned from survival mode
2.Game balance adjustment: now isometric torch spectacle uses a better algorithm to determine raycast position
3.Game balance adjustment: wandering traders spawn more frequently has been banned since version 17.1.14
4.Game balance adjustment: now wandering trader tracker uses a better algorithm
5.Now isometric torch spectacle uses a new item texture and fixed wearable model
6.Now directional portal door must use crafting recipe to change dye color
7.Now flower fertilizer piece 2 uses a new item texture
8.Now directional portal door piece 3 uses a new fixed model on assembly station
9.Change a few text of advancements.comfysky.progression.classic_model.description
1.Add block cyan printed carpet
2.Add block pink printed carpet
3.Add block lime printed carpet
4.Add block yellow printed carpet
5.Add item yellow printed carpet piece 1
6.Add item yellow printed carpet piece 2
7.Add dye recipe dye_cyan_directional_portal_door.json
8.Add dye recipe dye_pink_directional_portal_door.json
9.Add dye recipe dye_lime_directional_portal_door.json
10.Add dye recipe dye_yellow_directional_portal_door.json
11.Add dye recipe dye_cyan_printed_carpet.json
12.Add dye recipe dye_pink_printed_carpet.json
13.Add dye recipe dye_lime_printed_carpet.json
14.Add dye recipe dye_yellow_printed_carpet.json
15.Add assembly recipe yellow_printed_carpet_from_assembly_station.json
1.Remove crafting recipe player_vital_signs_tracker.json
2.Remove advancement life_sciences.json
V17.1.13 Update
Update Type: Regular Update
1.Fix BUG of creative players may accidently apply additional speed on bone ladder while flying.
2.Fix BUG of dew flower accidently synchronizes last interact time when player use debug copper stick on it. This BUG leads to dew flower can not collect dews as planned.
1.Now flower seeds can be applied grow amount by using flower fertilizer.
2.Game Technical Update: Now all the flowers that flower seeding can grow can be modified in block tag comfysky:flower_seedling_can_grow.json.
3.Now you can use flower fertilizer on zoetic grass block to grow zoetic flowers just like bone meal does.
4.Now any interact with dew flowers with bottle or dew bottle will be recorded.
5.Now dew flower has new sound effect when player collecting dews.
6.Now dew flower has new particle effect when it is able to produce dews.
1.Compact with Color Me Outlines Mod
2.Add Block wither bone ladder
3.Add Block wood weather vane
4.Add Block flower composter
5.Add Block lime directional portal door
6.Add Block yellow directional portal door
7.Add Item flower fertilizers
8.Add Item flower composter piece 1
9.Add Item flower composter piece 2
10.Add Advancement flower_press
11.Add Advancement cursed_ladder
12.Add Advancement weather_forecaster
13.Add Advancement grassless
14.Add Crafting Recipe wood_weather_vane
15.Add Assembly Recipe flower_composter_from_assembly_station
V17.1.12 Update
1.Fix Bug of shoveled snow block could be flushed and destroyed by flowing water
1.Now AssemblabeTargetType.class has been moved to correct dictionary under registry folder
2.If player vital signs tracker can not find player in current world or binding player is not online, the alert mode in item tooltips will not be rendered
3.Now non-violence blocks' pathfinding AI has been set to FALSE
4.In Chinese Simplify, 非暴力 has now changed to 《非暴力》, a formal expression of an art work
5.Now players should obtain an oxidized non-violence when shovel suspicious block or open a booster pack instead of obtaining an non-violence. This change will not affect trigger item in advancement ancient_technology
6.Texture of item wandering trader tracker has been modified
7.When player holding a digging shovel on main-hand, the block outline color of shoveled sand block has changed to black correctly.
8.Game Balance Adjustment: Now shoveled mud has changed its max moisture property from 7 to 5
9.Game Balance Adjustment: Now shoveled sand block and shoveled red sand block will be reset to sand and red sand separately when they become falling block entities.
10.Game Balance Adjustment: Now shoveled sand block, shoveled red sand block and shoveled snow block can be moisten with max moisture property of 5, however they are not considered as farmland
11.Game Balance Adjustment: Players now have less chance to obtain artifact pieces through digging suspicious blocks. Now every artifact piece's loot chance has equally set to 1/32
1.Add block suspicious red sand
2.Add block suspicious sand
3.Add block suspicious snow block
4.Add block oxidized non-violence and other 7 non-violence series blocks
5.Add block pink directional portal door
6.Add block cyan directional portal door
7.Add item isometric_torch_spectacles
8.Add item night_vision_goggles
9.Add item suspicious_grass_block_booster_pack
10.Add item suspicious_red_sand_booster_pack
11.Add item suspicious_sand_booster_pack
12.Add item suspicious_mud_booster_pack
13.Add item suspicious_snow_block_booster_pack
14.Add item cyan_directional_portal_door_piece_1
15.Add item cyan_directional_portal_door_piece_2
16.Add item cyan_directional_portal_door_piece_3
17.Add item cyan_directional_portal_door_piece_4
18.Add villager profession antiquarian
19.Add advancement dont_hurt_me_i_sell_good_stuffs
20.Add advancement classic_model
21.Add advancement the_gospel_of_obsessive_compulsive_disorder
22.Add crafting recipe isometric_torch_spectacles
23.Add assembly recipe cyan_directional_portal_door_from_assembly_station
Note:1.19.4-17.1.10+fix-1 cumulative update is based on ComfySky version 17.1.10. There is no any new content added in version 17.1.10+fix-1.
v17.1.10+fix-1 Update
1.Fix unexpected crash when running on a server, #issue 2
1.remove unnecessary tooltip on block non-violence
V17.1.11 Update
1.Fix unexpected crash when running on a server, #issue 2
1.Add item player vital signs tracker
2.Add advancement life sciences
1.remove unnecessary tooltip on block non-violence
V17.1.10 Update
1.Fix incorrect item display when players were holding a wandering trader tracker
2.Fix incorrect item display when players were holding a simple bonfire
3.Fix BUG of wandering trader tracker failed to notify players when a wandering trader was spawned
1.remove unnecessary tooltip on item wandering trader tracker
2.change wandering trader tracker's item texture
3.change glass shard's item texture
4.upper the first letter of mod description text
1.add block non-violence
2.add item non-violence to suspicious grass block treasure loots
1.remove all depreciated class file under comfysky project dictionary
Note that 1.19.4-17.1.10 is the last version that supports Minecraft 1.19.4. We will still provide technic supports, but no more content will be added beyond that version. You are always free to upgrade your mod to 1.20+. Enjoy your time at Comfy Sky!
V17.1.10 Update
1.Fix incorrect item display when players were holding a wandering trader tracker
2.Fix incorrect item display when players were holding a simple bonfire
3.Fix BUG of wandering trader tracker failed to notify players when a wandering trader was spawned
1.remove unnecessary tooltip on item wandering trader tracker
2.change wandering trader tracker's item texture
3.change glass shard's item texture
4.upper the first letter of mod description text
1.add block non-violence
2.add item non-violence to suspicious grass block treasure loots
1.remove all depreciated class file under comfysky project dictionary
Halloween Special Item
Happy Halloween! A special item has added into Comfy Sky mod, which is s bone ladder . Bone ladders can make you climb faster.
1.Fix critical Bug of player's lost property data being reset after a player entity is dead
2.Techinc fix of Mixin conflict with Carpet Sky Addition mod, now trading camel feature will execute normally when Carpet Sky Addition mod is loaded
3.Fix Bug of crop blocks may not gain grow acceleration when plant on #comfysky:farmland blocks, inject a mixin in CropBlockMixin.class is not compatible with vanilla crop block
4.Fix Bug of inaccurate description in advancement (ancient_technology), which doesn't match with its trigger condition
1.Game balance adjustment: rewrite suspicious block(not vanilla suspicious block) generate algorithm, now suspicious block will generate within 8 Manhattan distance around the digging site. The possibility of spawning a suspicious block is still 1.25%.
2.Game balance adjustment: digging a red sand will not drop crushed gold ore as its loot item any more, now digging a red sand will gain same loot items as digging a sand block using a digging shovel.
3.Game balance adjustment: Digging shovel which has higher digging level than aquatic can moisten shoveled blocks.
4.Now assembly station recipe has changed to RecipeType.ASSEMBLY_STATION correctly
5.Update new mod icon
1.add block bone ladder
2.add block sapphire_blue_ancient_roman_glass_plate
3.add block rose_pink_ancient_roman_glass_plate
4.add block emerald_green_ancient_roman_glass_plate
5.add block amber_ancient_roman_glass_plate
6.add item wandering_trader_tracker
7.add item glass_shard
8.add advancement Internet of Things (iot)
9.add advancement Not Scary At All (not_scary_at_all)
10.Add 4 loot items to suspicious grass block treasure loots, they are respectively 4 ancient roman glass plates
11.add recipe bone_ladder
12.add recipe sapphire_blue_ancient_roman_glass_plate_from_assembly_station_repair
13.add recipe rose_pink_ancient_roman_glass_plate_from_assembly_station_repair
14.add recipe emerald_green_ancient_roman_glass_plate_from_assembly_station_repair
15.add recipe amber_ancient_roman_glass_plate_from_assembly_station_repair
16.add recipe glass_shard_from_fireplace
17.add recipe glass_pane_from_glass_shard_crafting
18.add recipe wandering_trader_tracker
19.assembly station recipe (repair) is now compactable with REI
V17.1.8 Update
1.Technical fix compatibility problem of AssemblableModelRegistry.class
2.Fix BUG of digging shovel item could dig block which has higher mining level than tool mining level
3.Fix BUG of digging sound effect overlay, now it only sounds once
4.Fix BUG of loot entities spawn position lower than 1 block height and had very high possibility being stuck in full blocks after digging a treasure block. Now loot entities drop position changes from 0.25 to 1.1 block height.
1.assembly recipe type now changes to ComfySkyRecipeType.ASSEMBLY correctly
2.ConwayGameOfLifeState.class now moved to correct folder path under util/emums
3.SlabTransporter.class now changes to correct class name SlabTransporterItem.class
4.Game balance adjustment: now digging shovel items' digging speed will affect process of digging shovelable blocks. Survival level's digging speed is 6.0F; Aquatic Level's digging speed is 8.0F; Engineer level's digging speed is 10.0F; Royal level's digging speed is 12.0F; Master level's digging speed is 12.0F.
5.Now zoetic flower no longer extend NoOffSetFlowerBlock.class, which means it now can offset on X & Z axis just like the other flowers.
6.Now any plant (Maximum height is 2 blocks) places on zoetic grass block will remove its X & Z axis offset automatically
7.in Chinese Simplify, "container.minecraft.barrel.more": "还有 %s 个未显示物品..." now changes to "还有%s项未显示…" correctly
8.New text is added to advancement Luminous
9.Now crushed coal can be used as fuel, and its burning time lasts 100 ticks
10.Game balance adjustment: now crushed stone can not craft cobblestone any more
1.Assembly Recipe compacts with REI mod
2.Add block simple bonfire
3.Add block traditional chinese chime bell
4.Add item pile of crushed stones
5.Add item traditional chinese chime bell piece 1
6.Add item traditional chinese chime bell piece 2
7.Add item traditional chinese chime bell piece 3
8.Add item copper nugget
9.Add advancement where_is_the_fire_comes_from
10.Add advancement sparkling_in_ashes
11.Add recipe cobblestone_from_pile_of_crushed_stones
12.Add recipe pile_of_crushed_stones
13.Add recipe simple_bonfire
14.Add recipe copper_ingot
15.Add assembly recipe traditional_chinese_chime_bell_from_assembly_station
16.Add fireplace recipe iron_ingot_from_fireplace
17.Add fireplace recipe brick_from_fireplace
18.Add fireplace recipe gold_ingot_from_fireplace
19.Add fireplace recipe copper_ingot_from_fireplace
20.Add 3 loot items to suspicious grass block treasure loots, they are respectively traditional chinese chime bell piece 1 to piece 3
1.Remove advancement hot_topic
2.Remove recipe cobblestone_from_crushed_stone