-Ecliptrid Mob Added (7 Variants based on Planet, Moon, Satellite etc.)
-Moon Brick Set added + Chiseled Block
-Marsian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block
-Venusian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block
-Mercurian Brick Set added + Chiseled Block
-Astro-Furnace added. Fastest Furnace and better than the vAniLla one.
-Ecliptrid Flesh added (Eatable)
-Titanian Lumiovite Ore added
-Lumiovite Lamp added
-Lumiovite Silica Crystal added
-Copper and Asteron Circuits added (Used in Machine and Augment making)
-Alien Hut Structures added
-3 Moon Ecliptrid Huts added
-3 Marsian Ecliptrid Huts added
-3 Venusian Ecliptrid Huts added
-3 Mercurian Ecliptrid Huts added
-Fixed Achievements bug
-Stelliron Natural Alloy Ore added.
-Asteroids are reworked to have more ores and have Stelliron and Raw Iron Blocks inside
-Many Achievements added.
-Augments and Astro-Augmentor machine added.
-Sulfuric Clouds, Sulfur Dust and Sulfur Lamps added. (Venusian Additions)
-Photocite Ore and Dust added. Used in the Astro-Augmentor and Augmentors Sector (Mercurian Ore)
-2 New Effects Radiated and Toxin Exposure more abt them in description.
-2 Brand new tool sets (Stelliron and Voidsteel)
-Astro-Door and Astro-Ladder added
-You can now Dash with Space Boots (C keybind (changeable))
-You can hover with a Space Chestplate if it has a Jetpack Augment (R keybind (changeable))
-Most Asteron using Recipes now use Stelliron
-Radiation on Planets added
-Radioactive Ores (Plu,Ura and Photocite)
-Radiation Augment (can be applied to every Space Suit if current Rad Res is below 3)
-Space Helmets now display more info about Jetpack Fuel and Radiation Resistance and Radiation Level in current Environment.
-Tier 1 Space Suits now use Stelliron instead of Asteron
-Added Titan (Moon) -Added Titan Info Page in Infinity Opus -Added more Achievements -Added new Cryofish mob -Added Aqua Tank -Oxygen Machines no longer use water below, but instead use Aqua Tanks -You can now add Items in the Oxygen Generator more info in description. -Launch button added in Rocket GUI -Space Suits now prevent drowning -Space Helmets now deliver more information (Current Location and Selected Destination for when in Rocket)