Elemental Tools

Elemental Tools


Adds Fire, Water, Earth and Air tools to the game!

Client and server Equipment

1 follower
Createda year ago
Updateda year ago

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Elemental Tools

I will probably Port it to other versions If you want me to port it to a specific version leave a comment!

It adds five new Tool Types with special Abilities!

- Fire Tools -

The Fire Tools can smelt drops from blocks automatically.  They can be crafted using Sticks, Quartz and Blaze Powder.

The Fire Tools can break all blocks a Diamond Pickaxe can break and when you hit Mobs or other Players they will be lit on fire.

- Water Tools -

The Water Tools will multiply Block drops by 2 when touching water. It will also give you Water Breathing while you're underwater. You can craft the Tools using a Heart of the Sea, Sticks and Nautilus Shells.

- Earth Tools -

The Earth Tools will instantly mine all dirt, grass and stone with ease + they also have a lot of durability You can craft the Tools using a Diamond, Sticks and Coarse dirt (because I was out of Ideas).

- Air Tools -

The Air Tools give you levitation and slow falling when you mine a block. It'll also give other mobs levitation when you hit them, just without the slow falling. They can be crafted using Sticks, Phantom Membrane, and Feathers.

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Technical information

Client side
Server side
Project ID