Actually fixed duck tape restraining mining :)
+ 1.3.2's changes:
- Convert Key and Lock system to Id-based system where each lock is assigned a unique ID.
- Added the cell bars gap to the creative menu.
- Added the Bunk to the creative menu.
- Fixed an issue preventing restraints from being able to be taken off with their key.
- Fixed an issue where if a padlock's block was broken while the padlock was locked the padlock would continue to sit mid air, becoming unbreakable.
- Fixed an issue causing player to be not able to break out of arm restraints.
- Fixed an issue with the back of the skeleton poster.
- Fixed an issue where all restraints don't break, they just remain at 0 durability.
- Fixed an issue when a player who is being frisked leaves the frisker can still take items from their old inventory.
- Duck tape when applied to a player's head no longer restrains item use and mining.
- Duck tape can now be broken out of when on a player's arms or legs.
- Key Rings now retain the name of the keys added to them.
- Fixed Escorting, you can now force players to ride any entity.
- Chain doesn't drop when a player dies while anchored.
- Fixed the recipe conflict with the knife and sheers.
- Retextured some items to better match the style of cuffed.
- Convert Restraints class to allow for restraints to manage themselves without it, so that Addons may add new restraints.
- Completely removed the Information Booklet.
- Remove Legcuffs and Leg Shackles, handcuffs and shackles can now be applied to players' legs the same as duck tape.
- Removed compat for Player Revive.
- Added a config option to disable breaking out of the pillory.
- Fixed an issue where when a player died in guillotine with Player Revive installed, they wouldn't actually die.
- Forks, Knives, Spoons, and the Tray has been added to the Creative Tab
- Box of Possessions lore being wrong
- The /cuffed command now works in command blocks and function files
- Added a config option to disable breaking out of the pillory.
- Fixed an issue where when a player died in guillotine with Player Revive installed, they wouldn't actually die.
- Forks, Knives, Spoons, and the Tray has been added to the Creative Tab
- Box of Possessions lore being wrong
- The /cuffed command now works in command blocks and function files
This version has a lot of changes, see them all on the wiki: Additions
- Completely reworked handcuffs, now referred to as restraints:
- Added Two types of Restraints for hands and legs, leg restraints prevent movement while arm restraints prevent interacting and breaking blocks
- Added mutliple types of Restraints for both hands and legs, each perform differently
- Added multiple Restraint Enchantments including: Unbreaking, Curse of Binding, Imbue, Famine, Shroud, Exhaust, Silence, and Bouyant
- Added the ability to Escort restrained players, allowing captors to force them to ride entities
- Reworked break-out mechanic, all restraints have a set durability and spamming the movement keys (for leg restraints) or the interact/attack keys (for arm restraints) will slowly wear them down
- Added proper models and animations for all restraints
- Players no longer have to be restrained to be chained.
- Added Shackles
- Added Legcuffs
- Added Leg Shackles
- Added Shackles Key
- Added Raw and Baked Key Molds, which can be used to copy keys
- Added the ability to chain any* passive entity. (* this can be edited using a datapack, see the WIKI)
- Added Smooth Reinforced Stone
- Added Reinforced Lamps
- Added Guillotine, which can be placed on top of pillories to execute players and gather their heads
- Added Safe, a lockable unbrekable container
- Completely reworked Possessions Box, now it opens the other player's inventory and items can be picked out and put into the box
- Added block tag for Reinforced Blocks to allow any any block to reinforced through datapacks
- Players can now be detained in pillories without being restrained
- Compltely revamped Lockpicking skillcheck to be more involved
- Added seperate config options for lockpicking each lockpickable block and entity
- Cell Doors can now be lockpicked
- Nicknames (applied by prisoner tag) now persist on death and logout (configurable in config)
- Added "A Warden's Guide" an encyclopedia of all of Cuffed's features
- Added Statistics for each type of restraint (breaking out, time restrainted, times restrained)
- Renamed /handcuffs command to /cuffed
- Removed Soft-cuffing
- Fixed players in pillory remaining in the pillory state after pillory has been destroyed
- Added compatability for Better Combat, Epic Fight, Parcool, Ars Nouveau, and Iron's Spells n' Spellbooks
- Slight changes to the textures of Reinforced Bars, Cell Door, Padlocks, and all Reinforced Stone(s)
- Adjusted the hardness of all reinforced blocks to better represent the strength of reinforced blocks
- Padlocks now secure both halves of double chests
- Fixed an issue where players couldn't target entities if there was a reinforced block on the other side of that entity
- Restrained Players can no longer swim
- Keys added and taken from a key ring now keep their bindings
- Added config options to disable anchoring entities to Fences, Tripwire Hooks, and Weighted Anchors
- Prisoner Tags now function correctly in all circumstances
- Breaking out of restraints destroys item config option now functions properly
- Added Pillory block, a new restraint that handcuffed players can be detained in.
- Added Reinforced Bars, a variant of iron bars that acts like the reinforced stone blocks.
- Added Captive Tag, a type of nametag that can be applied to players, changing their display name.
- Added the ability to break out of handcuff by spamming left and right movement keys, can be disabled in config.
- Added config options for enabling/disabling the interruption phase while getting handcuffed
- Added statistics for the following:
- Times Handcuffed
- Players Handcuffed
- Time Spent Handcuffed
- Handcuffs Broken Out Of
- Handcuffs Interrupted
- Time Spent Lockpicking
- Lockpicks Broken
- Successful Lockpicks
- Added handcuffed animations, and variants for the various states of being handcuffed (IE: soft-cuffed, detained, anchored).
- Reworked Config Schema, configs are now .json files and are more reliable. (!) All old configs will not apply to this version and above, and must be re-configured.
- Reworked Command Syntax, cleaned and fixed up /handcuff (and changed it to /handcuffs) to make it more reliable and user-freindly.
- Handcuffed players no longer break out of their handcuffs when disconnecting.
- Anchored players remain anchored when disconnecting.
- Handcuffed players can no longer scroll in their hotbar with the number keys.
- Fixed progress freezing after disconnecting while getting handcuffed.
- Fixed being able to duplicate handcuffs by killing someone as they are getting handcuffed.
- Chained players now take progressive damage immedietely when getting hanged while anchored.
- Handcuffed players can now be targetted by mobs.
- Make padlock hitbox shorter for easier access to locked blocks.
- Fix Cell Doors dropping 2 Cell Door items instead of 1.
- Padlocks now drop a padlock item when breaking with no block under it.
- Rearranged creative menu for better usability.
- Removed chain neck overlay when anchored, there is animation to replace this.
- Fixed lang file not including UI text and command responses.
- Removed many unneccessary log spamming, mostly left-over from debugging.