6.1.2 (Current)
- Fixed Fortune Plus not adding to tools properly
- Fixed Luck of the Sea Plus not adding to fishing rods
- Fixed books not activating properly when facing air
- Removed "Depth Strider Plus" enchant as any levels above 3 are no different
- Changed "Quick Charge Plus" level to 5, due to there being no difference between levels 5 and 6
- Changed stack limit for all craftable books to 1
- Fixed "Blast Protection Plus" book not giving blast protection VIII
- Fixed "Piercing Plus" enchantment showing up as blast protection
- Fixed "Efficiency Plus" enchantment showing up as combat instead of tool
- Fixed Some plus enchantments not working properly on items
Updated mod to 1.18.2
Fixed display names of some plus enchantments
5.1.2 (Current)
- Fixed Fortune Plus not adding to tools properly
- Fixed Luck of the Sea Plus not adding to fishing rods
- Fixed books not activating properly when facing air
Removed "Depth Strider Plus" enchant as any levels above 3 are no different
Changed "Quick Charge Plus" level to 5, due to there being no difference between levels 5 and 6
Changed stack limit for all craftable books to 1
Fixed "Blast Protection Plus" book not giving blast protection VIII
Fixed "Piercing Plus" enchantment showing up as blast protection
Fixed "Efficiency Plus" enchantment showing up as combat instead of tool
Fixed Some plus enchantments not working properly on items
- Fixed "Luck of the Sea Plus" enchantment book broken description
- Updated mod to 1.17
4.4.2 (Current)
- Fixed Fortune Plus not adding to tools correctly
- Fixed Luck of the Sea Plus not adding to fishing rods correctly
- Fixed books not activating properly when facing air
Removed "Depth Strider Plus" enchant as any levels above 3 are no different
Changed "Quick Charge Plus" level to 5, due to there being no difference between levels 5 and 6
Changed stack limit for all craftable books to 1
Fixed "Blast Protection Plus" book not giving blast protection VIII
Fixed "Piercing Plus" enchantment showing up as blast protection
Fixed "Efficiency Plus" enchantment showing up as combat instead of tool
Fixed Some plus enchantments not working properly on items
Fixed display names of some plus enchantments
- Fixed issues on multiple enchants where shift + right-clicking enchants didn't work
Added "Sweeping Edge" Plus enchantment book
Added "Thorns" Plus enchantment book
Added "Unbreaking" Plus enchantment book
Added "Luck of the Sea" Plus enchantment book
Added "Loyalty" Plus enchantment book
Added "Imapling" Plus enchantment book
Added "Riptide" Plus enchantment book
Added "Quick Charge" Plus enchantment book
Added "Piercing" Plus enchantment book
Added "Soul Speed" Plus enchantment book
Added "Knockback" Plus enchantment book
Added "Looting" Plus enchantment book
Added "Lure" Plus enchantment book
Added "Power" Plus enchantment book
Added "Projectile Protection" Plus enchantment book
Added "Protection" Plus enchantment book
Added "Punch" Plus enchantment book
Added "Respiration" Plus enchantment book
Added "Sharpness" Plus enchantment book
Added "Smite" Plus enchantment book
Fixed Feather Falling plus enchantment capped at 6
Fixed Plus enchantments showing up in enchantment table
Fixed Plus enchnatment level being too high
Changed "Click to activate" to require sneaking to avoid accidental book clicks
Added "Fire Aspect" Plus enchantment book
Added "Fire Protection" Plus enchantment book
Added "Fortune" Plus enchantment book
Added "Frost Walker" Plus enchantment book
Added Plus Enchants for Blast Protection
Added Plus Enchants for Depth Strider
Added Plus Enchants for Efficiency
Added Plus Enchants for Feather Falling
Introduced New 'Plus Enchants', allowing you to be able to craft enchants double their normal tier (e.g Efficiency X or Unbreaking VI)
To craft these, place the crafted book into a smithing table with netherite.
Added Bane of Arthropods Plus enchant
- Changed all craftable enchantment books to follow regular enchant structure
Added JEI support
Fixed Feather Falling recipe
- Updated mod description page
Updated to be compatible with 1.16.5
Added "Soul Speed" enchantment