- Fixed an issue where the speed of the Water Walking Boots breaking blocks was inconsistent
- Fixed Treasure Bags sometimes not dropping
- Fixed an issue where items could not be stacked due to redundant components
- Fixed a crash when the Eater of Worlds killed a player
- Fixed an issue where the Eater of Worlds segments were not dropping materials
- Fixed an issue where the Eater of Worlds, the Brain of Cthulhu, summoned too far under the Shadow Orb/Crimson Heart to reach the enemy
- Fixed an issue where indestructible bows could not be enchanted
- It is forbidden to carry on mods to pick up multiple blocks and altars
- Fixed stuttering caused by dismemberment effects with xaero
- Mod chests now drop correctly
- Fixed the issue of Emerald Coins being swallowed
- Repair shoes and accessories refresh their abilities as soon as they are moved
- Fixed crafting issues with Hellforge issues
- Fixed an issue where the Mother of Slime was changing size in place
- Fixed an issue with treasure remnant scaffolding
- Fixed an issue where Queen Bee's AI Dash made it impossible to use the Stinger Launcher
- Fixed an issue where bows could be stacked
- Fixed an issue where flying fish spawned underground
- Fixed an issue where the value of the Flipper Potion was too high
- Fixed sound issues with Deepslate ore
- Replenished the list of blocks that can be burned into charcoal
- Wooden armor can be used as fuel
- Fixed crafting conflicts between other wooden sets and wooden sets
- Fixed a bug in the Bloodthirsty Axe and Hammer crafting tables
- Added a toggle between achievements and vanilla progression
- Achievement compatible progress plaque mods
- Increased the accuracy of firearm shooting
- Fixed an issue where firearms would cause crashes
- Adjusted the order of upgrading gold equipment for the forge table: red jade as the template, the original gold equipment as the base, and gold ingots as an add-on
- Gold equipment upgrades now inherit the enchantment from the original gold equipment
- Fixed a crash caused by the Magic Conch
- Fixed an issue where Inferno Potions burned falling objects
- Fixed an issue where the Healing Potion series was too high, bringing it back to its balanced stat and reducing the usage time to 4 ticks (same as Recall Potion)
- Fixed some incorrect translations
- Reduced Hellbat damage by one point
- Changed blue-violet-green slimes from daytime friendly to daytime neutral
- Greatly reduced the spawn chance of Hellstone, slightly more in the Ash biome
- Optimize the structure and improve the loading performance of the structure
- Slightly increased the spawn rate of surface chests (compensating for the amount of previously misordered figures)
- Reduced the spawn chance of Death Golden Chest
- Added the way the Lava Pickaxe can be crafted
- Replenish the crafting method of frog gear
- Changed the Fallen Star interval configuration
- Adjusted the drop range of Fallen Stars
- Hellstone Cover increases defense by 1
- Greatly reduced the spawn weights of all bats
- Reduces magma stone's drop chance by 50%.
- Gem Tree:  - Requires at Y40 to grow  - Limit the use of bone meal for ripening  - Slightly increases growth time
- You can't go on the rail while holding a block item
- The climbing area of the Climbing Claw has been changed to the part above the player's eyes
- Living Mushrooms now have a small amount of satiety and saturation
- Nerfed the AI of the Eye of Cthulhu in Normal and Expert difficulty
- Removed collision damage when King Slime teleported
- Slightly higher Demon Eye spawn weight and spawn count
- Adjusted the Banker's list of transactions so that it is not possible to farm coins at a discount, and greatly increases the number of transactions he makes
- The fall frequency of Fallen Stars has been changed to 2 minutes by default
- Boulder worlds have a chance to explode boulders only if they destroy a complete block
- Lowered the throwing knife and shuriken for 1 damage
- Attack multiplier for boss values in Terra mobs, health multiplier will default to 1
- Nimbus clouds can now make farmland moist above farmland and grow faster on top of it
- Faster refining of the Extractinator
- Added paint configuration on whether to replace grayscale maps
- Added music pack (download at extra files)
- Some textures have been updated
- Added a trash can button under the backpack that can be used to destroy items
- Added jungle hive structure
- Removed the Abomination Bee from temporary crafting using vanilla Hives
- Added Living Wood room structure
- Added Living Wood Wand and Leaf Wand
- Collaborate with the "Touhou Little Maid" to unlock some items from NPCs that can be used for coin purchases (e.g. Rocket Boots)
- Linkage with "Touhou Little Maid" to unlock the reforge entry function
- Adjustable spider model (you can toggle on Terra Entity and requires a game restart)
- You can jump while using hook