


Something in-between a vacuum hopper and a hopper duct

Client and server Technology

Created4 years ago
Updated4 years ago

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Depends on [Fabric API] and [Fabric Language Scala]



The Displacer (displacer:displacer) is a block and redstone component that can suck items out of the world in a 3x3 region (like a vacuum hopper) and push to inventories up to 3 blocks behind it (like a hopper duct, but with additional range). It cannot extract from inventories, unlike a hopper. It has a single inventory slot, but no GUI (since a GUI isn't really necessary here).

  • Suck rate: up to a stack every 40 ticks
  • Push rate: up to 1 item every tick (8x hopper speed)
  • Inventory size: 1 stack


(LOW => redstone signal strength = 0)

(HIGH => redstone signal strength > 0)

  • When it has a LOW signal:
    • It will do absolutely nothing.
  • When it has a HIGH signal, but was LOW the previous game tick:
    • It will attempt to suck items out of the world. It will not push in this tick. Items closer to the Displacer have higher priority. If it succeeds (ie it picks up at least one item), it will start a 2 second (40 ticks) cooldown, during which it will be able to push as usual but will not be able to suck any more items. (This is to discourage laggy setups).
  • When it has a HIGH signal, and was HIGH the previous game tick:
    • It will attempt to push to inventories behind it. It will push 1 item every tick. Closer inventories have higher priority and it ignores anything else in the way. If it finds an inventory in the first two blocks but it refuses to accept an item, the Displacer will try to look behind it for another inventory in the same tick. It will not interact with entities like minecarts even if they have an inventory.

The Displacer provides a comparator output as you would expect. You will probably need to slow down its transport until you get the comparator signal since otherwise it will be too fast for the comparator to catch.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID