- EOTS drop aercloud on death
- Improved Brass Dungeon Reward loot table
- Added ability to color floaty scarf
- Added ability to remove color from floaty scarf with a water cauldron
- Added recipe for combiner
- Fixed Floaty scarf rendering on armor stands
- Fixed trapped block not appearing in Brass Dungeon
- Fixed Flawless boss drop tooltip only appearing in creative mode
- Fixed Poison interactions with lava
- Fixed sync issues with Floaty scarf in multiplayer
- Fixed Venomite Bubble loot table
- Fixed Crash when approaching luminescent forest
- Fixed Nimbus slab loot table
- Fixed Fishing Modifier loot table
- Fixed Slider Eye functionality in multiplayer
- Fixed rare random game crash
- Updated Luminescent Forest's textures
- Fixed multiplayer crash with combiner
- Fixed Brass Dungeon only tearing down partially after boss-fight
- Fixed incorrect max stack sizes
- Fixed EOTS flawless boss drop functionality
- Fixed light emission from Light Nimbus blocks
- Fixed EOTS being moveable with fishing rods
- Fixed EOTS model render
- Added missing blocks from "mineable/pickaxe" tag
- Added "slider_slam_blacklist" tag
- Updated Textures
- Fixed Poison Interactions with water and lava
- Updated Deep Aether Additional Assets optional pack
- Added Deep Aether label to advancements
- Fixed issues with Deep Aether's loot modifiers
- Fixed rendering issues with Aerwhale Saddle
- Fixed Poison Bucket behaviour
- Nerfed Poison and Virulent Quicksand damage
- Yagroot Roots is affected by double drop property
- Sunroot Hangers can be used in a Composter
- Fixed log spam when approaching a Yagroot Swamp
- Fixed Poison Conversion not working in multiplayer
- Fixed Aerglow Blossom not dropping from Flowering Roseroot Leaves
Winds & Storms Part I
- Added new Cloud biome and Brass Dungeon;
- New Boss: the Eye Of The Storm;
- New Tracks and Music Discs from Aethuys and Quizzly_;
- Aerglow Fish now spawns naturally;
- Added Moa Fodder, a new way to temporarily boost your Moa's maximum jump amount, jump height or fire resistance;
- Lots of new Dungeon loot to obtain;
- Venomites now drop a Bio Crystal, used to craft the Antidote to help with Inebriation;
- Added the Combiner, a new block to craft the new items.
For more info check past changelogs and our GitHub page.
Eye of the storm balance changes:
- Increased the amount of segments from 15 to 22
- Decreased the segment's maximum Health from 15 to 10
- Increased the damage dealt of segments from 7.5 to 9
- Increased the maximum turning speed of segments from 4 degrees to 10 degrees, this should allow the segments to attack faster.
- Slightly Increased the frequency of attacks
- Greatly increased the frequency of attacks when only one segment chain is present
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug where the boss arena wouldn't open properly after resetting a boss fight
Deep Aether 1.1 for 1.21.1
Ported to 1.21.1
- Added music disc song atta by Aethyus, found in bronze dungeons
- Added music disc song faent by Aethyus, found in silver dungeons
- Added music disc song himininn by Aethyus, found in gold dungeons
- Added music disc song Cyclone by Quizzly, found in brass dungeons
- Added Baby Zephyr Spawn egg
- Added Moa Fodder, a new way to temporarily boost your Moa's maximum jump amount, jump height or fire resistance.
- Added Bio Crystal, a new ingredient, obtained from Venomite Bubbles
- Added Frozen Goldenleaf Berries, a new ingredient used to craft Moa Fodder
- Added Antidote, a new ingredient used to cure Inebriation or craft Moa Fodder
- Added Enchanted Antidote, used to cure Inebriation for a longer amount of time
- Added Brass Dungeon Key
- Added Storm Bow, a new Bow that shoots whirlwinds
- Added Storm Sword, a new Sword that deals extra knockback
- Added Blade of Luck, a new Sword that deals a random amount of damage
- Added Stormforge Helmet
- Added Stormforge Chestplate
- Added Stormforge Leggings
- Added Stormforge Boots
- Added Stormforge Gloves, a new Armor set that significantly reduced knockback, and deals knockback to the attacker too
- Added Aercloud Necklace, a new Pendant that grant immunity to Aercloud and Powdered Snow blocks.
- Added Cloud Cape, a new Cape that allows the wearer to double jump
- Added Wind Shield, a new Shield Accessory that can withstand one instance of damage, before needing to recharge for a minute
- Added Floaty Scarf, a new flawless pendant that spawns a cute companion that fights for you.
- Added Gloves Block Reach enchantment, a new enchantment for Gloves that allows the wearer to place block further from the player.
- Added Option for a Skyjade Armor rework
- Added Nimbus Stone, a new dungeon block
- Added Nimbus Stairs
- Added Nimbus Slab
- Added Nimbus Wall
- Added Trapped Nimbus Stone
- Added Locked Nimbus Stone
- Added Light Nimbus Stone
- Added Trapped Light Nimbus Stone
- Added Locked Light Nimbus Stone
- Added Boss Doorway Nimbus Stone
- Added Boss Doorway Light Nimbus Stone
- Added Treasure Doorway Nimbus Stone
- Added Treasure Doorway Light Nimbus Stone
- Added Trapped Skyroot Planks
- Added Nimbus Pillar
- Added Trapped Nimbus Pillar
- Added Locked Nimbus Pillar
- Added Light Nimbus Pillar
- Added Trapped Light Nimbus Pillar
- Added Locked Light Nimbus Pillar
- Added Boss Doorway Nimbus Pillar
- Added Boss Doorway Light Nimbus Pillar
- Added Treasure Doorway Nimbus Pillar
- Added Treasure Doorway Light Nimbus Pillar
- Added Combiner, a new crafting station used to create Moa Fodder
- Added Luminescent Spores, a new block that can be placed on the ground, or on Tall Grass or Vines
- Added Baby Zephyr, a new Dungeon Enemy
- Added The eye of the storm a new boss that spawns in the brass Dungeon
- Added Wind Crystal projectile
- Added Storm Arrow projectile
- Added Venomite Bubble
World Generation
- Added Luminescent Skyroot Forest. A new biome that Always spawns below the new Cloud biome. This biome consists of Skyroot Trees and Luminescent Spores
- Added Cloud biome. A new Biome that spawns high up in the sky and consists of a Cloud layer. You'll find the new Brass Dungeon here.
- Added Brass Dungeon, a new Dungeon with new loot Items and a boss.
- Buffed Afterburner
- Updated Texture for Skyjade, Skyjade Armor and tool set, Stratus Ingot, Stratus Tools and Golden Heights Blocks
- Turned Golden Flower into a double plant block
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Aerwhale Saddle not dropping after killing a saddled Aerwhale
- Fixed Aerwhale saddle renderer
- Added missing tags and lang entries
- Fixed incorrect Chest Boat recipes
- Fixed Stratus Sword lang entry
- Fixed Stratus Armor not respecting the "require gloves set abilities" config
- Fixed infinite gravitite duplication bug when Aether Redux is present
- Fixed Poison interactions between Water and Lava
- And more! (I don't remember)
- Added config for stratus dash cooldown
- Fixed a yagroot vine related crash when placed on half blocks
- Added compatibility with Aether Emissivity
- Added some missing language entries
- Improved quail animations
- Added compatibility with Protect your Moa
- Fixed flawless boss drops not dropping in single player
- Added huge lightcap mushroom trees
- Fixed issue with equipment using wrong sub titles
- Golden Swet Balls now makes sound when used
- Golden Swet Balls are no longer consumed in creative mode
- Made Golden Swet Ball recipes serialized
- Fixed issue with Poison block placement from Skyroot Poison Bucket
- Made Sunroot Hangers compostable
- Updated Aether Redux and Ancient Aether compatibility
- Nerfed damaged taken from Virulent Quicksand
- Yagroot Roots can now be waterlogged
- Fixed client side crash when equipping an aerwhale saddle while legacy models are enabled
- Fixed Stratus Gloves still being needed to enable the Stratus Armor set bonus even if "Require gloves for set abilities" config is set to false
- And more
Deep Aether now requires at least Aether 1.2.0
- Flawless Drops system rework through new BossFight event
- Now Shield Blocks do not count as being hit for flawless drop.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Saplings not dropping on 1.19.2
- Aether Coarse Dirt didn't have a crafting recipe
- Aether Moss Carpet recipe fixed
- Spooky Skies Flowers now compostable
- Aerwhale Textures fixed
- Wood Logs tags fixed
- Pack version now up to date
- Fixed some Creative Tab ordering issues in 1.20.1
- Radiant Orchid now crafts Purple Dye instead of the white one
- Poison lang fixed.