Dispenser Configurator

Dispenser Configurator


Configure the vanilla Dispenser to work with any item's use (right-click) functionality.

Server TechnologyUtility

Created3 years ago
Updated10 days ago

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This mod is for the Fabric mod loader and Minecraft Versions

Also works on Quilt!

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Requires Fabric API

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Mod loader Fabric Mod loader Fabric

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Dispenser Configurator is a server-side mod. It works in singleplayer, and clients connecting to servers with it don't need the mod.

This mod lets you configure the vanilla Dispenser to work with any item's use (right-click) functionality.

Configuration is done via a new data type loaded through datapacks: "dispenser_configurator".

In a "dispenser_configurator", you can define a list of items and item tags you wish to have functionality in Dispensers. Minecraft has several ways of handling item usage (5), so a "dispenser_configurator" can also have a "target" list that defines how it should use its items.

The mod includes a "Default Dispenser Configurators" datapack that contains several configurators I've tested and that I think fit well into vanilla+ Minecraft, they're listed here. You can disable the datapack using the normal /datapack disable command.

More information about how to create a "dispenser_configurator" is available on the wiki.

The builtin "Default Dispenser Configurators" datapack also serves as a good example datapack.

Known issues:

  • "ITEM_USE" doesn't behave desirably for all items in all situations.

This mod is only for Fabric (works on Quilt, too!) and I won't be porting it to Forge. The license is MIT, however, so anyone else is free to port it.

I'd appreciate links back to this page if you port or otherwise modify this project, but links aren't required.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID