[1.0.1] - 2024-05-06
- Added support for CreatureChat API (switch URL when a CreatureChat key is detected)
- Upgrade to Fabric Loader:
, Fabric API:0.97.0+1.20.4
, Fabric Loom:1.6.5
, Gradle:8.6
- New TERMS and PRIVACY documents (terms of service and privacy policy for CreatureChat)
- Improved error messages onscreen (Invalid API Key, No tokens remaining, etc...), for improved troubleshooting
- Improved privacy by not outputting API keys in logs or onscreen
- Updated README.md with improved instructions and info
[1.0.0] - 2024-05-01
- First release of CreatureChat
- Dynamic Dialogues: Enables chat interaction with unique Minecraft creatures.
- AI-Generated Chats: Uses LLM for dynamic conversations.
- Custom Behaviors: Creatures can follow, flee, or attack.
- Reactions: Automatic reactions to damage or item reception.
- Friendship Status: Tracks relationships on a scale from friend to foe.
- Auto Name Tag: All characters receive unique name tags (when interacted with).
- Custom UI Artwork: Includes hand-drawn entity icons and chat bubbles.
- Multi-Player Interaction: Syncs conversations across server and players.
- Personalized Memory: Creatures recall past interactions.
- Model Support: Supports various GPT versions and open-source LLM models.
- Commands: Easily set your API key, model, and url to connect your LLM.
- Language Support: Supports all Minecraft-supported languages.
- Auto Save: Chat data is automatically saved periodically.