Dimensional Inventory

Dimensional Inventory


📃About Dimensional Inventory is a forge mod that allows players and Modpack makers to create Inventory Groups based on Dimensions.

Server AdventureEquipmentGame MechanicsManagementStorageUtility

Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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📃About Dimensional Inventory is a forge mod that allows players and Modpack makers to create Inventory Groups based on Dimensions.

Accessing Configuration File:

  • After creating your game world, navigate to the path ".\saves\WorldName\serverconfig\dimensional-inventory.toml" to edit the configuration. Alternatively, you can use a configured mod to achieve the same.

Editing Dimension Groups:

  • Within the configuration file, you'll encounter a section titled "Dimensioned Inventory configuration." In this section, there is an array named "Dimension Group" that defines the grouping of dimensions.

Dimension Grouping:

  • The configuration for dimension groups is set up as follows:

["Dimensioned Inventory configuration"]

"Dimension Group" = "minecraft:overworld=0, minecraft:the_nether=0, minecraft:the_end=1"

  • The "=0" or "=1" sufix after each dimension ID represents the group number to which the dimension belongs.
  • Dimensions listed with the same group number are part of the same group and share the same inventory.

Inventory Behavior:

  • If a player switches between dimensions within the same group (e.g., from "minecraft:overworld=0" to "minecraft:the_nether=0"), their inventory (including Inventory Slots, Armor Slots, and OffHand) will remain the same.
  • If a player dies in a dimension belonging to group 0, their inventory will be lost in all dimensions within group 0.
  • Changing from one group to another (e.g., from "minecraft:overworld=0" group to "minecraft:the_end=1" group) will cause the player's inventory to switch along with them.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID