James's Config Lib

James's Config Lib


A lightweight, extendable, simple config library for forge and fabric

Client or server Library

1 follower
Created9 months ago
Updated5 months ago

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James's config mod is a lightweight config mod for easily adding extendible configs. There are two built-in "types" of configs: Registry configs and Setting configs. Registry configs are configs which can have any amount of objects, which will all be read into the config. Each non-primitive object in a registry config needs to specify its type. On the other hand, setting configs have a set amount of objects, each of which are a certain type. Because of this, setting configs do not need to specify types.

Developer Docs- Ignore if you are a user

Depending on using maven

Adding The Repository

I am using modrinth maven to host these files (too lazy to set up a proper maven repo lol). To add it, add this to your repositories block in your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = "Modrinth Maven"
        url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven"

Adding the dependency

To add the dependency, add this to the dependencies block in your build.gradle:

dependencies {

Version is the version of the lib (e.g 1.2) and loader is the loader (for fabric and quilt, this is fabric, for forge and neoforge, this is forge)

Making Your first config

To make your first config, look at the common/src/main/java/net/vakror/jamesconfig/config/example directory. this is where examples are placed. There are examples for both registry config and setting configs.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID