DragNSounds API

DragNSounds API


A simple API to upload custom sounds or music to the server and let them play in realtime to any player at any position without the need for a resourcepack.

Client and server DecorationGame MechanicsLibraryManagementSocialUtility

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Created11 days ago
Updated6 days ago

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DragNSounds is a simple Minecraft library mod that makes it possible to provide custom sounds on the server side and allow every player to hear them anywhere without resource packs. The API uses Minecraft's native sound engine and allows you to upload your own sounds to the server, as well as manage the uploaded files and manipulate sounds during playback with new features.

Once added to your own project, the API can be used very easily through a few simple methods. The library can also be used as a standalone mod using the built-in commands, although the options are very limited then.

👉 Getting started as a dev

🐲 Why "DragNSounds"?

Well, firstly it fits to the name of my other library DragonLib (which this mod is based on), but also because using this API should be as easy as dragging and dropping it into your project or the user's mods folder. And of course ... dragons! 🐉

✅ Support

For Support and discussions please join the Discord server.

📚 Dependencies

This mod is based on Architectury API and DragonLib 2 (which includes Architectury) and uses JAVE2 for audio management.

🗣️ Supported languages

By default DragNSounds only supports English and German, but you can add translations for other languages in your mod's language file by adding the translation keys of this library.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID