--------------{%#- 1.0.0 -#%}--------------
(First part of 1.0.0 update)
1. Clothing:
- Black Bandana
2. 3D model for needle item and projectile.
3. Knife is now throwable.
4. If player is hit(melee) with arrow, the arrow will stuck in them.
5. Fur Coats remodeled, now being fluffy( "render possibilities" (C) ).
6. Right click with arrow launches it as projectile(As of my sight, no one did that before).
7. Russian Localization.
- Rename: Bloodloss -> Hemorrhage.
- On knife hit, hemorrhage damage, arrow damage - 2 types of blood particles was added.
- Fixes to mob with knife spawning procedure.
- Some retextures.
- Various fixes(item count, projectile properties, textures)).
- Some new entities can spawn with knife with default(configurable) chances:
- Zombie - 25%
- Skeleton - 30%
- Wither Skeleton - 15%
- Husk - 15%
- Vindicator - 30%(that'll be kinda painful)
- Pillager - 25%
- Zombified Piglin - 15%
- Piglin - 20%
- Piglin Brute - 25%
- Zombie Villager - 15%
- One secret mob - 20%(hint: lives in taiga biome).
--------------{- 0.9.7 -}--------------
- Divided effects getting on stuck stings/needles amount(config).
- Bloodloss giving nausea in middle of effect, darkness effect in end(configurable duration).
- Zombies can spawn with knife at 20% chance(changeable).
- Knife increased attack speed: 2.6 -> 3.
Just fixes, because parallel working on 1.0.0, and not even having that much free time.
--------------{#- 0.9.5 -#}--------------
- Knife inflicts bloodloss effect on hit.
- Bloodloss effect(damaging every 5s for 1min).
- A configuration file(will be updated with new content over time).
- Some retextures.
- Buffed sewing needle craft. Giving now 8 items.
- Sewing needle is now throwable. (On 8 stuck needles gives bloodloss)
- Some item renames.
This version is survival-friendly, so use it instead of 0.9.0
- Fixes(stack count, crafts, (item icon)textures).
- Some fixes to the model of cat ears.
- Added leather cutting knife.
- Lightweighted a texture.
Update has been delayed because of other things in priority