Ported to 1.21.1 and fixed below.
Minecraft 1.20.5 bug found in all versions after this of Cross Stitch Colours, fixed below.
Bug Fix:
- Minecraft as for some reason become cap sencative on the count when requesting the count of items so this broke the mod, this also makes no scene as Item within that same string still needs to I rather then i, so catching this was confusing. Item count now returns the amout you pay for.
This update includes a few updates in one, each single 0.0.0.x update at the moment is 10 new slabs per so,, would mean 30 new slabs was added so colour up to 371 or /csc buy 371#slab 64
I have also updated the /csc help command to start the basic help section, just said coming soon or even soon but the new version does have some basic information.
/csc version also states the right version right now.
This was all built on 1.19.2 first.
Added a command /csc buy {DMC Colour Code} {Amount} EG: /csc buy 310 1 while holding iron nuggets in your off hand, this is to fix the server bug with the input box in the GUI
Beta tab as been added but this is because this is apart of the update, these are not official items and subject to change, don't use them for any official builds.